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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Sección: 0803

Estudiante: Cristhian Eduardo Ramírez Herrera

No dé Cuenta: 20181008224

Licenciada: Tania Waldina Herrera Avilés

Asignatura: Ingles II

Tema: Traditional vs. Non-traditional Family

Fecha de Entrega: 22 de Septiembre del 2022

Traditional vs. Non-traditional Family (Worksheet)

Instructions: Write A, B, C, D, E and F in the correct box to match the type of

family with the definition.

Type of Family

Single- Stepfamily Traditional Same-sex Non- Cohabitation
parent family marriage traditional
families / Family

Definition Type of
1. Marriage between two men or two women. ( controversial issue, may still face D
social resistance)

2. A family structure that consists of a man, woman and one or more of their C
biological or adopted children.

3. May result from the death of a significant other, a parent´s choice or divorce A
may not have the benefit of two biological parents raising a child).

4. All other types of families that are not nuclear families E

5. Formed where one or both spouses have been previously married and who B
may have children from a previous marriage. (may face complex issues that a
nuclear family may not have to face, like child support, visitation rights, and
holiday issues.)

6. The sharing of a household by an unmarried couple. ( alternative form of F

marriage, similar to marriage, test their compatibility, marriage would not
otherwise be legal, does not receive the same formal recognition, may face social
disapproval )

Cristhian Eduardo Ramírez Herrera

No. dé Cuenta: 20181008224
Lic. Tania Waldina Herrera Avilés

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