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JUNE 2010 1) Write a program in Java to create variable size array.

10 2) Write a program in Java which take a string as input and print reverse of it. 3) Write a Java program 4) When this thread run Create a Java applet display their sum as which create a thread. it display message 10 "I am running". which take two numbers as input and output.

5) Write a Java program to calculate area of circle, square and rectangle using concept of function overloading. 6) Create a Java applet which draw a circle of red color. JAN 2011 7) Write a Java Program to create student class with a constructor to initialize student object with name, roll no., sex, Programme and date of birth. Write the method to display age of the student. 8) Write an Applet which display your name and address in the middle of the page. Keep background color of the page blue' JUNE 2008 9) Write a program in Java that accepts a string as input, reverses it and prints the reversed string 10) Write an applet in JAVA that accepts 2 inputs and displays the sum of the 2 input values. 11) Write a program in JAVA that accepts an integer of four digit length, extracts all,the digits and stores them into an array. The program also outputs these single digits. 12) write an applet in JAvA that calculates simple interest. The applet takes amount and rate of interest as input,calculates the,simple interest usingtheformula- (amouunxt rate of interest)/100. The applet displays the interest amount so calculated. 13) Write a program in JAVA that searches a specified value in a sorted array of integers. Assume that this sorted array has 15 elements only. 14) Write a JAVA applet that converts US$ to Rupees. The input to the applet is arnount in US$ and it outputs'equivalent amount in Rupees.Assume 1 US$ = 40 RUpees as the rate of conversion. 15) Write q program in JAVA to search a given integer value in an array of integer vduesr.Assume that the array has 10 integer elements. You may also assume that these values in array are unsorted. 16) Write an applet in JAVA that accepts two integers values,multiplies them and displays the result.

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