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The action of businesses can significantly the lives of ordinary

people .all companies should consider their impact on society and
take actions which benefits local community

Business have a significant effect on people’s live whether as employees ,

consumers, suppliers, investor and the broader society. Although there are an
increasing number of factors examining the companies impact of well being and
create value beyond financial wealth
Businesses keep things new and exciting ,inspiring society reach for new heights
all the time . The opportunities and innovations created by businesses can
dramatically effect the ways in which people live .first It can help make getting
the proper health care much easier and at much affordable rates.

Cost of doing business:

The cost of doing business is any expense a business incurs while in the process
of conducting business. A cost of doing business could be a direct cost ,like raw
material ,or an indirect cost.
Thus ,the business cost is computed to determine the efficiency with which the
firm is carrying out it’s business Operations
According to U.S small business administration ,most micro Business cost around
3000$ to start ,while most home based Frenchie’s cost $2000 to $5000 while
Every type business has its own financing needs .

Size of Business :
Business size refers to the scale of business operations ,which determines the
level of production and consequently the volume of sales . A business maybe
carried on a large scale or on a moderate scale or a small scale
Small businesses also contribute to the Identity of the local community where
they operate .So it’s not just an impact on the local economy .it’s also about being
a number of community and improving that community on many levels In small
and medium sized companies employ less than 250 people SME’S also subdivided
into micro enterprises ,fewer than ten employees

Role of government in Business:

Government can play a key role in defining and promoting Business .The
government role in Business includes protecting the consumer or customer.
When a vendor fails to owner the government, the purchaser has recourse the
law. likewise, when a product causes harm to a person ,the courts may hold he

Company image :
Corporate image or reputation describes the manner in which a company ,it’s
activities ,and it’s products or services are perceived by outsiders . In business of
all sizes it is important that owner recognize the importance of creating a strong
Business image , and that they also make employee’s aware of it .

Impact of business:
Local communities get job opportunities ,better infrastructure and
other amenities that affect the standard of living.
Business has a broad spectrum of variations and it plays an important
role to the shaping of our society.

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