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KILL TEAM THE LURKING WYRM Genestealer Cults are insidious broods of Human-xenos hybrids that have spread unnoticed on Imperial worlds for generations. They infiltrate the Imperium’s social, industrial and military fabric, and when their Day of Ascension dawns, their uprising is nigh irresistible. ler Cults can lurk like a hidden cance: devoted masses believe them to be but the ravenous he teeming masses of Humanity swarms of the Tyranid hive fleets. The Tyranid flee employ’ a number of vanguard organisms tc of their tendrils, scouting out prospective prey the bellies of starships and particularly in the ro sing th rganisme’ deiensive hive cities raised on innumerable imperial worlds. Fach —_—_ stratagems, By far the most i cailt isa labyrinthine network of fanatically devoted Imperium has become zware of are the known nndividuals, all bound by a shared genetic and p: enestealers. Hiding within Imperial ship ineage and willing to go to any lengths including gladly space hulls or ever ¢ just one of these xen sacrificing thelr own lives — to see the cult’s goals {tis enough te spawn innumerable cuits. achieved. Though indivicual cults, and their constituent ctealer on individual Humans, injecting gene-sects, can differ widely from one nother, all ‘genetic material into those they cleave to the belief that they will be mn ind between the now oppressors within the Imperium andl hybrids and the Genestealer. This unswerving loyalty and pain, poverty and drudgery when the Day of Ascension _—_adoration oi the m hybrid to hybrid over ves and the devoted cultists are joined by their ids are bom saviours, the Star Children Jements of both sp and chitinous claws, Others appear more of less Human Iictruth, the cultists are mere tools to their prophesied ‘Star and a few, known as Purestrains, embody the original alien CChildrerr, for these are not the angelic liberators the horror of the Genestealer. The growing cult comes to worship its manstrous xenos sire, which swells in size and power to become a Patriarch, its hideousness seen by the enraptured cultists as beauteous and serene. AOL TEAMS OF THE CULT The cultists become convinced that the huge Gonestealer’s kin will arive to save them from tyranny and raise them up to an eternity of peace and wellbeing, states virtually unknown on the oppressive worlds of the Imperium. This so-called Day of Ascension, when the Tyianids descend on the world, may not be for decades or even centuries to come, and, in that time, the xenos taint of the Genestezler genetic curse spreads and mutates ever further Generation after generation, in cycles of morphologies and specialities, the culr’s broods swell in size Though the coming of the Star Children may be many years in the future, the cult plans and prepares assiduously. When it comes, the Day of Ascension will see a mass uprising by the cult’s faithful that will topple the oppressors and pave the way for the apotheosis they believe will be theirs. Hiding their deformities, occluding, their plans and diverting attention from their Leaders, the cultists forge an underground society steeped i dlandestine opeiations. In preparation for the Day of Ascension, the cult requires weapons and information to be amassed, powerful individuals to be swayed to the cause orelse killed, hicleouts to be dug, sabotage to be enacted and many other secret deeds of malfeasance. To accomplish these goals, the cult fosters elite ceils ofits ‘ithful, specialist broods of skilled infiltrators, packs of misshapen shock troops and teams of agitants and propagandists to disseminate mistrust and fear among the world’s Imperial institutions. Even alter the uprising has revealed the cults existence, these elite broods of xenos-tainted fanatics target the world’s defences. They trigger enemy arsenals to explode, plant concealed bombs along transitways to waylay ranspor's, contaminate food and water supplies, and falsify orders to scatter the foe or lead them into ambushes of much larger warbands of the cult. Other missions may be even grander and much more far-sighted in scope, Small units of hybrids may be tasked with hijacking a transport bound for another city, or an orbital lander, by which the cult seeks to spread its presence and influence beyond its humble origins. The team may even be tasked with smuggling one of the Patriarch’s Purestrain Genestealer offspring aboard a ship or instructed to create a diversion while the Patriarch steals aboard itself. In this way, a handful of skilled individuals can eonelemn an entire other world to che seme potential fate. The operatives themselves see such work as holy and righteous, a gift so worthy that risking death to achieve it is a minor sacrifice indeed NEOPHYTE HYBRIDS While those hybrids born in the early stages of each cycle evince significant xenos physical traits, later incamations of the Patriarchs heredity ~ typically those of the third and fourth generations ~are more Human in appearance. These Neophyte Hybrids, while stil often bearing overly large craniums, unusual skin tones or subtle bony ridges upon their brow, are more easily able to infiltrate manutactorim work gangs, industrial labour mobs, outland security details and a number ol such postings that overseers are sometimes desperate to fill, As devout and determined members of the cult, unswayed by the petty concems of their Imperial co-workers, Neophyte Hybrids often prove highly dependable and conscientious. Entire families of them may be granted favourable mining rights, individuals may rise to positions where they have access to secure ciphers and sensitive information, o they may gain access 10 prominent overseers