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Review Article

Effects of Interventions That Include Aided

Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Input on the Communication of Individuals
With Complex Communication Needs:
A Meta-Analysis
Tara O’Neill,a Janice Light,a and Lauramarie Popea

Purpose: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to interventions typically included aided AAC input in
investigate the effects of augmentative and alternative conjunction with expectant delay, direct prompting (e.g.,
communication (AAC) interventions that included aided spoken, gestural), contingent responding, and open-
AAC input (e.g., aided AAC modeling, aided language ended questions. The interventions were found to be
modeling, aided language stimulation, augmented input) highly effective in supporting both comprehension and
on communicative outcomes (both comprehension and expression across the domains of pragmatics, semantics,
expression) for individuals with developmental disabilities and morphosyntax. Outcomes related to expression
who use AAC. were reported more often than outcomes related to
Method: A systematic search resulted in the identification comprehension.
of 26 single-case experimental designs (88 participants) Conclusion: Aided AAC input may reduce input–output
and 2 group experimental designs (103 participants). asymmetry and enhance expression and comprehension
Studies were coded in terms of participants, intervention for individuals who use AAC; the evidence suggests that
characteristics, dependent variables, outcomes, and partners should utilize this strategy. Future research is
quality of evidence. needed to investigate the effects of AAC input (aided and
Results: AAC interventions that included aided AAC input unaided) on long-term language development for individuals
in isolation, or as part of a multicomponent intervention, who require AAC.
were found to be highly effective across participants of Supplemental Material:
various ages, disabilities, and language skills. The 6394364

lmost four million individuals living in the United McNaughton, 2012). One important component of AAC
States have developmental disabilities such as interventions for individuals with developmental disabilities
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy, who experience complex communication needs is the lan-
or intellectual disability (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). These guage input provided by their communication partners.
individuals often cannot rely on speech to meet their The primary channel of language input provided
communication needs, and they benefit from aided aug- to most individuals who use aided AAC systems is spoken
mentative and alternative communication (AAC) such as language (Light, 1997; Smith & Grove, 2003). However,
communication boards, speech-generating devices (SGDs), individuals who experience complex communication needs
and/or mobile technologies with AAC apps (Light & and use multimodal AAC as their primary channel of ex-
pression experience an asymmetry between the input mode
and the expected output mode (Light, 1997). Aided AAC
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, input has been described as one way to rebalance this input–
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
output asymmetry by providing linguistic input using
Correspondence to Tara O’Neill: both speech and the AAC systems that individuals with
Editor-in-Chief: Sean Redmond complex communication needs use to communicate (Smith
Editor: Joe Reichle & Grove, 2003).
Received April 12, 2017
Revision received August 8, 2017
Accepted February 5, 2018 Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time of publication.

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018 • Copyright © 2018 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1743
The term “aided AAC input” describes interventions aided AAC as a consequential prompt in intervention (i.e.,
in which partners point to (or activate) aided AAC sym- providing aided input to prompt a specific response by
bols (on communication boards, SGDs, or mobile technol- demonstrating the target response within a most-to-least
ogies with AAC apps) while speaking with an individual or least-to-most prompting hierarchy).
who uses AAC. Aided AAC input is conceptually similar Aided AAC input has been described in the litera-
to simultaneous communication (also referred to as total ture and utilized clinically as a mechanism to facilitate
communication or key word signing) in which partners two communicative outcomes: (a) supporting the learner’s
produce manual signs while speaking (e.g., Remington & comprehension (e.g., Dada & Alant, 2009; Drager et al.,
Clarke, 1983; X. Y. Tan, Trembath, Bloomberg, Iacono, 2006) and/or (b) modeling expressive output for the learner
& Caithness, 2014); however, these methods model the use (e.g., Binger & Light, 2007; Kent-Walsh, Binger, &
of unaided AAC, and the focus of the current review is Hasham, 2010). A complex relationship exists between
aided AAC. A number of different terms have been used the modalities available for input–output and the compre-
in the literature to describe aided AAC input including hension and expression of individuals who use AAC (Smith
augmented input (e.g., Romski & Sevcik, 1996), aided & Grove, 2003). Although the precise mechanisms are
AAC modeling (e.g., Binger & Light, 2007), aided lan- unknown, there are several ways in which aided AAC input
guage modeling (e.g., Drager et al., 2006), aided language may support comprehension. First, aided AAC input pairs
stimulation (e.g., Goossens, 1989), partner-augmented input aided symbols with spoken input, thus providing individ-
(Senner & Baud, 2017), and natural aided language (e.g., uals who use AAC with an alternative channel of input. If
Cafiero, 2001). individuals who use AAC know the meaning of the aided
Although these approaches have significant overlap, symbols, the pairing of the aided symbol with the spoken
they vary on a continuum from more structured interven- input may serve to improve comprehension of the partner’s
tions to stimulation that is infused within daily activities. message (Romski & Sevcik, 1993). In addition, aided AAC
The goals (i.e., support comprehension or expression) and input may actually serve to alter the spoken input pro-
the type of aided AAC used (e.g., SGD or non-SGD) may vided. Given the effort required for partners to locate
also vary across approaches. Table 1 provides a brief sum- aided symbols on the AAC display, partners may simplify
mary of the characteristics of each intervention and high- the input they provide. In addition, partners may be more
lights the similarities and differences between interventions. apt to use vocabulary available on the AAC display and
In this article, the term “aided AAC input” is used to refer known by the individuals who use AAC. Using familiar
only to the indication of aided AAC symbols by the partner vocabulary and simple sentence structures may promote
in conjunction with speech on an ongoing basis during in- comprehension for at least some individuals with develop-
teractions; the term does not include other components of mental disabilities (Sevcik & Romski, 2002). Finally, aided
intervention (e.g., time delay) nor does it include the use of AAC input may affect the rate of spoken input; partners

Table 1. Description of interventions that include aided AAC input.

