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This was during the District-Level Essay Writing Contest held at the Gabaldon Building in

Zamboanguita Central Elementary School. There were two categories and it was Filipino Category and English
Category. The one who will win the said contest will be the one to compete in the Division level that will be
held in Division office Capitol Area, Dumaguete City.
The Grade IV pupils spent their free time in their mini library. As we can see in the second
picture, there is also a peer tutoring that will help their classmate learn more and understand well what they
are reading.
In Grade VI pupils peer tutoring is also present. They helped one another in order for them to understand
well what they are reading.
Our judges during the District-Level Essay Writing and Poster Making Contest. They were assisted by
the schools librarian coordinators while judging. They make sure that they will be able to choose the one who
will deserve and compete in the Division Level.

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