or positions in the world's defence militia, Enforcers-and-even Astra Militarum tithes. When uprising comes, however, they reveal their true colours, brandishing tattoos and metal-stamped sigils that mark them out as hybrid collaborators with te oncoming swasms, The mast talented Neophyte Hybrids may be selected for roles in Wyimblade kill teams by the cult’s Magus. This individual — pert prophet, worder worker, political mastermind and spiritual puppeteer ~is an extension of the psychic will of the cults Petriarch. The Magus often dispatches Wyrmblade broods to particularly deep-rooted obstacles to the cult’s plans, Ammunition stockpiles for behind enemy lines, chemical storage Facilities deep underground, priority assassination targets at the highest echelons of power, data-stacks containing security logs or Py RO ROR oe rede ae hee er operations. Some have been deployed with security or martial institutions of the Imperial oppressors for years, acting not only as the cults eyes and ears on their enemies’ capabilities but often acting as a vector for spreading the cult’s message and xenos taint into these bodies. If the Day of Ascension draws near and the Sie ee re eee war-leader hybrid with strategies and alien cunning to rival the greatest military minds of the Imperium - a Neophyte Leader may have trained under that august eres et uci mee ere eens tence tn en en tet See nee st Seren eee eer eee brawlers, Neophyte Leaders are also tactically astute, with a solid grasp of squad-level strategies. They often pe eee ieee cer heed ers mice etic 6 ca KILL TEAM How did they know?! Throne, vid-captures show these rebels were labourers, Sergeant. You tell me how stinking worthless labourers knew the Prefect was being moved. ee ed CU cee ee Seek ae eas delensi viable tay srotocols, cipher-protected vox arrays all are cls {or a well-prepared Wyrmblade brood While some Neophyte operatives slip away from their le Imper hen the psychic summon re clite assets whose every waking hour is ted to furthering the cult’s aims rather than lurking mong the Imperium 5, They rece’ additional training in sabotage, marksmanship, gucrilla tactics and the brutal methods of silencing s are supplied with stolen schematics, forged the names and retas of targets to avoid ora I duties untainted ma: After-action investigations within t Cordon Impenetra of the Octarius Sector by Ordo Xenos Inquisitors have even raised the possibility that certain ‘gene-strains have been intentionally crafted to produce cultists inherently imbued with the necessary skills adaptations for certain missions. The more conservative agents of the Ordo reject such wild speculation yet have ise et Co mens retorarry Sra meet eer eee et RCC eC re et eed PO aero bat eet erie rere PL eT oe Cree ee eerie ese eerie ee] SCT eeTT reer ment crores Pree Crs a ees Ieee ee ere ener assault on Enforcers responding to tho irr ere eae ere sas ~~ . 2. been unable to adequately explain how some small teams of Cenesiealor Cultists perform far more effectively than hat the Ordo had previously believed was possible. Wyrmblade kill teams become intimately familiar with their intencied killzone's layout months, sometimes vance of their mi Every will have been scouted, every rusted grate oiled and hatch lock picked. On the few occasion: are caught on vic-eapture by thos deactivated by other cells of the cult, they have witnessed springing from dense nests of pipework dropping from ventilation macro-ducts and evaporating by several other avenues once their mission is, lete. In District 8.31 of the morass of shanties g Phegra-kappis on Abundantia, the cell known as the Shadowed Fang successfully accessed and destabilised a plasma conduit hub in the midst of the attle for the reclamation city, Spotted by Black Templars Space Marines who thundered towards them, five of the Shadowed Fang leapt to the fore, selling their lives dearly as the team’s specialists vanished inside a nearby dwelling complex some six stories high, The mplars made short work of the sacrificial and crashed through the complex’s thin walls in pursuit of their remaining quarry. Hidden blasting charges then rippled through the complex’s towering inging the entire edifice crashing down onto the, Leader, years, in ess point r operatives devices not already uaa ee ee rsa ear ae TT Ce ttre reer ree re ere Cr Ler eae ems sree Oe eer ee ties eee erro Ate CL TCL mares eer ae Ct eee ea Coe Taree eee eee sd eee REL She yesh Qirrim, had led her brothers and sisters in escape, worming their way through archaic run-off channels far beneath the dwelling, Hoty APPOINTMENTS Where missions require highly specialised skill sets. the gene-sects leaders may proclaim its goals will be met via the exceptional abilities of prominent members of the cult, Each a specifically evolved bioform procuced by the cult’s brood cycles, these individuals are revered and respected by the kill team’s elite warriors. The Locus is a gene-bred bodyguard whose place is usually close by the cults most-esteemed leaders, particularly the Magus. They are patient creatures who epitomise the cults doctrine, biding their time before exploding with a sudden whirlwind of motion and slicing blades, wielded with the speed of a striking Tyranid Lictor. Assigned to a Wysmblade kill team, the Locus retains their protective sole, commonly guarding the cells Leader or another specialist whose skills are vital for the mission's success. The presence of a Locus isa huge honour for the Kill team's Leader, a vote of confidence in their abilities, and underlines the importance of the mission at hand, The Locus also acts as the Magus and ears, watchful for any signs of failure in the team’s actions as well