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This was my first experience. I really liked him and I decideesvvd to take the initiative.

Taking the first steps is alwayfcvbws scary, but you know that you become boxvvddgslder
and get information about a person. Information, in turn, helps to gain trust.

Since we comwmunicated remotely, I needed to come up with something cute. I became

creative. Arranging a great date and keeping a person busy for the whole day were something
easy to me. It was very importantsgto keep myself in hand. Find a common language, don't
be rude, and watch the language.

The sugar-flower period is over. The first digfgdsappointment was that he loved someone
else for over a year. After it became known that they were datings;fldkdvjv

It was a very painful experience. But I became stronger mentally and not frivolous. The
decision to remain frieadagdbdxnds is the most reasonable.

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