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English II final exam – group A «Bachelor of Natural Sciences and Environmental Education»

Teacher: Johanna Paola Matamoros Flórez

Student (Doctor Gabriel): Jeremy Gabriel Cuevas Hernández - 1370089
Student (patient with ailment): Andrés José Bohórquez Flórez - 1370079
Theme: dialogue of a medical consultation

¡Good morning, Andres!

¿How can I help you?

Well, I have felt dizzy and weak

and right now my head hurts
and I feel chills.

¿Do you eat a lot of sweets?

¡Yes, I love it!

I should eat less sugar ¿Do you

have any other symptoms?

Actually, I wanted to tell you

that I am sleepy all the time.

03 I'm going to take his pulse.

Perfect, doctor Gabriel.

His pulse is fine. ¿Are you

allergic to any medications?

No, I am not.

So, in the meantime, I'm going to prescribe you some

painkillers. Take 1 tablet for 3 days. You should also
have a blood test and rest for a few days.

I promise I will.

Come back with the results and I will give

you a diagnosis and treatment.

Thank you doctor Gabriel. Have a nice day.

Teacher Johanna, this is the link to our video on the dialogue a virtual medical consultation. ¡Enjoy it!


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