Specific intervention Unique characteristics as described by the authors

Augmented input (Romski & Sevcik, 1996) • Described as an intervention primarily to support development of speech comprehension
by providing combined visual and auditory input
• Included in packaged System for Augmenting Language intervention that is implemented
in natural environments with actual communication partners and includes partner use
of AAC with voice output
Aided AAC modeling (Binger & Light, 2007) • Included an expanded spoken model following the aided AAC model
• Involved modeling two symbols
• Specified dosage (i.e., minimum of 30 AAC models during a 15-min session)
Aided language modeling (Drager et al., 2006) • Included pointing to a referent in the environment before pointing to an aided
AAC symbol
• Used with low-technology language boards in naturalistic play activities
• Specified frequency (i.e., model each target word four times)
Aided language stimulation (Goossens, 1989) • Described as analogous to total communication approach in manual signing literature
• Provided with all ongoing language stimulation
• Used with any display type or selection technique
• Commonly used with non–speech-generating devices
Natural aided language (Cafiero, 2001) • Combined aided language stimulation with naturalistic strategies of natural language
• Implemented in natural environments using activity-specific language boards with
various natural communication partners
• Included individuals with ASD

Note. All interventions involve the partner’s use of aided augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) input; specifically, the partner
points to (and/or activates) aided AAC symbols while he or she speaks with an individual who uses AAC. ASD = autism spectrum disorder.

1744 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018
may slow down their rate of speech as they search for the acquisition of individuals who use AAC (Allen, Schlosser,
symbols to indicate on the display, thus allowing individuals Brock, & Shane, 2017; Sennott, Light, & McNaughton,
who use AAC more time to process the input (Smith, 2015). 2016). Sennott et al. (2016) identified and summarized nine
Beyond the impact on comprehension, aided AAC input single-subject studies involving 31 participants under the
may also serve to model expressive output for the learner. age of 12 years as well as one group study, and the authors
It allows partners to validate the aided system as an accept- provided evidence that children who use AAC make observ-
able and effective mode of communication, while providing a able gains in both expressive and receptive language when
model of how the system can be used, in what contexts, and provided with aided AAC input packaged with various
for what purposes (Sevcik, Romski, Watkins, & Deffebach, intervention components. Another recent review by Allen
1995). and colleagues (2017), which identified and summarized
Because the exact mechanisms are unknown, it is 19 single-case studies involving 56 participants and two
also possible that aided AAC input may not benefit some group studies involving 75 participants, found that augmented
individuals, or it could have limitations for some. For ex- input can improve expression (i.e., single-word vocabu-
ample, individuals with autism who are presented with lary, multisymbol utterances) for individuals with develop-
competing stimuli from multiple modalities (e.g., auditory mental disabilities who use AAC. However, there are several
and visual) may only attend to one of the stimuli (e.g., limitations to these reviews. The review by Sennott et al.
Carr, Binkoff, Kologinsky, & Eddy, 1978). Therefore, it is included only a limited number of studies, all of which were
possible that they may not receive additional benefits from published before 2014. In addition, the review did not iden-
pairing speech (i.e., auditory input) with graphic symbols tify the specific components included within each interven-
(i.e., visual input). Furthermore, the dual auditory stimula- tion, making it impossible to evaluate the key components
tion (i.e., speech and voice output) provided when partners of interventions utilizing aided input. Furthermore, the review
use aided input could actually be counterproductive, due did not evaluate the quality of evidence provided by the
to the frequent presence of auditory hypersensitivity studies considered. A notable limitation of both the Sennott
among individuals with autism (Y. H. Tan et al., 2012). et al. and the Allen et al. reviews was that neither con-
Finally, it has been suggested that the ability to imitate ducted a meta-analysis to quantitatively summarize effects
others may play a role in the effectiveness of aided AAC by participant, intervention, or outcome characteristics.
input, and imitation is often an area of difficulty for indi- Therefore, the conclusions that could be made regarding
viduals with autism (e.g., Toth, Munson, Meltzoff, & the effectiveness of aided AAC input with different partici-
Dawson, 2006). Therefore, although pairing speech with pants and intervention characteristics were limited.
graphic symbols is advantageous in facilitating communi- Given these limitations, there is a need for a more
cation for some learners, it may not be advantageous current and comprehensive meta-analysis of the effects of
for all, and whether having good imitation skills represents aided AAC input. The goals of this systematic review are
a pivotal skill in achieving this outcome requires further (a) to determine the effect of interventions including aided
study. AAC input on the expression and comprehension of indi-
Given the potential benefits and possible limitations viduals with developmental disabilities who use AAC;
of aided AAC input, it is critical to investigate the effects of (b) to evaluate how effects may differ by variables related
aided AAC input on the comprehension and expression to participant, intervention, or outcome characteristics;
of individuals with developmental disabilities who use AAC. (c) to assess the strengths and limitations of the existing
Systematic reviews are a well-established method used to evidence; and (d) to consider clinical implications and direc-
synthesize empirical evidence related to a specific research tions for future research.
question. They use systematic methods to minimize bias
to provide more reliable findings from which conclusions
can be drawn regarding the use of evidence-based practices Method
(Littell, Corcoran, & Pillai, 2008; Petticrew & Roberts, The protocol for this review was developed in accor-
2006). In addition, they can identify areas where there is a dance with procedures delineated by the Cochrane Collabo-
lack of research to provide directions for future research. ration ( The protocol was used to
The use of meta-analysis within systematic reviews pro- guide all aspects of the investigation. The full protocol
vides a quantitative summary of effects in several domains and codebook are available upon request.
by using a moderator analysis to assess influences of partic-
ipant and intervention characteristics on variations in effect
size. This type of analysis allows researchers and clinicians Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
to identify for whom and under what circumstances an inter- For inclusion, studies had to meet the following cri-
vention is effective, which can enhance efforts to target in- teria: (a) All participants in the study were individuals with
terventions to the individuals who are most likely to benefit developmental disabilities who used AAC before the study
and to identify intervention approaches that are most likely onset or who were provided with AAC as part of the inter-
to result in positive outcomes (Littell et al., 2008). vention; (b) the study included documentation of progress
Two previous reviews investigated the effects of in- in the use of AAC in the context of an intervention that
terventions that included aided AAC input on language included aided AAC input in isolation or in combination

