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Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario # 138

English 4.- Partial 2

Teacher´s Name: Ronaldo Perez Cárdenas

Student´s Name: Arely Guadalupe Sánchez López grade: IV group: B

 Write the intensifiers which are not there.








_Kind of_______________________

_A little________________________

_not really_____________________

_not at all______________________

 write five examples about your life using the intensifiers below.
Example: (really): I have been really focused in this exam. Nota puede ser en
cualquier tiempo gramatical; presente, pasado, futuro etc.

1.- (totally)
I totally like the color blue.
2.- (a little)
I only like rock music a little.
3.- (absolutely)
I absolutely love pizza.
4.- (quite)
I think jewelry is quite pretty.
5.- (very)
I like watching TV very much.

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