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Brit. J. Anaesth.

(1962), 34, 653


Department of Surgery, University of Aberdeen, and The Royal Infirmary,
Aberdeen, Scotland

Large amounts of blood may be lost from the Therefore, precisely to adjust transfusion in the
circulation without changes in such indices as face of continuing loss requires an accuracy of

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blood pressure, pulse rate and skin blanching determination which is well inside this figure and
reflexes. This is true not only in the conscious should be within about 2 per cent of blood volume.
subject (Barcroft et al., 1944) but also and to a For an adult this will represent between 100 and
greater extent when the patient is anaesthetized. 150 ml, but a similar loss in a neonate corresponds
If physiological trespass in the form of hypoten- to only 6-8 ml. The inability to make estimates of
sive techniques, hypothermia or extracorporeal this degree of accuracy should not, of course, deter
circulation is added, the complexity of the problem the anaesthetist from attempting some objective
of indirect assessment of blood loss by reference to measure, because anything is better than guess-
vital signs may defy analysis. It is this difficulty work. However, firm conclusions about the magni-
that has long concerned surgeons and anaesthe- tude of loss should not be drawn without reference
tists interested in the direct measurement of opera- to the precision of the technique involved.
tive blood loss. As the population grows older and
operative surgery becomes more involved the need Methods.
for accurate assessment becomes more clamant. Four methods which have been modified in a
In addition, economy in the use of blood number of ways are available. These, with their
is essential if the growing need is to be met. advantages and disadvantages, are listed in table I.
Finally, accurate measurement and replacement of Subjective estimation. Visual assessment is diffi-
blood is one key to the understanding of other dis- cult and unreliable, and most authorities claim that
orders of the circulation occurring in the intra- the surgeon always underestimates the blood loss.
operative and postoperative period which have Our experience suggests that in the lower loss
been hidden because of concern for hypovolaemia groups, surgeons and anaesthetists can be quite
and pre-occupation with the transfusion bottle. reliable and they they become more so when some
objective measure is also available in the operating
A distinction should be drawn between retro- theatre. However, as the magnitude of loss in-
spective and continuous measurements of blood creases the estimate becomes increasingly unreli-
loss. The former gives information, at a single in- able and may err quite wildly on either side of the
stant, of events that have taken place over a pre- actual figure.
vious period, whereas the latter provides an up-to-
date index. In most situations the degree of elasti- Blood volume. Much has been written on blood
city of the body's compensatory mechanisms volume determination in assessing loss after
renders the determination of summated loss at the trauma or operation (Keith, 1919; Chute, Cleg-
end of a procedure adequate, but continuous mea- horn and Lathe, 1945; Grant and Reeve, 1951;
surement, and its corollary continuous replace- Prentice et al., 1954; Clarke, Topley and Flear,
ment, is of great value, particularly when large 1955; Clarke et al., 1961). One considerable advan-
losses are taking place. tage of this technique is that bleeding which occurs
after the incision has been closed may be detected.
Standards of accuracy. The accuracy of the method varies according to the
A 5 per cent change in blood volume is usually tracer used and 51
is slightly better with red cell
well borne, but one of 10 per cent requires con- labels such as Cr than with plasma labels such
siderable adjustment and if superimposed on pre- as T-1824 or radio-iodinated human serum albu-
existing disease may be of great consequence. men. The cost of the tracers themselves is not
Group Actual method Advantages Disadvantages
I. Visual assessment

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Guesswork (i) Inexpensive In differentiating between a 500 and 1500 ml loss, i.e.
(ii) Rapid 1 to 3 pints, observers are extremely inaccurate
Clinical impression Mental computation (iii) Continuous
II. Blood volume (a) Subtractive—subtracting postopera- Accurate to 5-6% (1) A postoperative result
analysis tive from pre-operative values (2) Unreliable in certain conditions, e.g. cardio-
Tracer T-1824, 51Cr, pulmonary failure, or peripheral circulatory failure
• P radio-iodinated human serum (3) Time-consuming
albumen (4) Haematocrit dependent
(5) Expensive
(/)) Repeated—using a radio-isotope (1) Fairly rapid (1) Involves servicing and operation of a complex
tracer, the blood volume being (2) Reproducible electronic instrument
calculated by a scintillation-counter (3) Accurate 3-5% (2) Haematocrit dependent
computer machine (3) Extremely expensive
III. Gravimetric Swab-weighing Inexpensive (1) Inaccurate because
Continuous (a) Loss of weight by evaporation
(b) Susceptibility to mathematical errors in
addition/subtraction of very many small
(c) Fluids other than blood present
(d) Loss in drapes not measured
(2) Inconvenient because
(a) Swabs, gauzes must be standardized
(b) Time-consuming
Weighing of patient. Inexpensive (1) Postoperative result
(2) Inconvenient because
(a) Allowance for dressings, drip-sets and such-
like must be made
(b) Excessive patient handling
(3) Inaccurate because the subtractive result includes
(a) Loss of water by respiration
(b) Loss of water by perspiration
(c) Loss of water by evaporation from wound
IV. Extraction-dilution (1) Simple method of washing Inexpensive (i) A postoperative result
analysis swabs by hand and then (ii) Incomplete extraction of blood
measuring the acid haematin (iii) Acid haematin undergoes change on standing
found on addition of HC1 (iv) Standard haemoglobin solutions and curves
(2) Washing machine extraction, Accurate (i) Use of electrolyte containing fluids will invalidate
and use of Wheatstone Bridge Rapid these results
principle to measure change Direct reading (ii) Requires servicing of complex electrical equip-
in electrical conductivity Continuous ment
(iii) Extremely expensive
(3) Washing machine extraction Accurate
and use of flow-through Rapid (i) Bath must be changed at 500 ml
colorimeter to measure haemo- Continuous (ii) Not direct reading
globin loss continuously Inexpensive

