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UKSSSC Patwari Syllabus 2021:

UKSSSC Patwari Syllabus 2021:Hindi Language

Questions follow a wide range testing basic grammar and hold of candidate over the
language.UKSSSC Patwari Syllabus 2021:Hindi Language is as follows:

अलक ं ार, रस, समास, पर्ाार्वाची, ववलोम, तत्सम एवं तदभव, सवधिर्ां, वाकर्ांशों के वलए शब्द विमााण, लोकोविर्ााँ एवं महु ावरे , वाकर् संशोिि –
वलंग, वचि, कारक, वतािी, त्रवु ि से सम्बंवित अिेकार्थी शब्द

List is not exhaustive but informative.

UKSSSC Patwari Syllabus 2021: General Awareness

General awareness test covers general knowledge, basic understating of India

and questions from current affairs and events in news.
Candidates are supposed to have basic multidimensional awareness and
understanding. Topics will include:

1. Indian History (ancient , medieval and modern )

2. Indian Polity and Constitution
3. Indian Economy
4. Indian Geography (physical)
5. Indian Agriculture
6. General Science (factual)
7. People and Events in News
8. Population studies(census based )
9. World Geography and Geography and Natural Resources of India.
10. Understanding of Environment

While this is vast, past year papers and mock test will help you to understand type and difficulty
level of questions asked.
UKSSSC Patwari Syllabus 2021:General Awareness Uttarakhand

This being a state specific exam. Largest portion of questions are from this section. Awareness
about Uttarakhand will include:

 History of Uttarakhand
 Geography of Uttarakhnad
 Culture based questions
 Economy of Uttarakhnad
 Prominent people past and present
 Natural heritage and Environment related questions

UKSSSC Patwari Syllabus 2021: Exam Pattern

Above mentioned parts are asked in form of 100 questions, nature of questions in multiple choice
type. Each question carries 1 mark for right option. Wrong choice will be penalized in form of
negative marking(1/4 of marks ) per question. Exam pattern is as follows:

Subject Number of Question Marks

Hindi 25 25
General Awareness 30 30
Uttarakhand Specific 45 45

Total time given is two hours, exam is conducted in pen and paper mode.
UKSSSC Patwari Syllabus 2021: Physical Parameters
Successful candidates have to meet physical standards as mentioned by UKSSSC.

Physical Measurement:

परुु ष अभ्र्वर्थार्ों के वलए धर्िू तम ऊाँचाई 168 सेमी० व मवहला अभ्र्वर्थार्ों के वलए 152 सेमी० अविवार्ा होगी। पवातीर् मल
ू के अभ्र्वर्थार्ों को 5
सेमी० की छूि अिमु धर् होगी। परुु ष अभ्र्वर्थार्ों के वलए सीिा फुलाव के सार्थ 84 सेमी०, विसमें धर्िू तम 5 सेमी० का फुलाव अविवार्ा होगा। पवातीर्
ू के अभ्र्वर्थार्ों को 5 सेमी० की छूि अिमु धर् होगी। मवहला अभ्र्वर्थार्ों का विि धर्िू तम 45 वकलोग्राम होिा चावहए।

Physical Efficiency Test :

परुु ष अभ्र्वर्थार्ों को 60 वमिि में 07 वकलोमीिर और मवहला अभ्र्वर्थार्ों को 35 वमिि 3.5 वकलोमीिर दौड़िा आवश्र्क होगा.

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