O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input 1745

with other intervention components; (c) the study used Figure 1. Search strategy used to locate studies. Adapted from
“The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-
an experimental or quasi-experimental design to evaluate analyses of studies that evaluate healthcare interventions: Explanation
the intervention; (d) the study reported outcome data on and elaboration,” by A. Liberati, D. G. Altman, J. Tetzlaff, C. Mulrow,
comprehension and/or expression after the intervention, P. C. Gøtzsche, J. P. A. Ioannidis, … D. Moher, 2009, British Medical
such that effect sizes could be calculated (i.e., time series Journal, 339, p. b2700. Copyright © Liberati et al.
data for baseline and intervention phases for single-case
studies or comparison of control and treatment groups for
group-design studies); (e) the study was published in a peer-
reviewed journal or approved as a dissertation or thesis
before May 2017; and (f ) the study was published or trans-
lated into English.
Studies that included unaided AAC input (i.e., simul-
taneous communication, total communication, key word
signing) were excluded (e.g., Remington & Clarke, 1983;
X. Y. Tan et al., 2014). Group studies were excluded when
outcome data were not reported for individuals who used
AAC (e.g., Jonsson, Kristoffersson, Ferm, & Thunberg, 2011),
a control group was not included that allowed for compu-
tation of an effect size (e.g., Sevcik et al., 1995), or a pretest–
posttest design was used (e.g., Bruno & Trembath, 2006).
Single-case studies with an AB design were also excluded
(e.g., Cafiero, 2001). Studies were also excluded if the part-
ner only provided aided AAC input as a consequential
prompt within a least-to-most or most-to-least prompt-
ing hierarchy (e.g., if the learner did not produce the target
skill after a time delay; e.g., van der Meer et al., 2013).
This was to ensure that aided input was provided on an
ongoing basis as an integral part of the intervention, rather
than only under certain conditions, dependent on the
performance of the learner. Theses and dissertations were
excluded that were later published in a peer-reviewed
journal. resulted in the use of three primary search terms with
several synonyms and related terms for each primary
The first primary search term used was “modeling”
Search Strategy to locate studies with the intervention of interest (i.e., aided
The search process is illustrated in Figure 1. A search AAC input). Aided AAC input has been referred to as a
of electronic databases including ProQuest dissertation variety of names including aided language modeling, aided
and theses, Education database, ERIC, Linguistics and AAC modeling, augmented input, aided language stimula-
Language Behavior Abstracts, PubMed, and PsycINFO tion, and natural aided language. Terms have also been
was completed. These databases were chosen to yield results used to refer to unaided AAC input including simultaneous
from various subject areas including education, social sci- communication (Remington & Clarke, 1983), total com-
ences, and medicine. In addition, an examination of recent munication (Barrera, Lobato-Barrera, & Sulzer-Azaroff,
reviews from the AAC field (e.g., Kent-Walsh, Murza, 1980), and key word signing (X. Y. Tan et al., 2014). These
Malani, & Binger, 2015; Schlosser & Wendt, 2008) revealed terms related to unaided AAC input were not used because
precedence for the selection of these databases. The dis- the focus of the current investigation was partner model-
sertations and theses database was included in an attempt ing of aided AAC. Therefore, the first search term (i.e.,
to reduce potential publication bias (Rothstein, Sutton, & “modeling”) included the variants “aided language model-
Borenstein, 2005). ing,” “aided language stimulation,” “natural aided language,”
Different combinations of key words related to the “aided AAC modeling,” “augmented input,” “partner
inclusion and exclusion criteria were tested to assess the aided modeling,” or “model*.” The second primary search
breadth and depth of results. Search terms were refined by term used was “augmentative and alternative communica-
examining the resulting articles for relevance. Following tion,” including “speech generating device,” “voice output,”
recommendations from the Cochrane Collaboration for or “picture symbol.” The term “AAC” was used to ensure
systematic reviews (Higgins & Green, 2008), an effort was that the results would pertain to individuals with com-
made to reduce the number of different search terms used. plex communication needs. Variants were used to cover
Instead, a variety of synonyms and related terms were a range of terms that have been used in the literature to
used and combined with “OR” within each concept. This refer to AAC. The final search term was “intervention,”

