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Friends Do Join 

Corruption" event on facebook CQIM click here.
Notes from Organiser

This is a Do or Die call to all Indians to fight

against corruption. Corruption can end only
when we want to end it and we take efforts to
eradicate this socila evil. This means we dont
bribe for easier shortcuts. We fight for right
cause. Just imaging the amount of money the
traffic police would be earning on a busy
road or national highway. And they so
shamelessly want any amounts of money to
avoid challans. Why do not we all deny them
any bribe and why not we pay the same at
cells to settle the challan. By giving them
money we al encourage them to do it more
and become shamless and ask bribe from
anyone and everyone. I know the bad
situation of law & order in India & these
departments in particular who have heads
who are encouraging such shameless looting
from common man, but we need to unite and
do something to not let it grow further. If we
wont stop it now, the day is not far when
things will be out of our control and and we
will be the people suffering most. We are a
incredible country with huge middle class
population and second most poplulous
country. We are a big volume to make these
changes and show that power is with youth
and citizns not with these greedy polititions.
I understand there is a poluation which is
poor and uneduacated who are easily misled.
But can't we give them some advise and
wisdom. Yes, we can. We are a devoloping
country with great potential and talents and
nothing is impossible for us. Lets make a
pledge that we will not let this plague of
corruption ruin our country. 

We young people are the future of this

"BRIC" country which will has all the
potential to be the biggest superpower one
day ( Even projected as one of World's 5
most  influential countries in coming few
years including Brazil, Russia, China along
with USA ("BRIC" stands for Brazil, Russia,
India, China and "BRICS" has a latest
addition of South Africa as
future potential super powers) 
It is really sad to know that India, a beautiful
country with great natural heritage, national
parks and awesome tourism potential
of Himalayan Arc has villages even in year
2012 with such state of neglect. The
infrasturucture is imroving but at a speed
that it can called as no development at all
when compared with rest of the world. It
seems like public works around us are just a
public display of work being undertaken. But
actually these are ways to loot more money
from government funds in name of public
Corruption of politicians has really effected
people of India as a whole. I am not residing
in India from last 5 years since i started my
world tour, but i know how angry and
agitated we all Indians are today be it living
in India or not, because of corruption in
India. Its not just politicians and policewalls
it is even we who pay bribe to these traffic
men and politicians and all others for our
business and easy shortcuts.WE HAVE TO
If I pen down lists of things and people who
can contribute to this corruption I guess we
all can fall into the corruption category. I
think at times that after i return to India,
whom should I elect or vote. Everybody who
wants to rule the state is corrupt or will turn
corrupt as greed for money has never limited
these leaders. We Indian youth who are
youngest country in World with 70 percent
of population so young are in need of
revolution to get away with these senior
politicians and corrupt law and order
personnel and say no to corruption ourselves
at ever point we face it. 
Untill and unless we do not contribute
anything to stop this corruption nothing is
going to change. There has to be some
change in people who rule our Incredible
India and this change can come from young
leaders who have there mind in place, there
greed for money at nill and who love there
mother country like there family. The
superpowers in 2050 as projected by US
intelligence and G7+BRIC nation that world
sees us now won't matter much if we can't
get rid of corruption from its grass root level.
Seriously, I am fed up with these faulty
leaders and corrupt citizens who defame our
rich heritage and culture and limit our
There would be many people from our
country who would not like to return to India
thinking of "Law and Order" and
"Corruption" levels here. I have  idea about
what my parents, friends & brothers in India
feel about this topic, as I have lived here
more than 25 years and i closely read latest
news from India online. I have even started a
event "Fight against Corruption" on
Facebook and my official
website (
quit-india-movement-cqim.html ) . Do like comment
follow and support and share this event with
your friends and social circles and with any
fellow citizens in India and abroad. 
It is really sad to know that after reading
articles on various news dailies like on Himachal ,Uttranchal,
Arunachal Pradesh &  Jammu and Kashmir
and Seven Sisters  which are most beautiful
states in India  with great  National Parks
like Great Himalayan National Park
(GHNP) , Pin Valley Natioinal Park, Hemis
National Park , Kistawar National Park,
Kaziranga National Park, Kanchenjunga,
Kamet, Gangotri National Park, Jim Corbet
National Park etc  and many UNESCO World
Heritage Sites of Natural order ( Total 28
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India and
31 more on Tentative UNESCO List proposed
)  and peaks like Nanda Devi Biosphere and
Valley of flowers with awesome pilgrimage
tourism potential for Chota Chaar Dhaam
Yatra in Uttrakhand and beautifull valleys of
Kullu, Lahaul ,Spiti, Kinnaur, Shimla,
Mandi, Udaipur, Keylong, Dharamshala in
Himachal Pradesh and in its neighbourhood
Leh, Ladakh and in Tawang, Arunachal
Pradesh in the Himalayas of India todday,
still in year 2012 we have villages with such
state of neglect and bad infrastructure. 
No efforts are being taken by govt. to protect
these green places which may lose their
charm in near future if not card for in time.
But why wil these corrupt people care for
such bio-diversity when all they care is
looting money from all sources they can.
Why will they understand the impact this
careless behaviour will have in the place they
live in long term. They do not mind cutting
endless trees for small profits. All they care is
the bribe they get. Forest Departments are
not away from these benefits and may no
understand how big is the loss of cutting
trees at the rate they are cut. 

