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Classical and Medieval Period - Classical refers to the time of ancient history that spanned roughly from

the 8th century BC to the Early Middle Ages. The word is most commonly used while discussing Greco-
Roman history, owing to the fact that this was Europe's dominant civilisation at the time. The term
'Medieval' refers to the time of European history between the fall of the Western Roman Empire and
the beginning of the Age of Exploration. The Early Middle Ages spanned the period from the fall of the
Western Empire in 476 to the Norman invasion of England in 1066; the High Middle Ages spanned the
period from the Norman invasion to around 1250; and the Late Middle Ages spanned the period from
1250 to the start of the Age of Exploration, which is often dated from Columbus' first voyage to the
Americas in 1492.

Renaissance Art and Mannerism - The primary distinction between the High Renaissance and
Mannerism is that the former is known for naturalism and harmonic compositions, whereas the latter is
known for artificial and sophisticated features. Mannerism and the High Renaissance are two separate
forms of 16th-century European art.
Baroque and Neoclassicism - During the 18th century, the prominent styles were Baroque and Rococo.
With its emphasis on asymmetry, vivid colors, and decoration, the latter is often regarded the polar
opposite of the Neoclassical style, which is built on order, symmetry, and simplicity.

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