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Composition 2

Dear Sir James

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the extra project that you assigned to us.
Last month you gave us a project, one which most of my colleagues did not reach the
expected results. As a remedy to that situation, now you assigned a new project to us, for us
to do it until the end of the month. Do you think it is necessary for me to do it? I do not know
if you recall, but unlike my colleagues, I had a good result with my project. I really
understand your decision to assign a new test, so the class can recover the level of work
that you find necessary. But mine was good.
And I am not saying that I know better than you. But I honestly find it unfair. My colleagues
are already asking me for help, and if I had time, I would help them with pleasure. But i don’t.
So, if you agree, I would like to be freed of this new task, and then, my old project would
come into account for my grade.

Sincerely, Guilherme.

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