as enabling the Magus to follow the progress of the mission through their psychic connection eyes to the Locus. The Sanctus, meanwhile, is a consummate and stealthy assassin. They join Wyrmblade broods where the elimination of a key individual is to be undertaken with finesse and subtiety, or where the target is afforded significant protection by defensive armour, arcane force fields or bodyguards too numerous even for the Neophytes to overwhelm alone, Armed as snipers with long: barrelled rifles, they commonly lurk motionless in shadows, awaiting the moment for the perfect headshot Some instead, known amongst the brood as Talons, act in a more personal capacity as the Patriarch’s extended claw. Tracking their prey via multi-lensed goggles before pouncing on them Irom the dark, they slice throats and puncture lungs in perfectly executed murders. Folk heroes and inspirational warrior- nomads, Kelermorphs are cloak-swathed, gunslinging hybrids whose names and deeds are legendary within the cult Though they often work alone, itis also through missions alongside kill teams of Neophyte Hybrids that their legend is forged. The team’s members are filled with hope at the sight of the dashing revolutionary as the warrior leaps from rooftops to ganttries, blazing away with their liberator autostuds as adoring Neophytes rush to emulate its deeds. Mc Icon Bearers are honoured to carry one of the cult’s ee re en eee Pea ue ee Ree) eee ee aL a Bearer’s brothers and sisters the drive to sacrifice eee a ee ee eee Patriarch’s will than their lives. Icon Bearers are ere en ecm ag magnificence until the right moment, Ata word from their Leader, they raise the icon high and signal the pee ee eae peer eet eesti ees eee ran from numerous angles at once. It may instead be eee ees eed ener Cn Rae Cen org attention from the kill team’s activities elsewhere. Pee ee ee ee eg eae] grotesque parodies of holy relics. Vials of joluminescent matter dangle and clink from some, emitting pheromonal waves that drive the broodkin to 2 killing Frenzy. Blades of chitin from the Pattiarch's ee eee eee eee eee eee a the remains of famed cultists of generations past, a reminder of the selfless masses who have toiled and died that the Day of Ascension might come at last Sree ee ene Pecan o7 NAMES AND DEMEANOURS wn. Every ‘Wyrmblade brood has a name, be it a dedication to their brood sire, a subtle hint at the approaching majesty of the Hive Mind or perhaps something more subtle and nondescript. ag his section isa tool to help you determine the names of your Genestealer Cults warrior hybrids as well as the ttle of your Wyrmblade kill team, its quirks, base of operations anc the background of the shadowy brood. If you wish to generate any of thesc randomly, roll the number of dice as indicated by the appropriate table(s). Otherwise, choose whichever are your favourites or use them as inspiration for names and backgrounds of your own invention, Every Wyrmblade brood has a clandestine identity, a title usually endowed upon it by the gene-sect’s leaders or eamed through completing daring and dangerous missions ‘or years for the cult: Some names are adopted either by the brood’s Leader or conferred by cther cult members who are inspired by the brood’s legendary and selfiess deeds. ILL TEAM MAME The name given or adopted by Wyrmblade broods is normally a closely guarded secret, employed as a covert identifier in cult communications in case the snooping agents of the oppressors are intercepting thelr messages. ifgiven by one of the cult's leaders, such names tend to echo the cult's wyrmform icon, express exaltation of the monstrous Patriarch or act as a blessing on the brood’s, missions, If adopted by another route, the names usually ‘echo the legendary deeds of the kill team, whose members - though their names might be unknown to the wider cult —are hailed as folk heroes and lauded as the greatest freedom fighters. Some broods may also be given sinister nicknames by their fearful enemies, attributing acts of sabotage and assassination to unseen horrors that they then endow with fanciful and monstrous names. If you wish to generate a name for your kill team, you can toll on one or both of the tables below, choose whichever combination of options feels best ior you or let them inspire you to create a name of your own, ees 1 Deep-awellers: These wariors have lived underground or 50 long that they can sense nearby enemies merely by feeling the tremors of We earth beneath their feer. Creeping killers: Thes= vavtiots stalk the sacs, seckna un ay victims to drag into the darkness. Twisted Physiologies: Echind screen of stealth technology and auspoxebfuscction, your hidden holy ‘works proceed apace. Pek 1 Seavenger Cell: The merbers ofthis il tear are loots, stripping priceless ammunition, weapore and ‘supplies forthe cult ftom the bodies 0 she ded Iconoclast Cell: These opetatives are spreaders of the Tue Faith who aim to destroy or deface their enerry'’s religious iccrnagrapiy in order io better Honour the Star Children, Snare Setters: Tse cubists ere combat engineers who set improvised booby taps, mines ard azorwitesnetes acioss contested ground OPERATIVE NAMES If you wish to create a name for one of your Genestealer Cult’s brood-warriors, you can use the tables below, either by picking your favourite or rolling a D66 on one or both tables. To roll a D66, roll two Dés, one after the other— ‘he first result fs your ‘ters’ and your second is your ‘units’. For example, a D66 soll where the first result is a3 and the second is a 6 Is a result of 36. Cultists can be diawn from a-variety of sccieties, classes and groups on the world their cult inhabits. Some my only be known by a single