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Everybody should do something about overpopulation before it took to the

Overpopulation is one of the global issues that humanity should solve. There are so many causes
why people should fight this.
Our planet does not have enough water and food to all people. There will not be resources to live
or survive. Also environment will be damaged because of overuse of resources. Air will not be
as good and clean as it was before. If the quality of products going to be worse, there will be
more diseases. Due to overpopulation everywhere will be overcrowded and there will not be
enough oxygen to breath. Because of lack of water and medicines more people will not be able
to live.
However we also have the issue of unemployment. This one is going to be the rise of crimes and
We have plenty of decisions and solutions which can prevent overpopulation. The first is to
make sure that all families will be checked by government and be able to have only 2-3 children.
Next step is to give a good education to children, more classes about sex education. The last to
give a permission to make aborts. Woman’s body, her choice.
And still overpopulation is the problem that can be solved. The problem that will bring
destruction to the planet and humanity. To avoid this, we have to do something.

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