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Absen : 12


1. For the presentation you selected at the start of the book, what is your listeners’ profile (age,
educational background, years of experience, years with the company)?

Answer : Age = 18-25 years old

Educational background = Student at vocational collage

Year of experience = 12 years from elementary school to high school, and 1 year in

vocational School

Years with the company = most still have no experience in the company

2. What are the designations of the listeners who are attending your presentation and their
authority level in the organisation?

Answer : Finance Student A, they are is vocational collage students

3. What are the listener experiences in the recent past favouring or not favouring the theme of
your presentation?

Answer :

4. What is the acceptability level of the listeners to your presentation topic (positive {+}, neutral {0}
or negative {–})?

Answer : I think 40% can accept it positively 20% percent accept it neutrally and the rest accept it
with a negative reception, but when I really try to speak from the listenr’s point of view maybe I can
change this condition a little

5. What are the listeners’ motives which your presentation enables/disables?

Answer :

6. What are the listeners’ checkboxes of needs that you must take care of during your
Answer :

 Try to keep listeners interested in what I have to say

 Make sure they can easiky understand what I say

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