name, having originated in circles cither 30 poyerty-stticken or rarefied and noble that they do not use surnames. Others might only be known to their fellow cultists by a surname. Feel free to play around with different combinations in your own kill team and even to supplement them with nicknames. oe 33 Jacobiah 33. Tarnvight 35 Ghaskin 35 Kelbroch | 30 poe 56a | 41 Kreen 41 Madrach | ae aa vee | 43 Mordecai 43 Novek 51 Aldren 51 Matterzhek 53 Vyrion 53 Trace 55 Steen 55 Rezzekh G1 Mallick 61 Drevender 63 Eldric 63 Vreal 65 Xandus 65 Cult Hideout Goliath Tracks: Conmendeering a rugged, industiel vehicle, the brood secret all their stolen weepons and twols of usurzation in cleverly concealed lockers and are able to move quickly fom one mission to the nexewrile- disguised as lowly labourers. ‘Abandoned Mine Annex: Over generations, hundrecs of the cults members have toiled in a vest labyrinth of mines, ‘and, overtime, this hidden shoft has been wotkec: and coutfcted to provide the perfect lar ‘ora specialist brood. Beneath the Oppressors! Nesos: Having wormed ‘their way ito factorum work gargs, outpost secunty deials of somo ather menial pesitons, the brood ‘organise thar missions from within, coverty ving a loyal Imperial subjocts. THE ENEMY BELOW e Neophytes of a Genestealer Cult are perfectly suited to clandestine warfare having lurked in the shadows for many generations, Meticulous and ruthless in equal measure, they sow confusion and discord before moving in for the kill. an) td alien hybrids will breed for generations in total iting patiently for decad turies, for their plans to come to fruition When their time of ascension Is near, the c canret infiltrate, CU ASSEMBLING YOUR KILL TEAM he next fifteen pages, you will find all the rules you need to acsemble a Wyrmbl team ‘or use in open, narrative and mi: games of Kill Team. 70 , Sanctus and Kelermorph. Following this are some special rules for the Wyrmblad Ambush special rule (those y Strategic and Ts on includ is for al operatives es well as optional equinment th: you can pick for them such a blasting charges and climbing equipment. ical Ploys. Lastly, you'll find three faction-specific Tac Ons that you can pick for your kill team, plus ae Below you will find a list ofthe operatives that make up a) 06" kill team, including, where relevant, any wargear those operatives must be equipped with UL ead Wee oa coe eas pee Ta Soran Br one option from each of te following: eee etna ena] ee nn ed Sen re ace See eee) Beth etree rae sect) Sead eae es ora tes eee Bega a en ee en Bat Leet ee ea ee er Sad LL ue eg ce ec aad eet een ee ad 2 See ee es Bad et eee Po De ad ce nee oa Sone eee Be eS a ete ceed Sats Una aera) CU eee ce peered Your kill toam can only include up to two GUNNER operatives, POL ace see ee eae one Ct Co eee ef ee Pie eae mene agen ed Cece ee aed een eee Cee cd et ee a Ce gen eat re eet aa De ae een ee ee ee} you can chenge ts order eee ee Sie ee ote nt See ee eee ere eee Ct een ee ee eee ene st ea td pent noes) med ~~ ee eee ee ir eee CR ane cree ta aac eed See Mate aa eee) ee ee Ce eee arene en ears eet ered comer ee eee kee SD oe ey EE ee eta ere ey eee ne ee ete ery erase ice aS ea ee ce) See Re ene ree ero key Bee riecre nena ey Pee een STRATEGIC PLOYS your faction is WYRMBLADE®, you car use the following Strategic Ploys curing = game See ear) Until the end of the Turing Point, each time a fiendly NEOPHYTE operative s activated, ift has a Conceal order, itecan perform a mission action or the Piek Up accion for one less action point (co a mirimurr cf OA?). You can only use this Stratagic Ploy once, GEES Man ee eee) Until the end of the Turning Point, when determining Line of Sight from an enemy operative to a friendly WYRMBLADES operative, if that friendly WYRMBLADES operative has a Conceal order, Light terrain is Obscuring WRITHING INGRESS (1CP) Place one of your Ingress tokens within & ofa tenain feature no more tran A& thick Until the end oF the battle, fiend WYRMBLADE® operatives can move through that tonain’ Feature as i it were not there, so fong as they do'so within of that token, You can only use this Strategic Poy once. Geert) Until the end ofthe Turning Point ‘Each time after a friencly WYRMBLADES ope ative makes a shodting attack, if te large’ hes not been incepacitated and does not have a Crossfire tcken, the target gains a Crossfre token until the end of the Turning Point + Each time a friendly WYRMIBLADE® operative makes a shooting attack ifthe target has a Crossfire token, inthe Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your attack dics, you can retain one a3 a successful nermal hitwithout rolling it, Aaa) TACTICAL PLOYS if your action is WYRMBLADE®, you can use te folowing Tactical Ploys during a game ISLINK INTO DARKNESS (1CP) Use this Tactical Ploy at the end of a friendly WYRMBLADE® operative’s activation. \Fthat operative has an Engage ord, change it to a Conceal order. You can only use this Tactical Play for each friondly operative once. Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly WYRMBLADES operative UNSC Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly WYRMBLADE® LEADER or CULT AGENT oporative is selected as the target for combat ‘Select one otter fenély LOCUS or NEOPHYTE operaine (excluding 2 LEADER operative) within Mil of that Fiendty ‘operative to intervene. + IF hat intewening fiend operative is not within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, ycu can intemupt that combat to perform a free Charge action with it, but it mast finish that move within Engagement Rance ofthe ceniemy operative fighting in that combat +1 that intervening fiendly operative b within Engagement Range of that eremiy operative, it becomes te target for that combat (ayaa) Use this Tactical Ply inthe Set Up Operatives step of the mission sequerce, when you would set up operatives. Select Lup te two fiiendly NEOPHYTE operatives to be setup hiding instead. In the Frefight phase ofthe fist Turning Point + Fiierdly operatives Fiding have a Group Activation characteristic oF 1, are considered io be within the killzone for ‘activation purposes and can be activeted es normal + When a fcr operative hiding is activated fr the frst tire, sat it up with an order of your choice anywhre inthe killzone within @ of your crep zone and more than il from encrny ‘operatives, That operative is treated as having parormed a Normal Move action (subtract action points acordinly), then continue its activation 2s noma += Any hiding operatives not activated by the end of tke Turning Point are incapacitate, You can only use this Tactical Poy once, Da ee ene Cary renner eee A) broods are accomplished guerrilla commanders, They are ene en ee ey oe eee en ered ee > Autogun % 28 €3 Bolt pistol ae 3h fing @ > | © Master-craited autopisto) Hw 28 Ring @, Balanced, Lethal 5+ - | © Shotgun me 38 Fg x | © Web pistol 2% m2 Fro @ Stun 2X Chains HHS Ceaseless - 2 Gun butt 28 z = 2% Power maul ee : Stun Power pick 3 WS - Ronding Cale Ambush (0 72 : Shadow Veetor Une ger Trea Pai, you can use eer he Sink Into Derkiesso Geile Serpent Teta Ply (p 72) wast spending any Comm points a foandly NEDPHYTE cparavo Visible tts pete sue ently WYRMELADES opeicive for hat py. arta aR ER a ~ WYRWIBLADES, FYRANIDS. GENESTEALER CULTS. , NEOPHYTE, LEADER YY KELERMORPH en eee ee) CO eee em een ae desire for rebellion, They are seen as inspirational folk he and itis often an Wyrnbade missions that their legend as ee a re eed © Liberator autostubs Each te this weapon i selected ro meks a shooting attack with, select ene ofthe profes helow to use ~ Leng range + aM = Pt Rending — Short range 5 2 a Png @ 1, Rending 2% Kelermorph knife ae = Rending (ESI p curators pase cm parr to Shoot stn ‘Cult Ambush, Preternamral Assassin (9 72) Re eect Heroic Inopiration: I this oporative incapootetos an enemy operative. uni the end of he Turning Pant. t's a Heroic instraton. Each tinea friendly WYAMBLADE® NEOPHYTE Hyporsense (IAP): The nex< tine this operatve performs a Shoot: parative fights in combat or makos a shoating atack, this action during ths activtion, for that shooing ate, the short operative is ¢ Hercic Inspiration ard is Visibleto and within Ml ot range profile ols liberator autostubs gairs the Indiract and No the iriencly operative inthe Nol Ateck Dice step of thatcombat __Covar opacial rules but loses the Pt and Randing critical hit ul ‘rshoting attack you ean retin ona ofyour atack dice rosuts ‘f+ thatis a sucoass’ul normal hit asa critcal hit insta. f ‘TVRAWIDS, GENESTEALER CULTS, , CULT AGENT, KELERMORPH BV Qo V 8 Dae eae Cee eae oan een ee ee ea ae ee aed ‘Autogun 49 Shotgun % Gun butt (Cult Ambusk (09 72) a ree eee ea eee eee na eres ing © Grenade launcher Each une ths weapon is Selected wo make o shooting tack wt, select ove ef he motes below o use: 4 te 2 Blast Frag Krak a 48 API : Webber 5 uw Ring @, Lethal 5+ stun % Gun butt a 28 : Cult Ambush (ng 72) AVAY TVRANIDS, GENESTEALER CULTS, , NEOPHYTE, GUNNER Powerfully built Neophytes - some more prominently ee ee eee Pee ee ee Pe ea De © Heavy stusber 5 3/4 Ceaseless, Fusillade, Heavy = © Mining laser 5 4 56 API, Heavy = © Seismic cannon Each time this weapon s selected tv make shooting stack wit, select one ofthe prohes below (a use: = Long-wave 6 & 22 Blast dA, Heavy Stun — Short-nave 4 ou 44 Ring @, Heavy Pi, Stun Cun butt ae ae : 2 Cult Ambush (pg 72) : r | WYRNIBLADE®, TYRANIDS, GENESTEALER CULTS, , NEOPHYTE, ICON BEARER, a Broan it a SANGTUS SNIPER ea ee ee eras See calibrated rifle, the target is doomed. The Sanctus’ gira eee een eT © Sanctus sniper rite Heavy Sint Mw Fists 3 wh | (Cult Anbush, Preternatural Assassin (99 72) ‘Terget Velnerebility (AP): Unt the enc ofthe activation, the ‘Sanctus snipor fe thie oporative ie oquippad with gains tho Lethal 5+ special tue Familiar’ Soulsight (1API: Select one enemy operative. Ul ene ‘ofthe Tuning Point, cach tine this oparative maces a sheating| attack auainstthat enemy operative: ‘The Sanctus sniper rifle this operatives equioped with gains the No Cover special rule forthat shooting stack + That enemy operative cannot be Obscured for that shooting attack. * Areas of smoke earmot prevent at oneny operative trom berg Vasile fer that shooting stack Ta x ¥ ; eR ake ee ead rene re ae nearer ne tet ce Sanctus bio-dagger Lethal 4s Stun (Cult Ambush, Preternaturel Assassin (p9 72) Familiar’s Soulsight(1API: Salect one enemy operative, Unt the end f the Turning Poin, 2ech time th’ operative fights in combat ‘sth thateemy operative. te Sanctus bo- dagger is operative iseauiped wih gos te Baal and Balanced special ules for | that conbet CCrocping Shadow: This oporativa can perform 2 Charge action \whila nes @ Conceal order Each tia after this operative fights in combat, ican periorm a tree Dash action, egartlass of any thor actions ithae porforma¢ during tis activtio, ard ovenifit is wrhin Engegsmere Range cf an enemy operative bur cannot fins that move with Engagement Range of an enon operative). oo SON A eee med ee ne 3 robes and o sinistery still exterior, a Locus can erupt into @ ema are ee er ee bred bodyquards are also their mast ee eee hee tat od © Barbed tail X Locus bledes Cult Ambush, Preternatural Assassin (29 72 Duollist: Each ime this operstive fghts in combat, nthe Rasolve Sucresstul its step of that combat, you can resolve one succossfulhit before the Atacker I yau do's, that successful hit myst he use to