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We welcome êach student ând parent to the academic school year before
us and trust that this handbook will be helpful in acquainting you with
Madagascar Christian Academy (MCA)" lt contains school policies and
regulations that reflect our commitment to cod and His VÿorC.
As cooperation between parents and school is exîremely llnportar]t, pleese
read and study it thoroughly and carefully so that both home and schriol
can be consistent in the educational process.

Dear Parents, by registering you. child at MCA, you anci your cnild agree
to ,ollow the policies mentioned in this handbook.
All the best,

The School Principal The School Director


MCA'S vision is to produce young leaders with a firm Christian
foundation and academic excellence who will transform the society.

MCA has the following basic statement of faith. We believe:
- in one Triune God - Father, son, and Holy Spirit;
- that the Bible is God's inspired and authoritative word revealing
that Jesus Christ is God's son; that man is created in God's image;
- that God created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ;
- that although all men have sinned and come short of God's glory,
God has made salvation possible through the death on the Cross
and resurrection of Jesus Christ;
- that rèpentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to
God's initiatiJe of grace towards us;
- that God chose us to be saved and to come to the knowledge ôf the
- thar, Ch!'istians are called to witness for Christ, to preach the gospel
to â;l nations through the power of the Holy Spirit.


c Model and lead children to accept Jesus Christ as their personal

,> Connect biblical truths with everyday living and shape Christ like
o Achieve academic excellence.
Since MCA is an extension of the Christian home and since our calling is to
help Christian parents to disciple their children, priority in admittance will
be given tô:
o Children of parents who profess vital faith in Christ and who are
members of a local church.

c Children of Christian missionaries serving in Madagascar.

As one of Christians' fundamental values is to make God known to others,

children from non-Christian families will be admitted and glven the desire
to know Christ and have relationship with Him. However, it would be
difficult for a child from non-Christian home to integrate what he learns if
the parents do not su pport what is tâught at school" Therefore, it is of great
importance that parents who enroll their child understand and accept thc
Christian education offered by MCA.

A student is officiâlly registered at MCA when:

- Annual registration fee is paid in full by the payment deadiirtâ

{usually end of March before the school year startsl.
- Parents agree that their child will stay at MCA for the ,lhole sc:!üo;
yeâr. Or, if for any reason they decide to withdraw their ;hild in ii':c
middle ofthe school year, they will pay in full the annual iuition fee.
- Parents and child agree with all policies alid guidelines mentioned
in this handbook.
- All required documents (birth certificate, residence certificate,
vaccination certificate, lD photos, pastor letter reference, previous
academic records) are provided.

lf, after a child has already been registered, the school becomes aware ol
learning difficulties beyond the scope of the school's educational programs,
or if the parents have not been completely honest in the presentâtion of
information at the time of application, the school reserves the right to
withdraw the offer of enrolment.

The registration fee increases every two years

The tuition fee can be paid all at once, per term, or per month. The payment
must be done !"espectively the first week of the school year, the first week
of the term, or the first \^,eek of the month.
Any parents who can't fit in these guidelines must discuss with the school's
administration and sign a "Payment Schedule Agreement."
lf, after the deadline, parents have not yet paid the tuition fee, they are
asked to volu ntarily withhold their child at home until the settlement of the

lf the eccounts are not settled for a certain time, parents will be asked to
detinitively withdraw their children from the school for non-payment or
iai+ payment of fees.

'r: iuition fee for each class increases every two years

::.':î:: i:)st will be asked from parents for Art, P.8., and some school
: .:.,r'iti or activities.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 "Train o child in the woy he should go, and
when he is old he will not turn from it." Discipline at MCA is not designed to
be burdensome, but rather to be a stepping-stone to an objective. A well
ciisciplined life is a happy, productive life. Students are most happy and
secure when they are in an environment where the rules are kept.
paid in full even ii for any reason, the parents decide to withdraw their
child in the middle of the school year.


A classroom functions best when all the students are present and
participate in the learning activities provided and supervised by the
teacher. Because classroom learning involves much more than reading
textbooks and completing worksheets, MCA emphasizes the
importance of attendance throughout the school year.

To optimize the learning at MCA, parents are encouraged to scheduie

trips or family holidays around the school calendar and in ways that
won't interfere with the student's school day.

