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LESSON 3 - Nutrition

Learning Outcomes
In this lesson we will focus more on the healthy diet of the students especially in the
current situation due to the pandemic COVID 19. According to WHO, today more than 95% of all
chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic, food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack
of physical exercise. After this lesson the students will be able to;

1. identify the basic nutrients and its functions in the body.

2. explain the importance of food selection in attaining good nutrition.
3. calculate the exact calorie intake per day
4. design his own food plan with the desired nutrients needed in the body.
5. Assess individual health care.

Learning Content and Tasks

 Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. ...
 “To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness,
and maintain an interest in life.” - ...
 “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” – Joseph Pilates.

A healthy lifestyle has become a major priority in the quest for meaningful living and, as all
the experts tell us, nutrition is its anchor. Whether it's good food, health food, or diet food, what
we eat has inspired some wise, funny, and informative ideas about perfect nutritious food for

Let’s start with knowing the following;

NUTRITION - the act or process of nourishing or
being nourished specifically: the sum of the
processes by which an animal or plant takes in
and utilizes food substances foods that are
necessary for human nutrition.
- adjective.
Providing nourishment, especially
to a high degree; nourishing;
healthful: a good, nutritious meal.

- The study of the dietary
requirements of the body and of the amounts
of water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
vitamins, minerals and fibre needed for the
maintenance of health. Collins Dictionary of
Medicine © Robert M.

- means your body gets all

the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs
to work its best. Plan your meals and snacks
to include nutrient-dense foods that are also
low in calories.May 4, 2020

– A noun. any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or

otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy,
promote growth, etc. more or less solid nourishment, as
distinguished from liquids. ... whatever supplies nourishment to
organisms: plant food. anything serving for consumption or
use: food for thought.
refers to handling, preparing and
storing food in a way to best reduce the risk of
individuals becoming sick from foodborne
illnesses. ... The principles of food safety aim to
prevent food from becoming contaminated and
causing food poisoning. Aug 19, 2019

Nutrients are essential for the body

Our bodies are built of and powered by solely what we eat and drink. Food is the source of all
of the energy needed “Why “do humans have to eat? Is it just because we get hungry? That is not all.
People get energy from food. We need energy all the time, when we run, jump, sing, and even when
we sleep. We create all the energy we need by eating. The structures components that make up the
human body, such as muscles, organs, and bones, are also composed of the nutrients contained in
food, meaning that it is. This is why eating and taking in the nutrients that provide energy and become
the components of our bodily structures is essential to for sustaining human life.

The roles of the five major nutrients
Nutrients are the substances found in
food which drive biological activity, and
are essential for the human body. They
are categorized as proteins, fats,
carbohydrates (sugars, dietary fiber),
vitamins, and minerals, and perform the
following vital functions.
1. Building all parts of the body such as
muscle, bone, teeth, and blood
2. 2. Producing energy (power and heat)
3. 3.Keeping the body in good working order

Proteins: the building blocks of the body

Protein is the main constituent of the

body, making up the muscles, internal organs,
skin, and blood, etc. If compared to a car, it would
be the material from which the body and engine
are made. Just like a car cannot be driven fast
without a solid frame, without protein the human
body cannot be kept in a healthy state. There are
20 kinds of amino acids that make up proteins, 9
of which are not synthesized in the body, and are
therefore called essential amino acids. These
essential amino acids must be supplemented
from meals.

Fats/carbohydrates (sugars): the body's energy
(power and heat) source

Although consuming too much fat can lead to

obesity, small amounts can provide a highly efficient
energy source (9kcal per gram). Carbohydrates can
be broken down further into the two categories of
sugars and dietary fiber. Sugars are the
carbohydrates which can be used as an energy
source to move the body (such as during exercise)
and are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.
Sugars are also the main source of energy for the
brain. Dietary fiber, on the other hand, is also known
as the sixth major nutrient and is the indigestible
portion of food that is not broken down by human
digestive enzymes. It helps to increase the number of
good bacteria in the digestive tract, maintain the
balance of bacteria in the intestines, and as such is
very beneficial for the body. Fats can be found in
abundance in the fatty portion of meats and in
cooking oils, and sugars can be found in ample
quantities in grains, potatoes, sugar, and fruit.