nary. Export Swordsman: This operative can perform two Fight actions during each efits sctivations. Each time after this operate fis in combat t cen perform a free Charge action (even ifithas done so during this ectivation), but cen caly move up to Ml Lethel 5+ silver Stike (1API Once this Turing Point, when an enesry ‘porstive is porforming aNormal Move o Dash aotion and ‘mayes wthin Milt tis oxxative, you can interupt tat action to peiform a free Chargeacton wit tas operative (it must fi that mova within Engegemons Rango af that enemy aporatv, and if his operative has » Conceal oro, change tte an Engage ordarte 600) If you doo, tet encmy operative's actin onds without fining their mave, and you must then petfern a free Fight action wit this operative against that enemy operativa Thie eerien i tented asa Fight action forthe purposes of action restictions ih Er dias SN EQUIPMENT Sen ud Se ue cee ue See ine of each item, Toma el) “The operative is equipped with the Following ranged weapon forthe battle for Special Roles Rog, Blast@, Indirect, Te BLASTING CHARGE (3EP) The operative 's equipped with the following ranged weapon forthe battle Rene) aE Rng ©, Blast, Indirect, Limited ee MeL) Dene ee ers CN eee ee De ea ar ee eR SPOTLIGHT (3EP) Se Ce een ee See ee ee eee ee eet ete) CUR mer eer melt) Se ese eon a ae ea fa ted step cf that shooting attack, yourcan change cne of your retained normal saves to a critical save CLIMBING EQUIPMENT (IEP) Se ee end Cre aad eee ne ener ee ee Ree eee) © i saves is counted as @ for shat climb, Se aE eee eT a and climbable pat of a terrain Feature in onder to limb it Se ree ee eros) See eeu nes Se ee) Gene ae? CULT KNIFE C1EP) Sone a Cas Cult knife a.) YRMBLA ACTION TAG OF 1: NOWHERE UNREAGHABL Raval this Ta Opin th Tage: Revel step ofthe fist Turing Paint. Your epponens places one of your Location tokens anywhere in the killeone that is more than @ from their drop zone, + At the end cf any Tuming Point, iFa fiendly operative is within A ofthat location token, you score 1VR + IF you achiove the first condition atthe end of any subsequent: Tuning Poirts, you score 1VP rEbH A Reveal this Tac Op inthe Target Revel step of any Turing Point hefore the fourth. Keep a tally of wounds lost by each players operatives during that Tring Point, At the end of that Turning Point 9: DER + If the total wounds lest by enemy operatives during that Tutning Point is greater than that los by friendly operatives uring that Turning Poi, you score 1VP * If the total wounds lost by enemy operatives during thet Turing Point as a rasuit of friendly CULT AGENT operatives {shooting a:tacks they make or comats they fightin) is ‘geater than the total numberof wounds lst by fiiendly operatives during that Turning Point, you score 1VB DER, you can use the Wysmbiade Tac Ops listed below as specified in the mssion saquence Reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step of ary 4 Turning Point + Ifen enemy epeiative with @ Marked token is incapacitater you score 1VP, + Ifanother enenty operative with 2 Marked token is incapacitated, you scute IVP Friendly NEOPHYTE overatves can perform the following mmission action ‘An operative can perform this action while an enemy operative with 2 Groug Activation characteristic of | is Visible to and within lil of it, That enemy operative gains @ Marked. token. An ope‘ative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, or if anotier friendly operative has performed this action during this Turning Point. 81 Rr (Ta 82 (Over the following pages you will ind 2 selection of rules for Spec Ops campaigns in which you have selected ni EB 23 your Faction keyword, Each time a WY E® operative gains a Batle Horou, instead of determining one from its specialism, you can determine one for the Viyimblade Specialist table to the right. You can ether rll one D5 to randomly determine the Battle Honour (rroling fit isn: suitable), or you can sot an appropiate one, As wth ery Battle Honour, an operative canact have the same one mote than once (if ¢ cupicate lle, oll again until a deren esutis rolled Battle Honour Scurry: While this operative has a Conceal order ald Ato its Moverment charscerisic Elusive: Each time this operative i activated, if itis wikin Engagement Range of only one enemy operative oll one DG: on a 4+, it can perform the Fall Back action for one loss action point during that activation (10 ¢ minimum oF CAP Mereurial: Bach time a shooting attack s made ‘against this operative by an enemy operative mote than @ vay, inthe Roll Defence Dien ste0 of ‘that shooting attack, you can rezll one of your defence dice. Prowler: For the purposes ofthis operative performing mission acto, it only needs to be within | the required range ofan objective matkar er token jt eae Stalker: You tan use the Sink Into Darkness Tactical Floy (po 72) for this operative twice, instead of once Clandestine: If this operative has 2 Conceal order ands in Cover provided by Light tarain, enemy petatives cannot treat it as beiry om an Enyase crder as a result of a Vantage Point. Each tme yo determine n the table below inst result is cllec). 