great, but the apparatus is expensive and compli- blood to water will produce changes in the electri-
cated, particularly if a semi-automatic method cal conductivity of the mixture which may be
which allows repeated determinations is used (Wil- measured using a Wheatstone Bridge. Provided
liams and Fine, 1901). On the whole the methods other electrolytes are not present this is an
are not suitable for routine application nor do they extremely accurate method and has the virtue of
give a degree of discrimination consistent with giving a continuous reading. Unfortunately, the
the effort expended. Furthermore, they are all commercial equipment is expensive, and home-
haematocrit dependent—that is, conversion from made apparatus does not necessarily perform
red cell volume or plasma volume to whole blood reliably.
volume requires knowledge of the ratio between The advent of powerful domestic washing

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cells and plasma. Inaccuracy of measurement of machines has made simple the complete extraction
this and the variations in its value from place to of blood from gauzes and by a simple adaptation
place in the vascular system introduce a random (Roe, Gardiner and Dudley, 1962) the concentra-
error. tion of blood in the resulting solution can be con-
Gravimetric. All weighing methods introduce tinously determined by optical densitometry. This
considerable inaccuracies, although they have the method can give a 1 per cent accuracy, using
great virtue of cheapness and simplicity. They simple circuitry only, and at minimal expense.
have the additional advantage of giving a contin- Both conductometric and optical techniques have
uous record, marred only by the difficulties of the disadvantage that as the volume of blood added
arithmetic, which frequently creep in when a busy to the system increases, it itself alters the volume
nurse is charged with the task. Our own experi- of the solvent and thus influences the final con-
ments suggest that there are large inherent errors, centration. Allowance can be made for this in
particularly loss from evaporation which may reach computation or, alternatively, an arbitrary limit is
10 per cent in 15 minutes in a hot theatre. Forsee set, after which the instrument is emptied and a
and Schmidt (1952) indicate that reliance on swab- fresh solution added.
weighing results in under-replacement of up to
45 per cent. Weighing the patient is equally un- POSTOPERATIVE BLOOD LOSS
reliable (Ausman et al., 1961) and includes in the Repeated blood volume determination is the only
error insensible losses and the difficult calculations method so far available of gaining some measure
of the weight of excised viscera and dressings. of postoperative blood loss. This is the case only
Extraction-dilution analysis. The fourth group, in closed injuries and operations. Fortunately the
that of extraction-dilution analysis, needs some increasing use of drainage from operation sites has
definition. Blood can be extracted by various made some direct measurements possible thus
means from the absorptive materials and suction allowing both surgeon and anaesthetist a better
effluent and any constant chemical or physiochemi- assessment of continued bleeding. As with intra-
cal property used as a yardstick for measurement operative determinations this makes for a more
of its concentration in the resulting solution. The accurate analysis of postoperative circulatory dis-
early results (Gatch and Little, 1924; Pilcher and turbances.
Sheard, 1937; White et al., 1938; White and Bux- In conclusion, as Moore (1959) has said, this is
ton, 1942; Coller, Crook and lob, 1944) which "a well-ploughed field full of pitfalls". Estimates
were obtained by measuring some derivative of of blood loss can improve operative management
haemoglobin such as acid haematin were not very and should become much more widespread. Not
accurate because of incomplete recovery, but this only do they make for accuracy in surgical care
method has proved popular until very recently but also they promote a healthy attitude on the
(Dmitriyev, Krinitskiy and Sagaydak, 1960) and part of surgeons to blood loss and conservation.
may be more extensively used than is usually
appreciated. An alternative technique is to exploit REFERENCES
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