Lamaran Karja

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Membuat Lamaran Kerja dan CV

Dosen Pengampu : Nining Fitriani, M.Pd., M.Kom

Nama : Dedi Candra

NIM : 888740102190013
Kls : Skp-19.1
Kampus : Universitas Stekom Majapahit 605
Semarang, March 2021

Dear :
Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. Semarang area
jl. Diponegoro No.35, Lempongsari, Kec. Gajahmungkur, Semarang City, Central Java 50231

Subject: Job Applications

Attachment: Six (6) files


The undersigned below :

Name :Dedi Candra

Date of birth :Teluk Lecah,31 Agustus 2000
Address :Jl Sungai Mandau SIAK
No. Tel / HP :085271860915
Last education :S1 Sistem Komputer

I hereby want to submit a job application application at the company that you lead to fill in the
vacancies in the formation in your company.

I have web design skills as well as office skills like Excel. Ms. WOrd, Powerpoint, Outlock, Access,
and computer skills in programming. Besides that, I also have good spoken and written English skills.
I have integrity and loyalty and high morale.

For consideration, I also attach the following files:

1. 1 sheet of 3 x 4 Color Photograph
2. Photocopy of the last diploma as much as 1 sheet
3. Copy of KTP
4. Curriculum Vitae
5. Photocopy of Computer Course Certificate
6. Copy of TOEFL English Language Proficiency Certificate

Thus I submit this job application letter. My big hope is that the leaders / ladies can consider
my request to be accepted in the company that you lead. Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,


The undersigned below :

Name :Dedi Candra
Place / date. Born :Teluk Lecah,31 Agustus 2000
Gender :Laki-Laki
Citizenship :Indonesia
Religion / status :Islam/Lajang
No. Identity : NIM 888740102190013
Address :Jalan Sungai Mandau SIAK
Phone number :085271860915

1. SD Negeri 27 Tl.lecah Graduated in 2012 Certified
2. SMP Negeri 1 Sungai Mandau Graduated in 2016 Certified
3. SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Mandau Graduated in 2019 Certified

Work experience:
1. Work at PT. Medika Pratama Bandung from August 2020 - March 2021
Thus I created this biographical truth.

Bandung, March 3, 2021

Best regards,

Dedi candra

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