VJherever possible, doctors' and dentists' appointments should be

made out of school hours.

if a stlldent is unable to attend school for any reason, the parent is

|esu: r,:ikrie f,rr informing the schooi as soon as possible. For any
.]Lsencâ, â ietter or phone call telling the reâson of the absence must
h+ comnrunieated to the school as reentrance requircment.

lf â chiiC does not have the excuse, he will still be admitted to his
classroom but will be requested to bring an excuse letter the following

Grade 1 through 4
I a child does not have an excuse, he will still be,admitted to his
classroom but will be requested to bring an excuse letter the followrng
day. lf the student still does not bring an excuse ïetter, he will be
informed that he will not be allowed in class the following day unless
he comes with an excuse letter from the parents,


The school gates open at 6:30am but parents are encouraged not to
leave their child on the school premises before 7:00. From 7:O0,
supervision will be assured by the school supervisor.

For Preschool, parents can bring their child to the classroom from 7:30


Students must remain at the school from the time they arrive in the
morning until dismissal.
Students (Grades 1 through 12) are not allowed to leave the school
grounds during lunch break.

For security reasons, parents who allow their child to laave school alone
(without an adult person) after dismissal must inform MCA off ce at the
beginning of the school year.


o Preschool (Nursery- K): 12:15pm Dismissal time rs at 12.-rc i

o Grades 1-4: 2:30pm every Friday except lo,

o Grades 5 and up: 3:00pm Grades 10 and up (-i.{iLp! ,li

Parents of preschool children must pick them up before 12:45p;,

For Grades 1 through 12, no supervision of the children is assurei

by the school from 4:00pm.

The school gates Êlose at 4:30pm.


Extended care is offered at MCA for preschool children from 12:15pm

till 3:00pm. lt is not â time for teaching but mostly for the children to
socialize or to rest. Parents pay a fee for this supervised time. From the
môment the child is enrolled in extended care, the annual fee must be
will not be grânted access in the classroom unless he provides as well
an excuse letter from the pârents.

scHooL SEssroN
Schooi is in session Monday-Friday.
- Monday-Thursday AM sessions are from 8:00 till 12:1.5.

- Friday AM session is from 8.00 till 1.2.30.

- PM sessions are from 1:00 till 2:30 for grades 1-4, and from 1:00
til! 3:00 for grades 5 and up.
- No PM session on Fridays for Preschool and Grades l through 9.
- Optional activities may take place outside these s€ssions.


Preschool students arriving after 8:30will be considered late

Any student (in grades 1 and up) rvho arrives to class 5 min after the
:iàrt of a subject is counted as tardy and is not allowed to enter the
aiâssroom but has to wait for the next subject.

Because unexpected circumstances may happen, the school will

tolerate 4 tardies per term.


After 3 tardies, the parents will be notified.
After 5 tardies, the parents wiil be surnmoned.
6 tardies will be counted as l absence.

Gredes 1 through 4
A child who is late 3 times will be notifled.
A child who is late 4 times will be warned.
After 5 tardies, the parents will be sur,nmoned.
6 tardies will be counted as L absence.

Grade 5 through 12
I a child does not have an excuse letter, he will still be admitted to his
classroom but will be requested to bring an excuse letter the following
day. lf the student still does not bring an excuse letter, he will not be
allowed in class unless his parents notify the homeroom teacher.
lf the parents notify the homeroom teacher before the snack break, the
student will be allowed in classroom âfter the break.
lf the parents notify the homeroom teacher before the lunch break, th e
student will be ailowed in classroom in the afternoon.
The student will not be granted access in the classroom until an excuse
letter is given to the homeroom teacher.


A chi[d who is âbsent 8 days in a term will not be allowed to sit for the
term exam.


A child who is absent 25 tirnes (or more) in the year witl repeat ihe class.

Grades 1 through 12

For valid âbsences like close family loss or sickness (with medical report
if more than two days of absence), the student will be alloweC ro make
up the test and quizzes that were missed during the day(s) of absence.
For non-valid absences, the student will not be allowed to make up the
tests and quizzes thêt were missed.

Students who have to leave the school during the day will only be
allowed to do so if a letter of excuse from the parents has been
provided (êxcept for emergencies); otherwise, they will have to stay at

Students who skip classes without no:ifying the hcmeroom teacher will
not be allowed in class the same nurnber of slots missed. The student

Students are expected to write down instructions for homework in

the homework notebook that parents are asked to check regularly.


