Hitler Alternate Death

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Hitler's alternate death

Germany, April 29, 1945:

Hitler has made serious key mistakes in the war, as a result of his mistakes Hitler is
under attack from the Soviets and Americans from all sides, Hitler realizes that there is
no point in staying in the shelter because they will die or be imprisoned.
At night he and his wife sneak between his soldiers and take the path to the left, there
are Soviet soldiers there and Hitler thinks that they are very bad at fighting and decides
to advance through the trenches. Hitler gives the order to concentrate the fire on one
flank, the Soviet soldiers move towards that flank to support their friends, he takes this
opportunity to run into the forest, now, Hitler and his wife only armed with a pistol
embark on their adventure.
Germany, April 30, 1945:
Hitler and his wife have spent the night in an old coal mine, they know that they have
to advance because they have only gone 10 km from the battle, on an old map, in
Hitler's possession there are several towns where there are German civilians, which
they will help Hitler. The rocky road is difficult to walk, Hitler's wife has had to remove
her heels and goes barefoot on painful terrain, on the way to town Hitler's wife trips
and breaks her leg.
So many screams were enough for a group of German rebels to find them. The
Germans handed Hitler over to Stalin's representative and he orders Hitler's
imprisonment, his wife is buried due to her death.
Germany, August 2, 1945:
The allies discover the Holocaust bloodbath, then Hitler is tortured to find out the
locations of the concentration camps.
The allied leaders do not accept Hitler's request for mercy and order the soldiers to put
Hitler inside a gas chamber, so that he knows the pain he caused innocents.

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