1746 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018
including “treatment” and “treat*.” The search term “model- AAC input as a single technique. In addition, the terminol-
ing” (and its variants) included a limiter to appear in the ogy used by the authors of the study to describe the inter-
abstract. vention was noted (e.g., aided AAC modeling, augmented
The database search with these search terms resulted input).
in 731 records that were screened for relevance by reading To ensure the reliability of the coding, the first author
the title and abstract. Records related to individuals with and a graduate student in communication sciences and dis-
developmental disabilities and aided AAC input were retained orders independently coded all of the included studies
for further review, and records on unrelated topics were based on the operational definitions found in the coding
excluded (n = 619). The remaining 112 articles were reviewed manual. Reliability calculations were completed for all
at the full-text level. Ancestral searches were conducted by coded variables within each study by taking the number
handsearching the reference lists of the 112 articles that of agreements divided by the number of agreements plus
were reviewed at the full-text level. The ancestral search disagreements and multiplying by 100. Overall agreement
resulted in the identification of an additional 12 records for was 94% across coding categories across studies (range =
review. The search ultimately yielded 28 studies that were 78%–100%). The study with 78% agreement reported inter-
identified for inclusion. To ensure the reliability of the in- vention components in an appendix that were unaccounted
clusion decisions, a doctoral student in communication sci- by one coder; consensus was reached for coding this study
ences and disorders reviewed a randomly selected sample after reviewing the appendix together. All other disagree-
of 20% of the 112 articles assessed for eligibility at the full- ments were resolved through discussion and clarification
text level (i.e., 22 articles); agreement (i.e., number of agree- of definitions until consensus reached 100% for all codes
ments divided by total number of articles) with the first across all studies.
author for inclusion was 100%. Two effect size calculations were used to determine
outcomes of single-case studies: Tau-U (Parker, Vannest,
Davis, & Sauber, 2011) and gain scores. Tau-U is one of
Coding Procedures the effect size indices for single-case designs with the most
All 28 studies that met the inclusion criteria were power; it estimates nonoverlap between baseline and
thoroughly reviewed and coded according to the following intervention (Parker et al., 2011). Tau-U provides a statis-
coding categories: (a) study design; (b) participants (num- tic that ranges from 0 to 1 and represents the proportion
ber, age, gender, disability, and receptive language skills); of data that improved between baseline and treatment
(c) independent variable (i.e., intervention, nature of input, phases, after controlling for undesirable baseline trend. A
and components); (d) intervention intensity (i.e., num- Tau-U value from 0 to .19 is considered small, a value
ber, length, and frequency of sessions; rate of modeling); from .20 to .59 is considered moderate, a value of .60–.79
(d) type of AAC used; (e) partner, context, and location; is considered large, and a value above .80 is considered
(f ) dependent variable; (g) outcomes; and (h) quality of very large (Vannest & Ninci, 2015). Tau-U effect sizes were
evidence. See the Supplemental Material for definitions calculated using a free online calculator (Vannest, Parker,
and examples for each coding category. & Gonen, 2011). Gain scores were also calculated to pro-
The independent variable was coded according to the vide a measure of the magnitude of effects (i.e., the amount
nature of the input (i.e., relationship between aided input of change that occurred from baseline to intervention).
and spoken input). The nature of the input was categorized Two interventions with 100% nonoverlapping data appear
as (a) key word input (i.e., partners indicated aided AAC equally effective using Tau-U; however, the intervention
symbols for one to two key words from a spoken phrase), data for the first study may minimally exceed baseline,
(b) full-phrase multisymbol input (i.e., partners indicated whereas the intervention data for the second study may
multiple aided symbols that each corresponded with one indicate a large improvement between baseline and inter-
spoken word or morpheme), or (c) full-phrase single-symbol vention (Wendt, 2009). Gain scores were calculated as the
input (i.e., partners indicated one aided symbol that corre- difference between average performance during the final
sponded to an entire spoken phrase or sentence). In addition three intervention sessions and average performance during
to the spoken and graphic (i.e., indicated symbol) input, baseline. Data from the final three intervention sessions
there was additional input from the voice output when the were used because it was expected that participants would
intervention involved an SGD. The timing of the input was require several exposures to symbols before demonstrating
also characterized as simultaneous or asynchronous with comprehension or using them expressively (Dunham &
the spoken input provided by the partner. Examples of each Dunham, 1992).
type of input are provided in Table 2. The specific compo- For group studies, Cohen’s d was the effect size
nents of intervention in addition to aided input were also used. It was computed using an online calculator (Ellis,
coded (e.g., expectant delay, contingent responding; see 2009). Effect sizes for d range from −3.0 to 3.0. The
the Supplemental Material). The interventions were then following guidelines are recommended for interpreting
categorized into one of the following two categories: these effect sizes: An effect size below 0.20 is considered
(a) multicomponent interventions that included aided AAC small, an effect size from 0.20 to 0.49 is considered
input along with one or more other intervention compo- medium, and anything above 0.80 is considered large
nents or (b) isolated interventions that included aided (Cohen, 1988).

O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input 1747

Table 2. Relationship of aided AAC input and spoken input: description and examples.

Category Description Examples

Key word aided Partners point to or activate aided AAC symbol(s) Simultaneous: “That’s a noisy VAN.” (Harris & Reichle, 2004, p. 158)
input for one to two key words from a spoken phrase. Asynchronous: “Who is flying the helicopter WHO + FLY” (Binger,
Could be simultaneous with spoken input or Kent-Walsh, Ewing, & Taylor, 2010, p. 112)
asynchronous. Asynchronous: “DOG + SPILL The dog spilled the tea!”(Binger &
Light, 2007, p. 34)
Full-phrase Partners point to or activate aided AAC symbols Simultaneous: “IS + MICKEY + JUMPING?” (Kent-Walsh, Binger, &
multisymbol to compose an entire phrase. Each symbol Buchanan, 2015, p. 225)
aided input corresponds with one spoken word or morpheme. Asynchronous: “Scooby Doo is eating Scooby snacks HE + IS +
Could be simultaneous with spoken input or EAT + ING” (Binger, Maguire-Marshall, & Kent-Walsh, 2011,
asynchronous. p. 166)
Full-phrase single- Partners point to or activate one aided AAC symbol Partner indicates graphic symbol for singing, which corresponds
symbol aided that corresponds to an entire phrase or sentence. to the phrase “MORE SINGING PLEASE” ( Johnston, McDonnell,
input Nelson, & Magnavito, 2003, p. 268)
Partner indicates graphic symbol for match, which corresponds
to the phrase “I GOT A MATCH” (Trottier, Kamp, & Mirenda,
2011, p. 32)

Note. Capitalized words indicate aided input. Italicized words indicate spoken input. Words that are both italicized and capitalized indicate
simultaneous spoken and aided input. Plus signs (+) between words indicate that the phrase was composed of more than one symbol.
AAC = augmentative and alternative communication.

