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(This will be using a pokemon trainer named Bea from the anime and games, she is

portrayed as more experienced and a gym leader for a longer period of time to show she is
over 18+ within this story, hope you enjoy!)

Sylveon licks her lips… slowly drooling out small drip by drip onto the hot black parking lot.
They look up while their left ear twitches hearing a distant yell turn muffled, a small grin
crosses her cheek as her whole body is set a trembling! They stutter their next step forward
and huff out a heated breathe.
Looking up with a new determined glare. Their newest target found~ powerful one at that…
The sylveon dashes forward, ribbons yanking on door handles as they ram into them to force
them open. They eventually make it into a long waxed gym flooring of planked wood.
Their nose sniffles a few breathes of the new room as they look out seeing a trainer wearing
black white and orange. After a few moments of staying there the trainer turns finally from
their team of pokemon and see’s the sylveon.
The trainer is revealed to be one of the gym leaders Bea, she scoffs a grin and wipes her
chin with her thumb before taking a step forward. “Hey there! Where’s your trainer? They
ready for their turn?” She asked as the sylveons mouth started to feel awfully moist.
They keep their mouth shut from panting to build up saliva as their glare gets sharper at the
Their paws suddenly tremble! Their legs quiver up to their ass and chest.
They finally shake their head while letting out a “SS-sssylveee~!!” through a moan, their
pussy lips starting to feel hotter as they resistance up, legs spread fairly based apart as 2
eevee’s stumble into the room moaning, pussies both drooling with climaxed aroma as they
soon flop over each other, licking eachother softly whilst giggling.
“What the..?” Bea asked, rubbing her head suddenly, “Hey! Trainerrr! Can you get your
pokemon so we can start?” She yelled out hoping she’d get the ravished eevees.

One of the eevee’s ears perks and they look up from the floor raising a paw “E-evoi vee..?
ee-VOI~!!!”They suddenly yipped as the other vee’s paw slipped up their fluffy hot lips
cacooned by giant asscheeks!

They wriggle and giggle around while curling up over the floor.
Finally Bea sighs and raises her hand lightly flicking towards the eevees and the sylveon.
“Machop can you get the sylveon? Machamp the other 2 please.. We’ll deal with the trainer
later about this, just get them off the gym floor for now” Bea said, finally turning at Machoke
and giving them some pep talks and battle plans they were earlier discussing.
The second Bea turned her back Machop and machamp both started making way towards
the eeveelutions, the eevee’s moaned out louder starting to get EXTRA frisky! The
machamp leans down to grab the two but in that same second both of the eevees suddenly
POUNCE! The one with their paw previously up the vee’s pussy lips hugging around their
head and shoving the paw against their face! Rubbing the juices around!
The defeated one attaching to the machamps crotch and licking up their belly.
The machamp instantly grunts out in resistance to the two which takes everyone’s attention!
He grabs the one on his face and throws them off, the eevee spreads out wide and manages
to slow the speed to landing on their feet before dashing right back in! “Voi voi voi voi voi~!”
They yipped along with haste. Machop runs in to help as Bea grunts. “Finish this off you
two!” She demanded before Sylveon suddenly started to run towards Bea!
Bea’s eyes dart to the sylveon out of their peripherals, her training keeping her on edge as
the machoke suddenly jumps high up over her head! Landing down with a loud stomp before
charging at the sylveon! He reels back his fist but sylveons ribbons all shoot out but one, two
wrapping separately around each ankle as the third wraps around his neck! He flexes his
muscles stopping the neck one from choking him, but with his punch the sylveons final
ribbon yanks his fist to the left! Forcing him to overshoot past them, the neck ribbon YANKS
down! Giving the machoke air enough to spread their legs with the last two! All the while the
sylveon hops up letting a LONG wet slobbery lick across his stomach to his crotch!
She slides by and ends up turned towards the machoke, her ass facing Bea as she watches
in shock and anger.
“Machoke get up! Finish this!” She yelled as machoke stood back up, ribbons freed of him.
He turns just to meet sylveons eyes, suddenly his knees buckle in. making him fall to all
fours as his ass explodes outwards! His whole body eroding in brown fluffy fur!
He punches the floor and pushes himself back up with just his arms but falls on his fat jiggly
ass, his face chubbying up as his ears suddenly yanked up towards the sky. Elongating as
they puffed up in floof. They tried to lean forward and get their bearings to fight this! But it
was all too fast! In just a second longer the sylveon licked their ribbon and slapped their face
with it! Their cheeks suddenly inflating like wildfire! Their ass shrinking back a new neck
sprouted out of their ass! A cute eevee head squinting out of their ass as their arms stretch
connection to their head. Biceps fattening to creamy fatty thighs!

Bea shakes her head confused and throws her pokeball out “M-machoke return!” She yelled
hoping this was in need of a rest type of situation, the amalgamation sucks into the ball. The
ball bouncing onto the floor as the sylveon grinned softly looking back slowly.
They start walking closer while the ball suddenly starts to crack! The opening seal popping
off as it blasts open! A fat assed eevee flopping into the floor suddenly! Her pussy lips
DROOLING with need as she giggled and rolled about.
She sees the machamp and machop fighting two eevee’s and quickly runs over excitedly!
Leaving bea to watch two eyes of a machop slowly squinting into a fluffy asscheek.

