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The Time is ripe for us to Re-claim our own, which is knowledge, understanding and

a high civilization. We all are equipped physically and mentally to accomplish the
said, above, with little study—young, old, men, women and children.

As we get cleaned up we throw up.

Jeremiah 8:20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. 21For
the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath
taken hold on me. 22Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why
then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

The physician are here and the medicine is here. The first obligation is prayer.
Out of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

When we expect something or something from someone, how do we handle


This seems to have been a proverb: "We expected deliverance the

first year-none came. We hoped for it the second year-we are
disappointed; we are not saved-no deliverance is come."

Healing begins with the administration of justice.

You can’t put a price on human life but they’ll dole out millions that could have
been used to build up our communities.

There is no life in self hatred and self destruction (life giving teaching)

Integration has disintegrated us into different classes. We knew in the 50s we

where connected regardless of occupation.

The new commandment is love yea one another.Our love for our people must approach
the love of God.

Saviours Day Gift.

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