To calculate the effect size for the group studies, the These ratings were developed by Simeonsson and Bailey
intervention group that included aided AAC input was (1991) and have been used in multiple reviews within
compared with the control group. In one study ( Romski the field (e.g., Kent-Walsh, Murza, Malani, & Binger, 2015;
et al., 2010), the group that included aided AAC input Schlosser & Wendt, 2008).
(augmented communication input group) was compared
with the control group (spoken communication group).
There was a third intervention group (augmented commu-
Meta-Analysis Procedures
nication output) that did not include aided AAC input To evaluate findings of single-case studies by partici-
as an independent variable; therefore, this group was not pant, intervention, and outcome characteristics, effect
included in the analyses. The other group study (Kasari sizes were aggregated by taking the average of a set of effect
et al., 2014) included only two groups (i.e., behavioral inter- sizes associated with a particular coded variable (e.g., par-
vention with or without augmentation with an SGD) that ticipant diagnosis, type of AAC, language domain). This
formed the basis for comparison in the analyses. average provided a summary statistic of the intervention’s
Interrater reliability for the effect size computations effectiveness for that particular measure (Lipsey & Wilson,
was calculated for 20% of dependent variable values (i.e., 2001).
24 randomly selected measures of 122 total measures across
studies and participants). Tau-U values within .05 points
and gain scores within 5% were considered to agree. This Results
agreement standard was used in a recent meta-analysis in Twenty-six single-case studies and two group studies
the field (Kent-Walsh, Murza, Malani, & Binger, 2015). met the inclusion criteria. Tables 3 and 4 provide a sum-
Calculations yielded 95% agreement for gain scores and mary of the coded variables for the single-case studies and
91% agreement for Tau-U. Differences were related to group studies, respectively. Results for the main coding
variability in reading values depicted in graphs printed in categories are summarized below, first for the single-case
the papers that were sometimes difficult to read with ex- studies and then for the group designs.
act precision; all disagreements were resolved through dis-
cussion before the completion of final analyses.
The quality markers from Horner et al. (2005) were Participant Characteristics
used to evaluate the certainty of evidence provided within The single-case studies involved 88 participants, and
each single-case study, and the quality markers from each study included between one and six participants,
Gersten et al. (2005) were used to evaluate the certainty with a mean age of 9;5 years;months. Of these participants,
of evidence provided within each group study. Each study 66% (n = 58) were male, and 34% (n = 30) were female.
was analyzed based on the internal validity, reliability of the Participants included individuals from preschool through
dependent variable, and procedural integrity. Considering adult, ranging from 3 to 59 years old. Most participants
these factors, each study was given a quality of evidence were preschoolers (42%, n = 37) or elementary-age children
rating of inconclusive, preponderant, suggestive, or incon- (40%, n = 35), whereas fewer participants were toddlers (6%,
clusive (see the Supplemental Material for definitions). n = 5), adolescents (5%, n = 4), or adults (8%, n = 7). The

1748 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018
Table 3. Summary of coded variables for single-case studies.

Intervention characteristics DV
Participant’s IV category: Partner/ Expression/ Outcomes
Study authors name/CA/ IV, nature context/ Type comprehension, Certainty of
and design gender/Dx of input location of AAC DV domain: DV Tau-Ua Gain score evidence

Acheson (2006): Zane, 4;5, Multicomponent: Teacher/ Non-SGD Expression, pragmatic: .50 +3.0 Inconclusive
multiple probes M, ASD aided language natural number of requests • Failed to
across participants Damian, 4;9, stimulation, routine/ Non-SGD .75 +6.0 establish
M, ASD key word school control;
Andrew, 4;10, Non-SGD 1.00 +6.0 missing
M, ASD procedural
Beck, Stoner, & Dennis Jane, 35, Multicomponent: SLP or SGD Expression, pragmatic: .18 +3.1 Suggestive
(2009): ABAB F, IDD aided language researcher/ number of turns • Some
James, 25, stimulation, group/ SGD .20 +0.1 instability
M, IDD key word workshop in baseline;
Robbie, 38, Non-SGD −.18 −0.1 IV not well
M, IDD described
Craig, 43, Non-SGD .51 −0.8
Jennifer, 50, Non-SGD .27 +1.3
Rita, 45, Non-SGD .61 +2.6
Binger & Light (2007): Valerie, 4;3, Multi component: Researcher/ SGD Expression, 1.00 +13.0 Conclusive
multiple probes F, other aided AAC play/school morphosyntactic:
across participants Timmy, 3;5, modeling, and home SGD frequency of 1.00 +22.0
M, other key word multisymbol
Robin, 4;6, SGD messages .81 +1.0
Nathan, 4;4, Non-SGD 1.00 +18.0
O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input

Richard, 4;2, Non-SGD .80 +16.0
Binger, Kent-Walsh, Antonio, 4;1, Multicomponent: Parents/book SGD Expression, 1.00 +9.0 Conclusive
Berens, Del Campo, M, other aided AAC reading/NR morphosyntactic:
& Rivera (2008): Angela, 3;4, modeling, Non-SGD frequency of 1.00 +18.0
multiple probes F, other key word multisymbol
across participants Julia, 2;11, SGD messages 1.00 +14.0
F, other
Binger et al. (2010): Oscar, 6;4, Multicomponent: EA/book SGD Expression, 1.00 +11.0 Conclusive
multiple probes M, DD aided AAC reading/ morphosyntactic:
across participants Adam, 4;6, modeling, school SGD frequency of 1.00 +11.0
M, DD key word multisymbol
Valerie, 5;8, SGD messages .80 +11.0
(table continues)