Soon these places will be ruined and we will

have no natural heritage to pass to next
generations. Look at Germany and
Switzerland and other advanced countries
how well they care for nature even a single
tree around them. And looking at the
condition of these green areas of India. I
guess its so shamful for the Tourism and
Infrasturcture organisations in India.
Corruption of politicians has really affected
people of these states as no development and
improvement in infrastructure can be seen. 
On the other hand there is flow of millions of
tourists to these destinations from all around
the world. Lot of revenue is being earned by
government too but no investment done to
improve the infrasture to the world levels.
India is one of 3 biggest economies in the
World with 3rd in GDP (PPP). We citizens of
India do not expect this from our leaders.
Why is it that in China where there is
corruption too still we see great
infrastructure and development. Why the
greed of people is so much in this part of the
world that they want to take all the cash and
do not improvement. Is this money that
important to buy most expensive cars and
big houses and bunglows to show off
luxurious living or is it more important for
the development of country? I would like to
ask such greedy people and all of Indians
who do not fight againt corruption. 

I have traveled to more than 70

countries in 6 continents and
have seen many Indian's making
progress and running big
businesses in allmost all the
major countires of the world.
India's are everywhere be it any
continent. And i see them
contributing a lots to the
economies of other countries,
even after being considered like
aliens in those countries. And
theise people living outside bring
lot of Foreign Currency and
contribute a lot to the economy
and conrtibute to grea chink of
GDP too. But why they cant do
the same business in India ?
Answer is simple the poltical
structures the faulty systems, the
uneasy negotiations and to sum
in one
word, "Corruption!!!!" Actually
they do not need to be in other
countries. They can do a lot in
India only. But these plagued
systems and Govt. policies make
them deprived of deserved govt
Jobs and contribute to national
developement and there is lot of
brain drain to other countries.

But I guess Indians abroad all

love there Incredible country and
want to be back and wish it to be
ruled by people who love its
growth. How can we lack behind
China when we both countries
were competitors and started this
race to development together few
years before. Even hen we were
more skilled people and better
english speakers. Answer is
again "Corruption!!!" Why we are
still developing or lingering
inbetween developing and
developed or both rich and poor
even today when China has
developed and advanced so far
that it will be bihest superpower
in the World by 2025 as projected
by US intelligence. India has
biggest billionaires in the World
and have most money than any
country in the World in Swiss
banks? Why people cheat there
fellow people and suppress the
poor class and make so big saving
in swiss banks? Tey not only
cheat there country but even
deprieve it from its potential
growth. These people have to
realise the big mistake they are
doig by loting there own country.
I wish Go gives them some
wisdom to understand this. 

