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218722, 16 03, /ntps:netplanning eberiz.conausitionLineTestiresulatPrintjspjsessionid=€622038151C579EA2CT7SSEECCDEADTS.slott Linguistic Audit Berlitz JOSE DAVID RAMIREZ BARRERA, you have completed the Online Test for the elementary level Below is an explanation of your score, as well as its equivalent in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Score of your test 10/30 zo109 ELEMENTARY os Bia COMMUNICATION Understands the general subject of a simple conversation, provided that the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help, Experiences great difficulty in constructing correct sentences, STRUCTURES Understands the written target language better than the spoken target language, Gan express himselinerseln the present tense Has difficulty in forming negative sentences and questions, PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Puede presentarse, pedir informacién, hablar sobre su profesién y leer y comprender textos sencillos y profesionales. Puede seguir ia idea general de una conversacién telefénica simple, asi como hacer una llamada telefénica basica. ESCALA DE NIVEL DE COMPETENCIA LINGUISTICA Y REFERENCIA DE HABILIDADES EN CORRELACION CON EL MARCO LINGUISTICO COMUN EUROPEO NIVELES Berlitz MARCO EUROPEO Puntaje Nivel 0-3 PRINCIPIANTE PRINCIPIANTE 4-8 FALSO PRINGIPIANTE] __PRINCIPIANTE 9-13 ELEMENTAL Al 14-18 PRE INTERMEDIO AZ 19-21 INTERMEDIO 1 Bt 22-24 INTERMEDIO 2 Bt 25-28 INTERMEDIO 3 BZ 29-30 ‘AVANZADO Ct 30+ (prueba especifica)|, _ COMPETENTE C2 hitpsinetplaning.eberfiz.comaudtt/onLineTesUresulatPint.jspjsessionid-E622D9B 151CS79EA2C773SEECCDEADTS bolt we 215722, 16.03, hips inetplanning.eberliz.comlaut fon ineTestresutatPrintp jsessionid=622038151C579EA2C7735EECCDEADTS.lbott htpsnetplanring.eberliz.comlausil font ine TesbresulatPintjsp:sessionid-E622038151C579EA2C773SEECCDEADTS vibolt 22

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