When a student fails to do his homework 3 times, parents wili be

When a student fails to do his homework 5 times, parents will be

10 points will be subtracted from the next test of a student who does
not complete his homework 6 times; beyond 6th time, 2 points will be
deducted from the test for every homework not completed.

Any "completed" homework, but not brought to school on time, is

considered as uncompleted.


Tests and quizzes are regularly given to students to assess their mastery
of the main concepts taught to them.
Students are to follow the teacher's instructions.

Students must not talk, whisper, lend or borrow materials, make hand
signals during quizzes or tests. Such actions are considered as attempts
to cheât and may câuse the student to be penalized.
Students who are caught cheating will be given a score of 10%.

Quizzes and tests are sent to the parents to be checked regularly on


No catch up for quizzes.

Only two missed tests will be allowed to be made up in the year.


A child who is late L0 times will not be allowed to sit for one exam
A chiLd who is late 15 times will not sit for the entirê term exam.

Grades 5 through 12
A student who is late 3 times will be notified.
A student who is late 4 times will be warned.
After 5 tardies, the student will miss one quiz per tardy.
After 1 quiz missed, the parents will be notified
After 2 quizzes missed, the parents will be summoned
A quiz or a test missed because of tardiness will not be made up.
A student who is lata 10 times will not be allowed to sit fot one exarn
A student who is late 15 times will not sit for the entire term exam.
A student who is late during the exam will not be allowed to sit for the
exam and will be given a score of 10%.

HOMEWORK (Grades 1 and up)

Assigning homework is an educational practice that has its importance

at MCA. The school believes that satisfactory results cannot be achieved
without sufficient study at home.

Homework provides the students with opportunities for independei:,

practice, skills reinforcement and research, and also prornotes gccd
time management and responsibili§.

The following guidelines have been developed

Total homework time for any given day willvary. Some children will
find some assignments more time-consuming than other children.
Roughly, however,
oGrades l and 2 should spend 25 to 35 minute a night
oGrade 3: up to 45 minutes
oGrades 4 and 5: up to an hour
oGrades 6 through 8: one to two houi'§
ôGrades 9 thrôugh 3.2: two to three hours

The following misconducts will not be tolerated:

ïowards Teache.s and Staff

- Causing, attempting to cause, and threatening to cause physical
inju ry

- Participating in any act of violence

- lnsulting, harassing and intimidating
- Refusing to follow instructions (insubordination)

- Negative attitude and responses (negativity, hatred, criticism,

- Willfully defying
- Hiding or stealing belongings
- Ridiculing
- O,'fensi're language

Tcwa:cls peers

- Causing, attempting tô cause, and threatening to cause physical

- Participating in any act of violence
- Bullying, insulting, intimidating, threatening
- Deluding (tricklng, hiding others' belongings for any reason)
- Stealing, attempting to steal, and knowingly receiving stolen

- Sexual harassment, inappropriate sexual touching and/or language

- Offensive language


o Studentsshould notonlytreatall oftheadultsintheschool

with respect but also each other.
o Out of respect for the administration and staff, the parents
are asked to set the example when speaking with or about
the school personnel to their child(ren).
o Students should conduct themselves around the school
with due regard to the safety and welfare of others.
o Students should respect the classroom instructions.

o Students should stand up when the teacher and/or other

adults enter the classrooin.
o Students should not wear hats, caps or any kind of head
covering in class.
o Students may go to the bathroom everv two slots (except
the lower grades who can go there more frequently).
o Students should not eat or drink during slots.

o Students should not be out of their seats without


o Students should respect teachers and classmates wherr

asking questions.

o Students must respect the cleanliness of the school

environment by throwing garbage in the trash containers.
o Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, weapons, inappropriate music,
offensive language and pornography are not permitted on
school property.

All students are expected to be well groomed and appropriatety

dressed, on all academic, athletic, recreational or social occasions at
school or during school functions. Modesÿ, moderation and neatness
are the principles used in the dress code.

This excludes:

- Tight fitting that reveals the body form

- Revealing outfits that show undergarments (or lack of
undergarments), cleavage, bra straps, bare back, navel
- Low cut pants

- Torn pants or with holes

- Mini-shorts or mini-skirts (the length must be at least 2 inches
above the knee)

Outfits lvith offensive logos, wording or images (promoting death,

violence, immorality, politics, offensive language, rebellion, drugs
and all kinds of ungodllness)

Hairstyle which might be distracting, disturbing, and offensive will not
be accepted.

