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En pasado simple, el verbo to be se escribe de dos maneras diferentes, éstas son «was» y «were»,

donde ambas significan «era» o «estaba» y el uso del was o were dependerá del sujeto de la

Question form

To be + subject + complement +?

Positive form

Subject + to be + complement

Negative form

Subject + to be + not + complement

Algunos ejemplos del pasado simple del verbo to be son:

1. Was he a good football player? Era un buen jugador de futbol?

Yes, He was a good football player.

No, He was not a good football player

2. Was he her boyfriend? Era su novio?

Yes, He was her boyfriend.

No, He was not her boyfriend

3. Was he a happy child? Era un niño feliz?

Yes, he was a happy child

No, he was not a happy child

4. Was it hot yesterday? ¿Hacía calor ayer?

Yes, It was hot yesterday.

No, It was not hot yesterday

5. Was it a good movie? ¿Fue una buena película?

Yes, It was a good movie

No, It was not a good movie

6. Were they here yesterday? ¿Estuvieron aquí ayer?

Yes, they were here yesterday

No, they were not here yesterday

7. Were they old friend of my family? ¿Eran viejos amigos de mi familia?

Yes, They were old friends of my family.

No, They were not old friends of my family

8. Were you late yesterday? ¿Llegaste tarde ayer?

Yes, I was late yesterday

No, I was not late yesterday

9. Were we married? ¿Estábamos casados?

Yes, we were married

No, we were not married

10. Was she cooking a cake? ¿Estaba cocinando un pastel?

Yes, she was cooking a cake

No, she was not cooking a cake

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