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Yarn used

Cascade Ultra Pima Fine

1 skein each in shades
(A) Blueberry
(B) Cornflower
(C) Spring Green
(D) Golden Rod
(E) Delphinium

UK4mm/US6 120cm circular

Row counter
Tapestry needle

40 rows-16sts-10cms
Garter stitch

Finished measurements
Depth at widest point

Sts:Stitc hes
Kfb:Knit into front and back
of next stitch
Ssk:Slip slip knit

(A)Blueberry (B)Spring green (C)Cornflower (D)Golden rod


Using 4mm needles and (A) cast on 6sts

Next row: (WS) kfb, knit to end
Next row: (RS) k3, ssk, knit until 1st remain, kfb
Continue to work like this until you have 65sts on needle.
Break (A)

Section one
Row 1: (RS) Using (C ) k3, ssk, knit to last st, kfb
Row 2: (WS) Using (C) kfb, knit to end
Row 3: Using (B ) as row 1
Row 4: Using (B ) as row 2
Work rows 1-4 for a total of 60 rows (95sts)

Section two
Using (B) work rows 1 and 2 for a total of 30 rows (110sts)

Section three
Row 1: (RS) Using (D) k3, ssk, knit to last st, kfb
Row 2: (WS) Using (D) kfb, knit to end
Row 3: as row 1
Row 4: as row 2
Row 5: Using (C ) as row 1
Row 6: Using (C ) as row 2
Row 7: as row 5
Row 8: as row 6
Work rows 1-8 for a total of 56 rows (138sts)

Section four
Row 1: Using (D) k3, ssk, knit to last st, kfb
Row 2: Using (D) kfb, knit to end
Work rows 1 and 2 for a total of 18 rows (147sts)
Section five
Row 1: (RS) Using (E) k3, ssk, knit to last st, kfb
Row 2: (WS) Using (E) kfb, knit to end
Row 3: Using (A) as row 1
Row 4: Using (A) as row 2
Work rows 1-4 for a total of 20 rows (157sts)

Section six
Row 1: (RS) Using (E) k3, ssk, knit to last st, kfb
Row 2: (WS) Using (E) kfb, knit to end
Work rows 1 and 2 for a total of 24 rows

Cast off loosely and weave in all ends.

© Copyright 2018. Brian Smith. All rights reserved. For personal use only

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