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Submodule #3 Job interview

Lab #1: Job interview questions and best answers

Name: Ximena Anaya Beltrán Group: 603

These are open-ended questions which will give you the opportunity to show
the employer that

you're well-qualified for the position.

1. Tell me about yourself. I am a very committed person who Works hard

2. What is your greatest strength? Is to be very competitive in want I do

3. What is your greatest weakness? I get angry very easiy

4. Tell me about something that's not on your resume. I like spoerts and i know a
litte about self elefense

5. How will your greatest strength help you perform? In wanting to be my job better
and peform better in area

6. How do you handle failure? As an experience to continue improving

7. How do you handle success? As an achievement and motivation

8. Do you consider yourself successful? Why? Yes, because I have a good job and
a good life and I feel very good at this stage of my life

9. How do you handle stress and pressure? Trying to meditate and getbsome rest

10. How would you describe yourself? As someone who is persevering and who
strives for what he wants

11. Describe a typical work week. I get up early to arrive half an hour before to be
able to organize myself and I start to look at my Schedule to see which patients i
have to see

12. Are you lucky? No

13. Are you nice? Yes

14. Are you willing to fail? No, but it is something that cannot be controlled so
sooner or later it can happen to us

15. Describe your work ethic. Is tryng hard and being kind
16. Describe your work style. My Word style is effective

17. Do you work well with other people? Yes

18. Do you take work home with you? Sometimes

19. How are you different from the competition? In thet I am someone who takes

20. How do you view yourself? Whom do you compare yourself to? I see myself as
a successful woman, she didn’t compare me to anyone

21. How does this job fit in with your career aspirations? That I will take all the
experience that I can

Leaving Your Job

Employers almost always ask about why you left, or are leaving, your job. Be
prepared with an ex-planation for why you're moving on. Do make sure the
reasons you give match what past employers will say about you if they are
contacted for a reference.

1. Why are you leaving your job? because my contract expired

2. Why do you want to change jobs? because I want to expand and have more

3. Why were you fired? because my contract expired

4. Why were you laid-off? because I had already complied with what was
established in my contract

5. Why did you quit your job? because I wanted to have more experience in a
different area

6. Why did you resign? because he had problems with the work environment

7. What have you been doing since your last job? I have been applying to various

8. Why have you been out of work so long? because I have not been given the
opportunity to be hired


Some of the hardest questions to answer during a job interview are about
compensation. Here's what you will be asked and examples of the best
answers. Questions about salary can be tricky to answer, and, in some
locations, employers aren't allowed to ask about your salary history.

1. What were your starting and final levels of compensation? Start with an average
salary and increase by experience

2. What are your salary expectations? a fair salary for my work

3. What are your salary requirements? that it be a fair salary and increase it over

4. Why would you take a job for less money? out of necessity or because I will
have a more extensive curriculum


The most important thing for interviewers to determine is whether you're

qualified for the job. Here's what they will ask to find out. When responding,
be specific.

1. What applicable experience do you have? I have enough experience in this area

2. Are you overqualified for this job? I feel that I am very well prepared for this

3. How did you impact the bottom line?

4. Interview questions about your abilities.

5. Sell me this pen. this is the most durable pen ever made and at a good cost and
you can get it everywhere

6. Tell me about your educational background. I studied at the UABC School of

Medicine, one of the best universities in the state of Baja California, and I am
currently doing a doctorate in the field of cardiology.

7. What can you do better for us than the other candidates for the job? I know that I
can offer something better because I am well prepared and qualified for this

8. What part of the job will be the least challenging for you? I adapt quickly so this
will not be challenging for me

9. Which parts of this job are the most challenging for you? the new environment
and the new people that you are going to surround me
10. What philosophy guides your work? that you always have to strive for your

Job Performance

How you performed in previous roles can indicate how you will perform in
the job for which you're applying. Be prepared to answer questions about
what you did well and what you didn't.

As with questions about qualifications, be sure to relate your performance to

the employer's requirements.

1. What do people most often criticize about you? that I am very bossy

2. What is the biggest criticism you received from your boss? that I am very
competitive with my peers

3. What is the worst thing that you have ever gotten away with? I haven't gotten
away with mine

4. What makes you angry? the incompetence of the people

5. What problems have you encountered at work? behavior problems

6. What strategies would you use to motivate your team? I would support them and
help them in their part of the work

7. What would you be looking for in an applicant? be the best option

8. When was the last time you were angry? What happened? by the clash of
characters of a partner and me

9. Why weren't you promoted at your last job? why have you been working for a
short time

10. Tell me about something you would have done differently at work. I would have
liked to get along better with my colleagues

Work History

Is your work history stable, has it prepared you for the job you're
interviewing for, and do you have any gaps in your employment history that
the company should be concerned about? If not, prepare to answer
questions about what you were doing when you weren't in the workforce.

1. Questions about your work history.

2. Questions about your resume.

3. What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met? I had
high expectations but not all my expectations were met

4. What were your responsibilities? was to take charge of the cardiology area at the

5. What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?
the behavior of some patients and that the hospital is understaffed

6. What have you learned from your mistakes? Well, I no longer have to make
these mistakes and learn from them.

7. What did you like or dislike about your previous job? I liked the atmosphere
among the staff, what I did not like was that the hospital was very large and there
were few staff

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