Vitamins/minerals: keeping the body in good
working order

Vitamins and minerals are not used as energy, but

instead aid in breaking down and building up proteins,
fats, and sugars, and are an essential nutrient for
keeping the body healthy and in good working order.
“Vitamin” is the general term for the organic
compounds (compounds containing carbon) which are
mostly impossible for the body to synthesize, and a lack
of these vitamins can possibly lead to various deficiency-
related diseases. Vitamins can be broken down into two
categories: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Fat-soluble
vitamins (A, D, E, K) dissolve easily in fats and can lead to
a vitamin overdose if consumed in large amounts.
Water-soluble vitamins (B vitamins, C) dissolve easily in
water and thus carry very little risk of overdose. Vitamins
can be found in large amounts in fruit and vegetables.
“Mineral,” also referred to as inorganic matter, is a
general term for the chemical elements which make up
the human body excluding oxygen, carbon, hydrogen,
and nitrogen. There are 16 different minerals which are
necessary for the human body, including calcium, iron,
and sodium, and they can be found in abundance in
fruit, vegetables, seaweed, and milk/dairy products.

There are seven major classes of

1. carbohydrates,
There are three major classes of
2. fats,
macronutrients: carbohydrates, lipids,
3. Dietary fiber,
and proteins. All three of these nutrients are
4. minerals,
needed in relatively large amounts AND they
5. proteins,
contain Calories (note the capital C which
6. vitamins, and
indicates kilocalories) which can be "burned"
7. water.
in your body to create energy for your body

According to a 2015 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics survey of
health professionals with experience in Central America, populations in
developing areas of this region lack basic knowledge of biology and
physiology. Beginning with a discussion of basic health concepts and then
explaining how nutrition affects our bodies is a good strategy.

Explaining Organ Functions

 Lungs: provide oxygen to blood

 Heart: circulates blood throughout the body
 Stomach: helps digest food
 Intestines: absorb nutrients from food
 Liver: removes toxins from blood and processes nutrients from food
 Kidneys: filter blood of waste and extra fluid

“By choosing healthy over skinny, you are choosing self-love over self-
judgement.” —Steve Maraboli

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” —Jim Rohn

What is the maximum calorie needed?

An ideal daily intake of calories varies depending

on age, metabolism and levels of physical
activity, among other things. Generally, the
recommended daily calorie intake is
2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for

Estimates range from 1,600 to 2,400 calories

per day for adult women and
2,000 to 3,000 calories per day for adult men.
Within each age and sex category, the low
end of the range is for sedentary individuals; the
high end of the range is for active individuals.

For body to function;

the amount of food we consume daily has a significant impact on bodily function.
Most adults need a minimum of 2000 calories to sustain metabolism, muscle
activity, and brain function. However, too many calories can lead to weight gain
and a variety of diseases.

How many calories do you burn a day doing nothing?

The amount of calories burned increases according to body weight. So,

a person who weighs 150 pounds might burn 46 calories an hour or
between 322 and 414 calories a night. And a person who weighs 185
pounds might burn around 56 calories or between 392 and
504 calories for a full night of sleep

Sample Food Chart for your Guide when computing your own Calories needed in the body


Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical
activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic
diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health.

What about the Nutrition Status in the Philippines?

Presidential Decree 491 in 1974 declared that Nutrition Month shall be held every
July to create greater awareness on the importance of nutrition among Filipinos. The law
mandates the National Nutrition Council (NNC) to coordinate and lead the nationwide

National Nutrition Month®, celebrated

each year during March, focuses on the
importance of making informed food
choices and developing sound eating
and physical activity habits. The theme
for National Nutrition Month® 2020 is
Eat Right, Bite by Bite.

A nutrition education and

information campaign sponsored annually
by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
National Nutrition Month®, held annually
in March, focuses attention on the
importance of making informed food choices
and developing sound eating and physical
activity habits.

Therefore the best way to get enough with the basic nutrients above mentioned is by eating
a varied diet full of fruits, vegetables, healthy protein and fats and whole grains.

Happy Eating


Annigan J, Media D.What Does Food Provide in the Human Body. SF Gate. Accessed February
14, 2016

 Hoy-Rosas J, Arrecis E, Avila M. Central American Food Practices. In Goody C, Drago L. Cultural
Food Practices. United States of America. American Dietetic Association; 2010: 54-67.
 Hoy-Rosas J, Arrecis E, Avila M. Central American Food Practices. In Goody C, Drago L. Cultural
Food Practices. United States of America. American Dietetic Association; 2010: 54-67.
 Mahan, L. Kathleen., Escott-Stump Sylvia., Raymond, Janice L. Krause, Marie V., eds. Krause's
Food & The Nutrition Care Process. 13th ed. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier/Saunders, 2012.
 Nelms Marcia, Sucher Kathryn P, Roth Sara, Lacey, eds. Nutrition Therapy Pathophysiology. 2nd
edition. Belmont, CA. Cengage Learning, 2010.


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