Why our borders are so unsafe

and cut off from rest of India in
Rohtang Pass and Leh areas
which makes us so vulnerable to
attacks by China or Pakistan who
have taken our pride our cap of
Kashmir allready by 45 percent. A
area so beautiful and called
Heaven in Earth is no more
heaven for tourists due to
political stability and even
considered unsafe for world
travelers.Why can't we give
respect to people in KASHMIR
and give them there share of
development and care for them
and oust so called politicians and
terrorists. The ways government
and army has been treating them
is quite offensive to locals there
so they want to have a
independent state. How long we
will keep fighting intra and inter
social elements in the beautiful
state of Kashmir. Well leaders are
for this right? But do we hav
effective leaders or we have only
corrupt leaders?  I guess we all
know the answer. 
Do join to support this cause here
in facebook event named "Fight
against corruption" Official link

Some Lines on corrution in Hindi :

आज के आधुनिक युग में व्यक्ति का जीवन अपने स्वार्थ तक सीमित होकर रह गया है। प्रत्येक कार्य के पीछे स्वार्थ
प्रमुख हो गया है। समाज में अनैतिकता, अराजकता और स्वार्थ से युक्त भावनाओं का बोलबाला हो गया है।
परिणामस्वरुप भारतीय संस्कृ ति और उसका पवित्र तथा नैतिक स्वरुप धुँधा हो गया है। इसका एक कारण समाज
में फै ल रहा भ्रष्टाचार भी है। भ्रष्टाचार के इस विकराल रुप को धारण करने का सबसे बड़ा कारण है, आज के
अर्थप्रधान युग में प्रत्येक व्यक्ति धन प्राप्त करने में लगा हुआ है। कमरतोड़ महंगाई भी इसमें इजाफ़ा करने का काम
कर रही है। मनुष्य की आवश्यकताएँ बढ़ जाने के कारण वह उन्हें पूरा करने के लिए मनचाहे तरीकों को अपना रहा
भारत के अंदर तो भ्रष्टाचार का फै लाव दिन-भर-दिन बढ़ रहा है। किसी भी क्षेत्र में चले जाएं भ्रष्टाचार का फै लाव
दिखाई देता है। भारत के सरकारी व गैर-सरकारी विभाग इस बात का सबसे बड़ा प्रमाण हैं। आप यहाँ से अपना
कोई भी काम करवाना चाहते हैं, बिना रिश्वत खिलाए काम करवाना संभव नहीं है। मंत्री से लेकर संतरी तक को
अपनी फाइल बढ़वाने के लिए पैसे का उपहार चढाना ही पड़ेगा। स्कू ल व कॉलेज भी इस भ्रष्टाचार से अछू ते नहीं है।
बस इनके तरीके दूसरे हैं। गरीब परिवारों के बच्चों के लिए तो शिक्षा सरकारी स्कू लों व छोटे कॉलेजों तक सीमित
होकर रह गई है। नामी स्कू लों में दाखिला कराना हो, तो डोनेशन के नाम पर मोटी रकम मांगी जाती है। बैंक जोकि
हर देश की अर्थव्यवस्था का आधार स्तंभ हैं, वे भी भ्रष्टाचार के इस रोग से पीड़ित हैं। आप किसी प्रकार के लोन
के लिए आवेदन करें पर बिना किसी परेशानी के फाइल निकल जाए, यह तो संभव नहीं हो सकता। देश की
आंतरिक सुरक्षा का भार हमारे पुलिस विभाग पर होता है। परन्तु आए दिन यह समाचार आते-रहते हैं कि आमुक
पुलिस अफ़सर ने रिश्वत लेकर एक गुनाहगार को छोड़ दिया। भारत को इस तरह का भ्रष्टाचार खोखला बना रहा है।
हमारे समाज में फन फै ला रहे, इस विकराल नाग को मारना होगा। सबसे पहले आवश्यक है प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के
मनोबल को ऊँ चा उठाया जाए। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को अपने कर्तव्यों का निर्वाह करते हुए अपने को इस भ्रष्टाचार से
बाहर निकालना होगा। यही नहीं शिक्षा में कु छ ऐसा अनिवार्य अंश जोड़ना होगा, जिससे हमारी नई पीढ़ी प्राचीन
संस्कृ ति तथा नैतिक प्रतिमानों को संस्कार स्वरुप लेकर विकसित हो। न्यायिक व्यवस्था को कठोर करना होगा
तथा सामान्य जन को आवश्यक सुविधाएँ भी सुलभ करानी होगी। इसी आधार पर आगे बढ़ना होगा, तभी इस
स्थिति में कु छ सुधार की अपेक्षा की जा सकती है।  - See more at:

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