Table 3. (Continued).
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018

Intervention characteristics DV
Participant’s IV category: Partner/ Expression/ Outcomes
Study authors name/CA/ IV, nature context/ Type comprehension, Certainty of
and design gender/Dx of input location of AAC DV domain: DV Tau-Ua Gain score evidence
Binger et al. (2011): Alex, 11, Multicomponent: Researcher/ SGD Expression, 1.00 +93.0% Conclusive
multiple probes M, CP aided AAC book morphosyntactic:
across morphemes Jessie, 6, modeling, reading/ SGD percent correct .85 +96.0%
F, CAS full-phrase school and use of morphemes
Ian, 9, multisymbol home SGD .84 +90.0%
Dada & Alant A, 8;5, Isolated: aided SLP/group/ Non-SGD Comprehension, .72 +4.0 Conclusive
(2009): multiple M, CP language school semantic: number
probes across B, 10;1, stimulation, Non-SGD of correctly .84 +4.0
activities F, CP key word identified words
C, 8;1, F, Non-SGD .76 +4.0
D, 12;1, Non-SGD .62 +3.0
Dexter (1998): Andre, 8;1, Multicomponent: Researcher/ Non-SGD Expression, pragmatic: 0.79 +10.0 Inconclusive
multiple baseline M, ASD aided language book frequency of .47 +50.0 • Failed to
across participants Tony, 9;2, stimulation, NR reading/ Non-SGD spoken output, 1.00 +28.0 establish
M, ASD school and frequency of aided 1.00 +83.0 control;
Peter, 9;3, home Non-SGD AAC use .91 +12.0 missing
M, ASD 1.00 +80.0 procedural
Carl, 9;0, Non-SGD 1.00 +22.0 integrity
M, ASD .88 +27.0
Sam, 7;2, Non-SGD .65 +12.0
M, ASD .16 +0.1
Brad, 6;5, Non-SGD .82 +18.0
M, ASD .84 +35.0
Drager et al. (2006): Maggie, 4;5, Isolated: aided SLP or Non-SGD Expression, semantic: .60 +3.0 Suggestive
multiple probes F, ASD language researcher/ number correct for • Experimental
across sets modeling, play/day symbol expression control not
key word care Comprehension, .78 +6.0 maintained
Sam, 4;0, Non-SGD semantic: number .80 +6.0 across all
M, ASD correct for symbol .68 +7.0 sets because
comprehension of timing of
baseline data
Hall (2014): ABAB 1, 7, F, ASD Multicomponent: Researcher/ Non-SGD Expression, semantic: .72 +32.0 Inconclusive
aided language clinic/book number of spoken 1.00 +24.0 • Only one
stimulation, reading and words .81 +12.0 demonstration
key word play Morphosyntactic: of effect
number of symbol
and symbol–spoken
(table continues)
Table 3. (Continued).

Intervention characteristics DV
Participant’s IV category: Partner/ Expression/ Outcomes
Study authors name/CA/ IV, nature context/ Type comprehension, Certainty of
and design gender/Dx of input location of AAC DV domain: DV Tau-Ua Gain score evidence
Harris & Reichle Jennie, 3;10, Isolated: aided Researcher/ Non-SGD Expression, semantic: .64 +47.0% Preponderant
(2004): multiple F, DS language preferred percent correct for .82 +63.0% • Some instability
probes across stimulation, activity/ symbol expression in baseline,
sets Niles, 5;4, key word school or Non-SGD Comprehension, .84 +69.0% generally
M, DS home semantic: percent .79 +50.0% stabilized
Edie, 4;2, Non-SGD correct for symbol 1.00 +67.0% before
F, IDD comprehension 1.00 +97.0% intervention
Ho (2000): multiple 1, 7;8, M, Isolated: aided Researcher/ Non-SGD Comprehension, .30 +2.0 Inconclusive
probes across CP AAC modeling, book semantic: number • Failed to
sets 2, 4;7, key word reading/ Non-SGD of correctly .91 +2.0 establish
M, other school identified symbols stable
3, 5;10, Non-SGD 1.00 +3.0 baselines
Hughes et al. Justin, 17, Multicomponent: Peer/direct Non-SGD Expression, pragmatic: .64 +4.9 Conclusive
(2000): multiple M, ID communication teaching/ frequency of
probes across Jack, 16, book training, school Non-SGD conversation .95 +2.2
participants M, ID full-phase initiations
Jerome, 16, one-symbol Non-SGD .86 +2.9
Thomas, 18, Non-SGD 1.00 +5.7
Sarah, 16, Non-SGD 1.00 +6.7
Iacono & Duncum Lisa, 2;8, Multicomponent: Researcher/ SGD Expression, pragmatic: .78 +6.0 Inconclusive
(1995): alternating F, DS sign + Dynavox + play/clinic number of words • Only one
O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input

treatments speech, key word Semantic: number of .94 +4.0 demonstration

different words of effect
Johnston, McDonell, Sallie, 3;10, Multicomponent: Peer and Non-SGD Expression, pragmatic: .86 +92.0% Conclusive
et al. (2003): multiple F, DD four-step teacher/ percent correct
baseline across Jason, 4;6, strategy natural SGD use of symbolic .90 +100.0%
participants M, CP with aided routines/ communication
Maddie, 3;3, modeling, school SGD .33 +75.0%
F, MD full-phrase
Johnston, Nelson, Evans, Brad, 4;3, Multicomponent: Peer and Non-SGD Expression, pragmatic: .42 +60.0% Conclusive
& Palazolo (2003): M, ASD four-step teacher/ percent correct
multiple probes Alex, 5;3, strategy with play/school Non-SGD use of symbolic .23 +80.0%
across participants M, ASD aided modeling, communication
Billy, 5;1, full-phrase Non-SGD .45 +95.0%
M, ASD one-symbol
(table continues)
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018

Table 3. (Continued).