To avoid injuries, no student is âllowed to wear flip flops. Young
students are strongly recommended to lvear closed toe shoes.
Students from Nursery till Grade 4 should not wear shoes with high
heels. Otherwise, they should stand still and not play with others.
Older students can wear shoes with heels 2 inches high at most.

NB- Students should comply and not argue once the school evaluates
one's outfit as non-appropriate.
Committing the offenses against teachers and peers previously
mentioned will bring serious consequences which will range from
summoning parents and temporary suspension to expulsion.
Life threatening offenses will be sanctioned by an immediate expulsion
from school.

Regarding School Properties

Students will replace or fix the school propertles that they damage
accidentally or on purpose.

To meet Biblical principles on relationships, in order to protect
students from immorality, and to help them succeed in their studies,
inappropriate behavior such as: touching private parts of the
same/opposite sex, intimate and/or prolonged embracing, kissing and
similar actions are forbidden in the school premises and at school
events. lt is forbidden as well for one boy and one girl to be alcne
together in an isolated place.

Violâting these prohibitions may end up in expulsion from ihi. sctrci

Hard candies, gum and unpitted fruits (litchis, peaches...i are
forbidden. They could cause accidental chocking that may be fatal.
lnappropriate items, documents, music, audios and videos
(promoting violence, immorality, offensive language, rebellion, arrrj
all kinds of ungodliness) are forbidden.
Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and weapons are not permitted oI
schooi property.

Violating these prohibitions will bring consequences wl'rich will range

from warning, summoning parents, temporary suspension or
AII students arè asked to bring a snack for morning break. No
student is allowed to leave the school premises or ask MCA staff
to buy their snacks during break time.
Snack or lunch brought for the children by parents or someone
they send will be received by the guards at the gate.
It is compulsory for each student to have a lunch which must be
eaten in the classroom (Grades L-4), or in the shelter (Grades
9-12), or !n the multi-purpose room (Grades 5-8).

a We encourage parents to provide their children with healthy

food (vegetables, fruits, meèt, cheese, yoghurt, etc.) but not
always empty or junk food (chips, sweets, biscuits, cool drink,
(_1 No students are allowed to play in the classrooms during


To prevent the spread of any infection, to help students for their well-
being, and to help them focus on their studies, students are to ensure
that the following good hygiene practices are observed:

Tâke a bath or a shower every day

Brush teeth

Wear neat/cleân clothes

Have hands washed regularly

Remove lice from hair

Students who are noticed having hygÈene issues will be approached by

teachers and deait with appropriately.

Failure to adhere to any aspect of the dress code will result in one of
the foliowing:
- The student is asked to wear a covering

- The student is sent home


The telephone in the school ollce may be used by students in case of

emergency and with the permission of the administration. These are
not considered emergencies: parents late for pick up, forgotten books
(textbooks, library books, homework books ...), forgotten snacks,
forgotten clothes, etc.
Outside of emergencies, calls done by the students from the office
should be paid by the parents.

Students can bring their cellphones to school but are not allowed to
use them in the classroom. Phone calls, even outside the classroorn,
are not permitted unless authorized by teachers or the school

Parents are asked to call the school administration, not directiv their.
children, in case they wânt to com!'nunicate with them.

Students who are caught using telephones in the ciassroom without

the permission of the teacher will not be allowed to attend the slot he
was €aught in.

lf caught a second time, the student',vill not be allowed to attend class

for a half day.

lf caught a third tirne, the student will not be allowed to attend class
for one day and his parents will be notified.

lf caught a fourth time, the parents will be summoned for a parent-

teacher conference.

NB. The school is nst held responsible for the loss or damage of any
device of a student whatever the cause or reason.
Student's average mark is consistently under 60% and the student
shows no ability to do better even if he repeats the grade.

Student's incorrect behavior or regular infringement to school

rules shows no change in spite of warnings.

Non-payment or late payment of school fees.

Parents are consistently negative towards the school.

Parents disagree with or do not respect the school policies.

Student's behavior is a menace for the safety of others.