1. SPLINTERWYRM KNIFE (2EP) The operative is equipped with te following melee weapon for the bate: Mane A owe Splinterveyrm knife 43: 35 Special Rules 1 Rending 2. GENE-BREW (2EP) ‘Add 2 to th In addition, i rative's Wounds characteristic fo the battle the following ability for the battle: Gone-brew: This operative ignores the effects ofthe He special nie 3. ICHOR-INFUSED AMMUNITION (1/2EP) Select an autogun, heavy stubbor or shotgun the operat ‘sequipped with tt gains the Lethal S special rule for Ifyou selected a heayy stubber, this equipment costs theraise it costs TEP ould determine an item of rae equipment to adé to your stash, ifyour faccion & WYR of determining ane from ano randomly deterrine Lie tare equipment (reclling if isn't suitable), or you can select an appropriate one ‘are equipment, our stash canror include more than one of each item (#2 duplicate resus rolled, rll again until a¢ DE®, you can source, To de s0, you ean either roll ane DS to with ary item of 4. SHADOWLEAP CLOAK (2EP) The operative gzins the FLY keyword forthe bate, 5. SIRE-BLESSED ICON (3EP) ICON BEARER operative only When the operative is equipped ‘with this item forthe battle, add 1CP :0 your pool. in aildtion, improve the operative’ Save characteristic by 1 for the hare 6. NEURAL SHROUD (3EP) The operative gains the following ability forthe battle ‘Neural Shroud: While this operative is more than @ from active operative itis in Cover, KILL TEAM STRATEGIC ASSETS each me you would adi a strategic eset to your base of operations if your faction is WYRMBLADE®, you can sect one fern the list below instead of selecting ore from another source. As with any strategic asset, you car never have more than ore of each Stockpited by the cit’ Biophagus a sinister master oF fichemy and genemanivalation ~ within this cllection’s ampoules, flasks and rials ave concoctions of genespliced stiraras, xenotrepic enhancers ard synthetic Resh. Keyed to the culls hybtid biasignatures, these chemicals can prove potent restocatives and aid fn hyperropid healing. In the Update Datasletes step of the mission sequence, you can reroll one Casualty test or one Recovery test. Within easy recch ofthe kil team's for ore a dizzying narnber cof concealed tunnels; macropipes, ine shatts and industrial ‘ducts, These provide ready means of secretive ingress 10, ‘numerous locators, elloing the kil tom's operatives 10 sau thle way into key oecs unobserved. In the Set Up Operatives step ofthe mission sequence, you an as the Hiding Taical Poy (pg 73) without spending REQUISITIONS ‘ny Command points, ard can select an addtional friendly [NEOPHYTE operative to be hiding. INSURGENT DEAD DROP Near the kl team’s hideout a secret location bya covert cel of insurgents. The other cell onde imteligerce, local rumour, detils on changing secuity pattems and « hos of cther val information. leaving encrypted or psychicaly imoanted messages a the decd dro fo hoki tea’ yes erly faved Inthe Scouting step of the mission sequence, after resolving your section, you can select and resolve an additional Scouting option. It must be a diffeent option to your orginal selection, and initiative is stil detecnined by your oxginal selection. both players have tis ora simila’ ability, the Defender resolves this ability ist | your faction is WYRMBLADES, you can use the following Requisitions in audition to those presented in other sources HONOURED BY THE CULT (2RP) it. a great honour for the leader of a Viyrmblade brood to be assigned a highly placed agent ofthe cult for thei holy imsions. Such dispensation is viewed as @ blessing oftheir work and a high appraisal oftheir worth to their genesie. Purchase this Requisition before or aftet « game. Add one CULT AGENT operative to your davaslate. That operative statis with a number of experience points equal to the lowes: experience points cf the rank of a selected friendly MEOPHYTE LEADER operative from your dataslate (select its Battle Honours accordingly), For example you selected a NEOPHYTE LEADER operaive thet ac 20XR, the new CULT [AGENT operative would have 16XP SPIRITUAL AID CIRP) Using ther slepathie powers the culls Magus employs the aesiolt consciousness emanating fom thelr Patriarch to reach ‘ut tether datant clandestine co's, provicing both mystical ard soirtual aid, and ferttying ther minds anc bodes in vines of need fr the good ofthe ct. Purchase this Requistion after a battle. In the Update Datasltes step ofthe mision sequence of that game, fiendly WYRMBLADE® operatives a rot limited to a maximum of 3xP fom # passed Casualty tos. In adeition, wher detemining their Battle Scars * They re treated as having end oss Battle Scar For the purposes of moeifying the result. + Thay are unaffected by the Cerebral Action Battle Scat PROFICIENT PLANNING (1RP) ‘No amourt of specialist taining or vaunted wonderwwegpans can ever equel the sheer sthaity of @ masterful operation properly concoived and cunningly executed ty the blessed cf the brood. Purchase this Recuistion before oraftara game, your kil team is camently conducting 2 Spec Op. Ade @ number of planning) points to your dataslate (make a note of it in the Nozes section) ‘equal tothe number of ranks of a selected friendly NEOPHYTE LEADER operative For example, Ace rank would equal 3 planning points In each game ofthat Spec Ops campaign nthe Selecta Kil Team step of the mission sequence, you can spend ‘one (and only ene) planning point you have to add |CP to your pol (subtract | ‘ram your total planning points accordingly) Cnce you complete your Spec Op, remove all planting points fom your dataslave, While conducting @ Spec Op, you can orky purchase this Requisition once. Each time you would select 2 Spec Op for your kill team to be assigned to, if your Faction Pe eee uc ee eee CE Serica ite Leaders BL CR om a eee CeCe Cera a ec eee a eee Ten eee ears ea ee Caer en oon reer TS Cate 7 oe ee ee ere eee ere ee es Te ee = oa aoe tats cami position, bypassing defences te set up their assassination. CT ae Re from the ‘interoper, Capture Hostage & Infitrate’ Ses ca ca ge eee eae Once in poston, the target must be marked tor the brood EE Ee a ae Complete a game in which you scored victory points from pe Ceca SU EL ba Senet aa Se ee ere ee ent Cet uaa eat ea eee teens te et ee eee ee ees See es alae