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Vincentius Christian W.

Alhamdani Z. 160320074

TOPIC: Working from home is good for the environment

Vincentius Christian Wariky: I agree about this statement. Working from home means
we’re doing all the activity from home so we don’t have to go out of the house if there is no
urgent need. From an economic point of view, it helps people to save on their living expenses
such as transportation costs, eating costs. From an environmental point of view, it helps
reduce air pollution due to vehicle use and traffic jam on the roads because people only go
outside when they have an urgent need. In addition, work from home increases employee
productivity. Based on a survey conducted by Forbes in 2020, working from home increases
employee productivity by 47%, it reduces tardiness by the employee, because when they
work from the office, they need to leave early to avoid traffic jams. But now when working
from home, they don’t need to wake up earlier and leave early to go to their office, so I think
working from home is good for the environment and helps people to reach a life balance.

Alhamdani Zikrullah: I think Working from home is not too bad to do because everything
you need is on your smartphone/laptop. For example; when we pay bills such as PLN and
PDAM bills then we don't need to come to the place, we only download applications such as
DANA, GOPAY, etc. In that application, we can pay bills with the touch of a hand. Not only
that, you can search for your friend on the internet with your smartphones like Instagram,
Facebook, and other social media. You can even find friends when you are playing online
games and this can increase relations and communication between friends even though the
friends you find are far from where you live.

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