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Sharing my Ecological Habits

In my house my parents instilled in me an ecological culture

from a very young age and today I have been able to notice
that my planet has been very hurt, since as people we continue
to make the same mistake and do not worry about what is good
for us. And from there I reflected: Why can't I share the daily
habits that I practice to raise awareness among more people?
Well, here I share the frequent practices that I do:
1. Occasionally, I collect the manure produced by the guinea
pigs and use it as ecological fertilizer.
2. Sometimes, I spend time planting vegetables such as
potatoes, broad beans, peas or olluco in the family garden.
3. Normally, before transferring household waste to the
collection cart, I proceed to separate the plastics, cardboard,
cans or shells, since I can give them a second use or take
advantage of their productivity.

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