For the purposes of@ mission's Spec Ops benus, this Spec Cee acer ie Tee oy conducted from the shadows. The foe must be left reeling and confused as the UR aes a eee eer creams ets eee Cs emer er hee SOP ee eee eee tenn ge ery meet ene Ce ne a ee can properly react. Se a ee et Saat ee ee a ae eee a ee ea enemy's desperate searches forthe culprit, etumning t0 eas rE er Ut cee ston ea Ce ee ee ea ty Ga etree rn crn eet ‘on your datzslate This is not affected by a passed Cera Aller the bart, all fiendly operatves pass Casualty Ce uoe ras See ae Ce se Sore eed eee ee ere Cee oa na cer ae caen Ps aa WaRHAMMER NT LY) - WYRMBLADE KILL TEAMS You've read all about Genestealer Cult influence of the teams over the last few pages. No doubt the e Mind has wormed its way into your brain. You suddenly have a desire to paint a Wyrmblade kill team of your very own. The Patriarch will be pleased! enestealer Cultists are, by their very nature, secretive and furtive creatures, Where other races are brash and bold, these alien hybrids lurk in the shadows, waiting for their moment to strike. Its for this reason that we chase an inconspicuous colour scheme for the painting guides featured in this article. These cultists could be regular workers, but we know the truth! BATTLE READY Using the stages to the right, this Neophyte Brood- ‘Adept has been painted to a Battle Ready standard Thirteen more models and your kill team Is ready! PARADE READY With a few extra highlights to each area of the model, this alien hybrid has been made Parade Ready. His time of ascension Is close at hand! 86 CLASSIC STYLE The dessic-style cultist was undercoated with Chaos Black Spray, then all the fatigues were basecoated with Zandri Dust. You can at this stage basecoat the fatigues using @ spray can, but with so many dark areas on the model such as the armour, boots and metalwork), we thought it easier to paint it by hand. Of course, if you choose to paint your FATIGUES BLACK ARMOUR BOOTS & GLOVES as Nun Neu be (cee cultists with lighter armour (such as white} then Zandri Dust is a great basecoat to paint over. Steel Legion Drab thinned with water was used to shade the fatigues. Rather than apply the laze to all of the clothing, it was focused specifically in the deeper revesses and around the area where the trousers meet the hem of the tunic to help define them, You can be really efficient with your painting by shading several areas at the same time. On this model, the boots and gloves, gogeles and dynamite were all shaded with a 11 mix of Nuln Oil and Lahmian Medium. all the basecoats wete applied first, then all of these arcas were washed with the same mia for consistency. Diluting the shade with Lahmian Medium helps GOGKLES GUN CASING DIRTY METAL ‘ae Ala it to give more even coverage over the area without pooling too much ‘On the other hand, you can enhance the depth ofa shade by applying more than one coat. The dirty metal was shaded twice with the Agrax Earthshade and Reikland Fleshshade mix to get the armoured cuirass looking really filthy. it will look bronze at first (also a great effect!), but a highlight to the edge will bring i back to silver For the black armour The Fang was used as a general highlight for each rib. Rather than highlight it again, Adminisuatum Grey was dotted in the middle and at the end of each rib. This gives the impression of light reflecting oif the armour: Note how the grey dots form a vertical line down the plates. BLASTING CHARGE ao | “oh hell Sores Mil (CONTRAST STYLE ‘The Contrast version of cur colour scheme began with an undercoat of Wraithbone Spray. This provides a warm, basecoat that’s perfect for the fatigues and makes areas like the red loincloth really stand out. The dirty metal cuirass on this Neophyte has been shaded ‘with Guilliman Flesh, providing en alternative weathering method to the model on the previous page. The Guilliman Flesh was diluted in a I:1 mix with Contrast Medium and applied in one coat to all of the metal armour. Diluting the paint ensures that the armour is only tinted a different colour and not completely stained, This makes it look es thought the rust has worked its way into the metal as, opposed to just sitting on top of it, The more you dilute the Contrast paint, the subtler the effect. The less you dilute the Guilliman Flesh, the darker and more intense the weathering will become. BATTLE READY Using the stages to the right, this Neophyte Leader has been painted to a Battle Ready standard almost entirely using Contrast paints PARADE READY With a few extra highlights to each area of the model, the kill team’s Leader has been made Parade Ready. Those extra highlights make quite a difference! "The ribbed armour of Genestealer Cultists is the perfect place for Contrast paints, Because of the way the Contrast paints work, you only need one coat of Black Templas to create both a basecoat and a highlight for the black armour. After highlighting the edges of the armour plates the ribs were highlighted with a reflective spot highlight, just Like the model in the classic stage-by'stage on the previous page. {An extra touch on this mode! is the glow effect on the head ofthe power pick to show that is has an intemal power source. Casandora Yellow was painted siraight over the Wraithbone basecoat and also onto the metalwork surrounding the coils. This gives the impression that the power coils are giving off light. This is known as cbject source lighting - the power coils being the abject and the source of the light effect, Such effects also look great around the lights that many cultists wear on their backpacks FATIGUES BLACK ARMOUR BOOTS & GLOVES: Be ited * eas

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