Bea readies her stance and keeps her ground suddenly, breathe quickening watching this all
unfurl. Two ribbons shoot at her, but she hips both and even steps on one!
The sylveons grin heightens realising the mistake she made as Bea’s eyes open wider,
looking over seeing the Machamp’s face already as big as two beach balls!
A giggling eevee yipping out of his ass at this point looking completely backwards! She see’s
machop being approached. By two eevee’s while still holding back one seemingly
untouched. She pulls out his pokeball and throws it! “RETURN! QUICKLY!” She yelled, the
machop quickly pulling into the ball as it bounced and rolled over the floor.
Seeing the eevee’s unbusy she leans her arm back to grab another pokeball before
suddenly feeling her arm pin against her waist! Her other arm wrapping around her face
awkwardly as the sylveons snout SMASHES into her crotch! The slobbery lips soaking her
entire shorts front.
The sylveon’s ribbons shove down her shorts and tie her head to her crotch with 2 ribbon
sets. Bea’s back arches forward trying to contain this sudden surprise! She tries to move her
arms! Both pinned, she tried to move her legs. Squish her head! But they’re already as
closed as they can be with the head in the way.

She tries to push herself back or anything! But it’s all useless as her tongue suddenly started
to feel.. FAT.
She opened her mouth just to suddenly watch her tongue SHOOT OUT! Stiffening like a fat
pole before suddenly fattening out! Her lips expand over its sides as its base inflates two
beefy orbs on its sides.
Bea yells but it’s all muffled by the fattening tongue as her nose suddenly started to sag! All
the while her cheeks are absorbing in mass.
The sylveon by her crotch managed to sneak her mouth past the underwear and directly to
the source. Her tongue delving DEEP into the cavern before suddenly, a snout pressed
against her tongue! A wet black nose suddenly pushes out of her pussy lips! Then a maw!
The tight lips spread further, Bea looking past her fat set of balls flopping over her cock of a
tongue just to see a whole snout of a sylveon pull out of her! She yells and yanks an arm
free! Shoving it against the snout and trying to push it back in! Only to feel her entire bicep
FATTEN! Absolutely gorge out with meaty massed fat! It jiggled and squished around her
chest like clay almost as her neck movements started to get stiff. Her arms merging into her
head as two fluffy pink ears suddenly shove out of her tailhole! Her ass shrinking down and
thinning into an extension of a neck. Her new head unsheathing out of her underneath as
her legs start to form into skinnier sets of arms. Fitted with paws.
Soon the snout grew out to a face as her tailhole and pussy merged. Creating a larger
opening all together to let her new head free.

The new sylveon groans out into the sylveons lap as Bea suddenly feels herself gag. She
pulled her other hand up, watching it fatten into a paw as she gagged again! Eyes rolling
back as she spat hot steamy cum onto her new hind paw! Hey eyes widen trying to focus but
she gags again! SPLAT! AGAIN~!! SPPLURRT~!!!
Her head started to get dizzy as her eyes started to squint, her asscheeks getting too fat to
keep em opened..
Her hair all points out and stretches into a longer fluffier form of a tail. Right under it her
forehead began to stretch new sensitive skin into a puckered spot that started to suck
inwards into a tailhole!

Bea now looking like a sylveon doing a handstand felt a ribbon wrap around her new cock.
Starting to jerk it off as her balls inflate and gorge with cum. Her mind starts to simplify its
tasks into its new purposes as they fall to all fours, the new sylveon moaning and yipping out
desperately as their own ribbons start to wrap around their cock! Yanking and milking the
thing desperately.
Their first waking moments were spent as PURE BLISS! They were in heaven~ is this life
THEY LOVE IT!!! Pull this thingie for great feelings!? AMAZING~!! They thought as Bea’s
eyes slowly started to lose vision, fur coating over its corners staring at the sylveon that
busted in here… 5 eevees giggling behind her all licking and fucking eachother as her cock
suddenly quivered! Letting off a hot musk. Every veelution in the room starting to stare as
she started to feel.. Needed..~ it was nice.. No.. no! NEEDY~!! FEELING NEEDY!!!! BAD
Their mind clouded with this obsessed requirement almost instantly! Mating and cumming an
all time high part of their life as their tail raised up high wagging.
All the while the sylveon shoved Machop's pokeball up that sylveons tailhole, the opening
sticking out so when he decides to check if it’s clear. That sylveon will give them a full caked
up experience.
Coating her clear gym floor in cum, Bea’s headband snapped from her inflating testicles.
Cumming over the dumb thing and skipping away to wherever their new controller needed
their cock. Cock and balls jiggling and hanging low for all musky needing vee’s to catch a
Meanwhile, the female sylveon walked out of the back of the gym. Taking a deep breathe
feeling unbelievably satisfied, her lips quivering with joy. And her tongue drooling with need..
She looked out into the city before feeling her fur stand up straight. Her body trembled.

She darts her head to the right and starts marching towards her next target~

The End

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