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Data Structures and Algorithms
5.2 Unsorted vs Sorted Lists-
Binary Search Algorithm
Programming using Data-Structures and Algorithms

The OOP way:
– Focus on “What to do” rather than “How to do it” (abstraction)
– Class takes responsibility for handling index numbers privately
– Provide higher level interfaces to handle any data structures and
organize more complex data

Example using Lists:
– Explicit search: scan through all the items of the list and return True
(resp. False) if item is found (resp. not found)
– Implicit search: use a higher level interface (not need to bother
about detailed implementation). Just do: (item in list)

Obviously a programmer should:
– be able to take advantage of any built-in options (application focus)
– have some kind of understanding of the underlying implementation
Basic operations on Lists

Insertion of new item (append) ●
Permutation of two items
list1 = [4, 2, 1, 3] #traditional way
list1.append(5) #append at the end temp=list1[1]
list1[1] = list1[2]

Shifting items (shift up or down) list1[2]=temp
#python way
#shift up- all 5 items list1[1],list1[2]=list1[2],list1[1]
for i in range(5,0,-1):
list1[i]=list1[i-1] ●
Deleting an item
#shift down- all 5 items
for i in range(5): – Begin with a search
– Once item found, shift

Searching: step through the list (scan) until all items with higher
item is found. Some built-in approaches: index down
4 2 1 3 5
– list1.index(item) #returns index of item
– (item in list1) #return True/False 4 1 3 5
Unsorted Lists

Lists represent a sequence of N items that are unsorted by default

To analyze a particular algorithm that operates on lists, one must look
at the operation counts.

A computer program isn't able to see the big picture. Algorithms must
rely on performing basic steps: (i) Compare two items, (ii) Swap two
items; (iii) Remove or Insert one item; (iv) Move/Shift an item

– best case: only 1 comparison needed to find the correct item
– worst case: N comparisons needed (scan through the entire list)
– In Average: N/2 comparisons

Insertion (at the end of the list): 0 comparisons, 1 move (assignment)

Deletion: N/2 comparisons (search), N/2 moves (shift down)
Unsorted Lists

– insertion is fast
– search is “slow”, depends linearly on the number of items N
– deletion is even “slower”

Concrete example of linear search
Can we do better if the list is sorted?

Concrete example of binary search (2 minutes into the video)

Bottom line: binary search can make you rich...
Sorted Lists

The N Data items are stored in ascending or descending order

Why use ordered (sorted) list ?
– Searching an unordered list is rather slow (N/2 comparisons)-
it uses a “linear search” algorithm
– Searching an ordered list is very fast using the “binary search”
algorithm (a good example of finely tuned data structure to improve
the efficiency of an algorithm)

– List must be sorted
– Insertion takes longer- all data with higher key values must be
shifted up

Ordered lists are then useful in situation where search are frequent but
insertions and deletions are not.
Sorted Lists- Binary search

Analogy: The guess-a-number game !
– Choose a number between 1-100

– Ok Let me guess....

(1-100) 50? …................................. nope too high

(1-49) 25? …................................. nope too low

(26-49) 37? …................................. nope too high

(26-36) 31? ….................................. nope too low

(32-36) 34? …...................................nope too high

(32-33) 32? …...................................nope too low

(33-33) 33? …...................................Correct!
Binary Search Algorithm
lower mid upper
def binarySearch(mylist, x):
"""Iterative Binary Search Function
It returns location of x in given list ‘mylist’ if present, x
else returns -1""" lower upper
lower=0 #original lowerbound
upper=len(mylist)-1 #original upperbound
while lower <= upper: x
mid = lower + (upper - lower)//2 # find the middle
# Check if x is present at mid mid
if mylist[mid] == x:
return mid #found it- return index a=[2,45,78,100,234,345,444]
# If x is greater, ignore left half
elif mylist[mid] < x: print(binarySearch(a, 100))
lower = mid + 1 print(binarySearch(a, 101))
# If x is smaller, ignore right half
upper = mid - 1 3
# If we reach here, then the element was not present -1
return -1
Binary Search: Number of steps?

In the worst case scenario, the algorithm progresses until one item is left in
the search range. In practice, at each step the range of values is
approximately divided by 2 (+ or – 1 item).

In theory, we can consider that the number of items N keeps being exactly
divided by 2 until approximately one item is left

Example: N=100
Step s N? Number of
1 100/2 = 50.0 (N/21) 50
2 50/2 = 25.0 (N/22) 25
3 25/2 = 12.5 (N/23) 13
4 12.5/2 = 6.25 (N/24) 7
5 6.25/2 = 3.125 (N/25) 4
6 3.125/2 = 1.5625 (N/26) 2
7 1.5625/2 = 0.78125 (N/27) 1
Binary Search: Analysis

Mathematically, the number of steps s needed must satisfy: s

Problem: N is given, find s such that N =2s
log ( N )
– log=ln=loge is the natural log s= =log 2 ( N )
log ( 2)
– log(e)=1 [log base e] and log2(2)=1 [log base 2]
N Linear search s=N/2 log2(N) Binary search s
10 5 3.32 4
Linear vs 100 50 6.64 7
Binary search 1,000 500 9.97 10
10,000 5,000 13.3 14
100,000 50,000 16.6 17
1,000,000 500,000 19.9 20
10,000,000 5,000,000 23.3 24
100,000,000 50,000,000 26.6 27
1,000,000,000 500,000,000 29.9 30

Logarithm growth rate << Linear growth rate

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