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Case questions:

1. How does the concept of segmentation pricing relate to

Washburn Guitar’s four different price points?

-Washburn offers a fair market segmentation for they offer to

more advanced customers who value guitars they have and
they choose the brands that they use would be willing to pay
more higher quality of course, the more expensive the guitar,
the better quality the customers will get.While,for the
customers who are in a beginner level would have a product
that is less quality therefore it has lesser price.

2. How does Washburn’s four different price points reflect

customer wants and needs?

-Washburn's four different price focuses are reflective of

segment pricing, which directs that if customers the market
comprises of purchasers who need unique things and will pay
for them, at that point the costs might be made distinctive for
various goods and services. If the customers want or need a
guitar for their children, Washburn can make a line for the
younger generation and include fun colors, easy beginner
books and low prices.

3. Are Washburn’s four price points an accurate indicator of

differential quality?Why or why not?

- Washburn guitars use signature series of the famous artists

in order to differentiate from competition which allows
consumers to feel that they are using same guitar with the
famous musicians. So differential quality directs that it is an
indicator because they are hands on to all of the marketing

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