Intervention characteristics DV
Participant’s IV category: Partner/ Expression/ Outcomes
Study authors name/CA/ IV, nature context/ Type comprehension, Certainty of
and design gender/Dx of input location of AAC DV domain: DV Tau-Ua Gain score evidence
Kent-Walsh (2003): Adam, 4;3, Multicomponent: EA/book Non-SGD Expression, pragmatic: 1.00 +48.0 Conclusive
multiple baseline M, CAS aided AAC reading/NR number of turns 1.00 +26.0
across participants Betty, 12;7, modeling, Non-SGD Semantic: different 1.00 +38.0
F, DS key word concepts expressed 1.00 +22.0
Caleb, 3;0, Non-SGD 1.00 +34.0
M, CAS 1.00 +26.0
Dave, 11;5, SGD 1.00 +54.0
M, DS 1.00 +31.0
Emma, 9;0, Non-SGD 1.00 +36.0
F, ID 1.00 +28.0
Kent-Walsh et al. (2010): Abby, 8;0, Multicomponent: Parents/book SGD Expression, pragmatic: 1.00 +21.0 Conclusive
multiple probes F, CP aided AAC reading/ number of turns 1.00 +5.0
across participants Brian, 5;4, modeling, home SGD Semantic: different 1.00 +54.0
M, DS key word concepts expressed 1.00 +18.0
Clea, 5;0, SGD 1.00 +43.0
F, CP 1.00 +17.0
Dale, 8;3, SGD .67 +9.0
M, CP .67 +21.0
Evan, 4;7, SGD 1.00 +19.0
M, DS 1.00 +32.0
Freddy, 5;11, SGD 1.00 +29.0
M, DS 1.00 +23.0
Kent-Walsh, Binger, & Adam, 4;10, Multicomponent: Researcher SGD Expression, .93 +97.0% Conclusive
Buchanan (2015): M, CAS aided AAC and parent/ morphosyntactic:
multiple probes Bella, 6;2, modeling, play/clinic SGD percent use of target .93 +95.0%
across participants F, DS full-phrase sentence forms
Clay, 4;9, multisymbol SGD .48 +90.0%
Pitman (2015): Kacey, 6;6, Multicomponent: EA/book SGD Expression, pragmatic: 1.00 +16.0 Inconclusive:
multiple baseline F, IDD aided AAC reading/ number of single- 1.00 +10.0 • Missing
across participants Isaac, 7;4, modeling, school SGD symbol messages 1.00 +3.0 reliability and
M, IDD key word Morphosyntactic: 1.00 +42.0 procedural
Austin, 8;8, SGD number of multisymbol .00 +8.0 integrity
M, ASD messages .89 +6.0
Rosa-Lugo & Kent- Alexis, 6;10, Multicomponent: Parent/book SGD Expression, pragmatic: 1.00 +29.0 Preponderant
Walsh (2008): F, other aided AAC reading/NR number of turns 1.00 +14.0 • Only two
multiple probes Bernardo, 6;8, modeling, SGD Semantic: different 1.00 +48.0 replications
across participants M, DD key word concepts expressed 1.00 +21.0 of effect
(table continues)
Table 3. (Continued).

Intervention characteristics DV
Participant’s IV category: Partner/ Expression/ Outcomes
Study authors name/CA/ IV, nature context/ Type comprehension, Certainty of
and design gender/Dx of input location of AAC DV domain: DV Tau-Ua Gain score evidence
Sennott (2013): Ava, 4;7, Multicomponent: EA/book SGD Expression, pragmatic: 1.00 +2.0 Conclusive
multiple probes F, ID aided AAC reading/ number of turns
across participants Ben, 4;4, modeling, school SGD 1.00 +2.0
M, ASD full-phrase
Cassie, 3;9, multisymbol SGD 1.00 +2.0
Solomon-Rice & Karl, 2;3, Multicomponent: SLP/play/ Non-SGD Expression, semantic: 1.00 +67.0% Conclusive
Soto (2014): M, DD augmented community percentage of target
alternating Carol, 2;4, input, or home Non-SGD vocabulary produced 1.00 +63.0%
treatments F, DD key word
Mick, 2;2, Non-SGD .69 +30.0%
Tönsing (2016): 1, 11;3, Multicomponent: Researcher/ Both Expression, 1.00 +11.0 Conclusive
adapted M, CP aided AAC book morphosyntactic: 1.00 +11.0
alternating 2, 11;4, modeling reading/ Both number of correct 1.00 +11.0
treatments M, other on SGD vs. school two-word 1.00 +7.0
3, 8;0, non-SGD, or home Both combinations .83 +11.0
F, CP key word .89 +11.0
4, 6;11, Both .90 +8.0
M, CP .89 +7.0
Trembath, Balandin, Jeremy, 4, Isolated: peer- Peers/play/ SGD Expression, pragmatic: .60 +0.5 Suggestive
Togher, & Stancliffe M, ASD mediated school frequency of • Missing
(2009): multiple Aaron, 5, teaching SGD communication .86 +0.3 procedural
baseline across M, ASD with aided acts per minute integrity
participants Shane, 3, modeling, SGD 1.00 +0.6
O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input

M, ASD key word

Trottier et al. (2011): Ian, 11;4, Multicomponent: Peers/play/ SGD Expression, pragmatic: .67 +0.7 Preponderant
multiple baseline M, ASD peer-mediated school frequency of • Only two
across participants Max, 11;2, instruction, SGD communication 1.00 +0.8 replications
M, ASD full-phrase acts per minute of effect

Note. AAC = augmentative and alternative communication; ASD = autism spectrum disorder; CA = chronological age (years;months); CAS = childhood apraxia of speech; CP =
cerebral palsy; DD = developmental delay; DS = Down syndrome; DV = dependent variable; Dx = diagnosis; EA = educational assistant; F = female; ID = identification; IDD =
intellectual or developmental disability; IV = independent variable; M = male; MD = multiple disabilities; non-SGD = non–speech-generating device; NR = not reported; SGD = speech-
generating device; SLP = speech-language pathologist.
For studies with more than one DV, Tau-U and gain scores are listed separately for each DV by participant in order of listed DVs.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018

Table 4. Summary of coded variables for group studies.

Intervention characteristics DV Outcomes

Study authors Participants, IV category: IV, Partner/context/ Type comprehension, Effect Certainty of
and design N (CA), Dx nature of input location of AAC DV domain: DV M (SD) size evidence

