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Milena Alvarado

Thais consider the "head" to be the highest part of the body, both in words and symbols.
So even friendly gestures do not allow them to touch anyone's head. Similarly, when
observing social gatherings in Thailand, young people will deliberately lower their heads
to older people, so that they are not taller than the older people, so as not to leave them
with the impression that they look down on them.

Thai people think that a person's right hand is clean, but the left hand is not clean. The
left hand can only pick up something dirty. Therefore, holding important things with
the left hand can cause resentment.
If you have to use your left hand as a last resort, say "left hand, please forgive me."

In public places you can not hug, kiss or shake hands, this is considered impolite

In Thailand, people eat with a spoon in their right hand and a fork in their left. The
spoon is the primary utensil; the fork is only used to handle food. Only items not eaten
with rice (for example, pieces of fruit) are okay to eat with a fork.

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