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Department of RRHH

Lima, May 20, 2022

Dear gentlemen of human resources:

Through this letter I would like to introduce myself. My name is Juan Alvarez Gonzales,
I am 28 years old and I live in the district of Santiago de Surco
After having seen your job offer announcement, I have valued my experience in the
area of accounting and administration, with what I consider to be the right person to fill
this position, with the knowledge of how this area is managed within companies.
I like to work in a team, show them my capacity and the usefulness that I can offer
within their organization. Currently I continue training and taking advanced courses to
specialize in the field of administration and accounting, in addition to improving my
language level in both English and German, which in the medium term could mean an
improvement for good performance with shareholders and investors who speak this
language within their organization.
I am sure that I can successfully carry out the tasks of this position, because it is a goal
and a new learning in my professional development.
I would like to arrange an interview in the next few days to be able to talk about the job
and thus adapt to it, I am available to meet when you consider it convenient.

I await your response.,

Best regards.

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