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1st slide: CYBERSECURITY presented by: (Names)

2nd slide: What is Cybersecurity? (Lagyan mo din pic)

Cyber Security is a practice of safeguarding the network, servers, client systems and applications from
digital attacks from across the world.

Cyber Security as an issue has gained significance due to the increase in number of devices connected to
the internet. The cyber attacks when successfully pulled off, can lead to an access, change, or destroy in
the sensitive data. This may include money extortion. Thus, it is important to protect all the IT devices
from threats of cyberspace and the term is called cyber security.

3rd-5th slide: Types of Hackers (ikaw na mglagay ng pics bawat types)

Black Hat - A black-hat hacker is an individual who attempts to gain unauthorized entry into a system or
network to exploit them for malicious reasons. The black-hat hacker does not have any permission or
authority to compromise their targets. They try to inflict damage by compromising security systems,
altering functions of websites and networks, or shutting down systems. They often do so to steal or gain
access to passwords, financial information, and other personal data.

White Hat - White-hat hackers, on the other hand, are deemed to be the good guys, working with
organizations to strengthen the security of a system. A white hat has permission to engage the targets
and to compromise them within the prescribed rules of engagement. White-hat hackers are often
referred to as ethical hackers.

White-hat hackers always disclose every vulnerability they find in the company’s security system so that
it can be fixed before they are being exploited by malicious actors.

Some Fortune 50 companies like Facebook, Microsoft, and Google also use white-hat hackers.

Grey Hat - Grey hats exploit networks and computer systems in the way that black hats do, but do so
without any malicious intent, disclosing all loopholes and vulnerabilities to law enforcement agencies or
intelligence agencies.

Usually, grey-hat hackers surf the net and hack into computer systems to notify the administrator or the
owner that their system/network contains one or more vulnerabilities that must be fixed immediately.
Grey hats may also extort the hacked, offering to correct the defect for a nominal fee.

6th-10th slide: Types of Attacks (ikaw na din mglagay ng mga pics)

Phishing attack is the combination of technical trickery and social engineering in which an attacker
sends in an email which imitates as being sent from a trusted source.

The phishing attack is done for the purpose of gaining personal information of an individual or
persuading them for certain activity. The email might contain the website link which might take input
from the user.

Vishing attack is another form of phishing attack in which the attacker makes a phone contact to the
customer to get their personal details by claiming themselves to be a genuine user. Most often, these
attackers claim themselves to be bank insurance officers for getting the bank details of the user.

The assailant utilizes bogus strategies so as to deceive the client for giving his fundamental information
to the unauthentic entities. In this kind of phishing assault, the attacker attempts to deceive their clients
through SMS messages and fake voice calls.

Denial-of-service (DoS) attack basically intends to shut down the servers or keep them too busy so that
they cannot serve to the requests of its users. In this type of attack, an attacker uses a greater number of
machines which continuously flood the server with requests. Its purpose is to make the user too busy to
serve these fake requests, that it does not get time to serve the legitimate requests.

Malware attack is basically done using malicious code which can destroy the whole network including
the server and its clients. It provides attackers the access to the sensitive information and control over
the machine. It is more dangerous because it can sit in the network without being traced for prolonged
durations, thus sniffing data from the packets, and causing internal damage to the information by
leaking their information.

It is even considered as lethal, as it can imitate like a legitimate code and self-propagates through the
network, thus spreading to all the devices connected over the network.

11th slide: Tips and Advice to avoid hackers

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