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Evidence 5: Workshop “Using verbs to build customer satisfaction tools”

First moment: written production


After analyzing in detail the survey conducted with the customers regarding the service

provided to them, certain conclusions can be drawn based on the responses.

As we saw, in the first two questions posed in the survey the consumer's perceptions are

not the most favorable, because when asked how likely it is that he would recommend

the company on a scale of 1 to 10 the answer was 5, a fairly mediocre rating and that

leaves in evidence that there are several points to improve, as in the second question

regarding customer satisfaction the answer was that the level of satisfaction is

intermediate so I came to the same conclusion, there are points to improve.

When I analyzed the other questions I understood that the customer was quite satisfied

with the quality of the product, but one point that affected customer satisfaction was the

price that is handled. The customer told us in the last question that he would like to

have more flavors, so the company must take into account all the points of view of the

customer to improve as a company and produce and provide a better service.

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