See also other specific reasons in other parts of this handbook

Eêch week the school has a 3o-minute assembly. The purpose is to provide
an opportunity for the student body to gather together to worship God and
receive edification through Scripture and music. The assembly program will
include guest speakers and prayer services. Students will be asked to
participate in various aspects of the assembly program to begin developing
the talents and abilities needed for leadership in their church or communi§.

Throughout the schoo! year, MCA may hold special events (outings, sports,
plays, camp, etc.) that will be announced at an appropriate time to the
parents. These events are not ôptional but compulsory as they are part of
the education at MCA.
A child who regularly misses these events may be refused to register for
the next school year.
Some activities may require the payment of an extra cost by the parents.

ln order to prepare the children for their future to achieve their goals,
and to learn excellence, they âre led and expected to be responsible in:
- Respecting deadlines
- Taking care of the books
- Being punctual

- Being committed in their learning

- Managing their time wisely

- Showing discernment

ln order to vary the methods of teaching, to make them more attractive, to
help students learn faster, to educate them to use internet wisely, and to
help them make the transition to College, teaching at MCA will incorporâte
more technology: audio/video, online classes, online research...

Since use of technology is inevitable for our students' future, it is not

optional at MCA. lt is part of the education at school. Studeni-s who don't
participate may miss important things.


Student may repeat the school yeàr when:
- Student's average mark is consistently under 60% but the student
has potential to do better if he repeats the grade.

- Term's average for one subject is 10%

- Studenfs absence and/or lateness is excessive.

Student will be excluded when:
- Parents disagree with the Christian education given at MCA.

o The parents are asked to play an active role in some âspect of the
school as time and abilities allow. We welcome any parent who
desires to collaborate with the school to submit projects or
suggestions to MCA administration.

o MCA Staff will endeavor to maintain good relationships with the

parents of their students. One parent-school meeting and two
parent-teacher conferences will be arranged during the year.
Parents' attendance to these meetings is compulsory.

o Parents can have conference with the teacher and MCA

administration. Please arrange an appointment.
c-r MCA does not endorse any parents' meeting that has not been
authorized by MCA administration.
.-, Let the teacher know any situation that might affect your child's
behavior or performance in class (sickness, etc.)

. Do not negate or tear down in front of your child what is taught or

established by the teacher or the school. lf you have any question
or problem, please discuss it with the teacher first and if necessary
with the Principal.
c Parents who consistently tear down the school are asked to
withdraw their children from MCA.
o Parents are expected to cooperate and respect the organization set
by the school regarding activities, stationeries, meetings, etc.

o Make sure that your child does not bring any toys or valuable things
to school. MCA is not responsible of any loss or damage.
Teachers are not permitted to administer any medicines withôut the
written consent of the parents. Any regular medication required during the
school day should be handed in with clear written instructions to the
member of staff who will administer it as required.
ln case of serious illness, the parents will be contacted immediately and/or
the child will be taken to the nearest clinic or hospital, but MCA will not be
responsible for any medical expenses.

Children who have a contagious disease are nofallowed to come to school

without a written medical certificate from a qualified doctor.
Please ensure that the school has â telephone number and contact person
in the event of a medical emergency. The school needs to be informed
lmmediately of any change of address or telephone number.

The goal of the school is to protect the child from any kind of abuse. Child
abuse includes non-accidental physical injury, neglect, sexual molestâtion,
and emotional abuse.

Thê following guidelines are adopted by MCA:

o ln order to protect individuals, employees, teachers and voluntacr,,,

they are encouraged to avoid, where possible, being alone with one
o Teachers should be alert to the physical and emotional state cf the
children: signs of injury or suspected child abuse should be reported
lmmediately to the Principal.
o lt is the responsibility of the Principal to report child abusè to the
competent authorities.

lesus, You're my firm foundation

I know I can stand secure
Jesus, You're my firm foundation
I put my hope in your Holy Word (x2)

I have a living hope

I hâve â future
God has a plan for me
tor this l'm sure (x2)

Your Word is faithful

Mighty with power
God will deliver me
For this l'm sure (x2)

The school year is from September till June. There are two main holidays
(Christmas and Easter), and between these, smaller 'half-term' holidays. We
aim to observe most Malagasy national holidays. See school calendar for

The school office is open from 8:00 to 15:00 on Monday-Thursday, and from
8:00 to 12:30 on Friday.

Contact us:

o20 24 9L4 7a

034 33 835 53

mca@moov. mq

fl Mad"gar.a, christian Academy

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