Kasari et al. (2014): 61 (6;4), ASD Multicomponent: Trained interventionists SGD Expression, pragmatic: TSCU: TSCU: Conclusive
sequential, multiple- (a) JASP + EMT and parents/play/ number of spontaneous 1 T1a: 35.3 d = 0.57
assignment, vs. (b) JASP + clinic communicative 2 T1: 54.4
randomized trial EMT + aided utterances (TSCU); 1 T2: 40.3 d = 0.62
AAC input, NR total number of 2 T2: 61.9
comments (TCOM) 1 T3: 45.4 d = 0.22
2 T3: 52.7
Semantic: total TCOM: TCOM:
different root 1 T1: 8.10 d = 0.51
words (TDRW) 2 T1: 14.1
1 T2: 8.1 d = 0.44
2 T2: 14.1
1 T3: 8.1 d = 0.54
2 T3: 14.1
1 T1: 24.3 d = 0.34
2 T1: 33.1
1 T2: 25.6 d = 0.29
2 T2: 33.1
1 T3: 26.9 d = 0.21
2 T3: 33.1
Romski et al. 42 (2;6), DD Isolated: (a) SC Trained interventionists SGD Expression, semantic: 1 T1: 1.4 (0.5) d = 0.71 Conclusive
(2010): RCT vs. (b) AC-I, and parents/play, number of different 2 T1: 2.3 (1.8)
key word book reading, and spoken words used 1 T2: 2.3 (2.2) d = 0.52
snack/laboratory 2 T2: 4.2 (5.7)
and home

Note. AAC = augmentative and alternative communication; AC-I = augmented communication input; ASD = autism spectrum disorder; CA = chronological age (years;months);
d = Cohen’s d; DD = developmental delay; DV = dependent variable; Dx = diagnosis; IV = independent variable; JASP + EMT = joint attention symbolic play plus enhanced milieu
teaching; N = number; NR = not reported; RCT = randomized controlled trial; SC = spoken communication; SGD = speech-generating device.
Refers to the time of testing ( T1 = Measurement Occasion 1; T2 = Measurement Occasion 2; T3 = Measurement Occasion 3).
participants included individuals with a range of diagnoses: In the Romski et al. (2010) study, the initial 18 weeks
26% were identified as having ASD (n = 23); 17%, as having of intervention occurred in the clinic, and the final 6 weeks
cerebral palsy (n = 15); 18%, as having intellectual or develop- of intervention occurred at home. The interventions in
mental disabilities (n = 16); 13%, as having Down syndrome the single-case studies took place most often in the context
(n = 11); 10%, as having a developmental delay (n = 9); and of reading (n = 41, 47%) or play (n = 19, 22%), although
the remaining 10%, as having other disabilities (n = 9; e.g., some interventions took place during preferred activities
Prader–Willi syndrome, childhood apraxia of speech). (n = 15, 17%) or natural routines (n = 8, 9%) or in multiple
Receptive language standard scores were reported contexts (n = 5, 6%). The group studies took place in the
for 74 participants (84%). Most participants were assessed context of play (Kasari et al., 2014) or multiple naturalistic
using receptive language assessments such as the Test of routines (i.e., play, book reading, snack; Romski et al., 2010).
Auditory Comprehension of Language (Carrow-Woolfolk,
1999) or the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (Dunn & Type of AAC
Dunn, 2007), although several studies included more global In the single-case studies, 51% of the participants
measures of language skills such as the Vineland Adaptive (n = 45) used a non-SGD such as communication board
Behavior Scale–Second Edition communication subdomain or single picture symbol, and 49% (n = 43) used an SGD
scores (Sparrow, Cicchetti, & Balla, 2005). According to such as a dedicated AAC device or tablet with an AAC
the reported scores, the receptive language skills of the par- application. Of the participants who used SGDs, 53%
ticipants varied significantly. Of the 74 participants for whom (n = 23) used SGDs with synthesized voice output, 26%
receptive language scores were reported, 57 (77%) were (n = 11) used devices with digitized speech output, and the
reported to have below-average receptive language skills, type of voice output was not reported for 21% (n = 9). All
and 17 (23%) were reported to have receptive language participants in the group studies used SGDs. The Romski
skills within normal limits. Receptive language ages were et al. (2010) study used digitized speech, and the Kasari
reported for fewer participants (n = 47, 53%). Of these par- et al. (2014) study used synthesized speech.
ticipants, 16 (34%) had a language age between 36 and
48 months, and 15 (32%) had a language age between 24 Nature of Input
and 36 months. Fewer participants had a language age score The interventions varied in terms of the correspon-
from 1 to 24 months (n = 8, 17%) or greater than 48 months dence between the aided input and the spoken input provided
(n = 8, 17%). by the partners. See Table 2 for specific examples. Eighteen
The group studies included 103 participants, with single-case studies involving 60 participants (68%) included
mean ages of 6;5 and 2;6 years;months, respectively. The key word aided input. Fewer studies included full-phrase
participants included young children with ASD (Kasari et al., aided input associated with one symbol (i.e., four single-case
2014) and toddlers with developmental delays (Romski studies involving 13 participants). The smallest number of
et al., 2010). All participants were reported to have below- studies (three studies, nine participants) included full-phrase
average receptive language skills. The participants in the aided input composed of multiple symbols. For participants
Kasari et al. (2014) study were reported to have an aver- using SGDs, in addition to the indicated symbol and the
age receptive language age of 2;8 years;months, and the par- spoken input, they also received auditory input from the voice
ticipants in the Romski et al. (2010) study were reported to output on the device. In regard to the timing of the aided
have an average receptive language age of 18 months. input relative to the spoken input, 42 participants (48%)
received simultaneous spoken and aided input, and 34 par-
ticipants (39%) received asynchronous spoken and aided
Intervention Characteristics
input (i.e., spoken input preceded or followed by aided input).
Partners Specific information regarding the timing of spoken and
In the single-case studies, the partners who provided aided input was not available for 14% of the participants
aided input were most often the researcher (n = 31, 35%) (n = 12). The Romski et al. (2010) study used key word
or multiple partners (n = 17, 19%). Paraprofessionals (n = aided input that was simultaneous with spoken input. Spe-
14, 16%), parents (n = 11, 13%), and peers (n = 9, 10%) cific information regarding the nature of input was not pro-
were partners in some studies, whereas speech-language pathol- vided for the Kasari et al. (2014) study.
ogists (n = 3, 3%) and teachers (n = 3, 3%) were partners
less often. For both of the group studies, the partners were Intervention Components
trained interventionists during the first phase of each study; Twenty-one single-case studies involving 73 partici-
and parents, during the second phase. pants (83%) included multicomponent interventions, and five
single-case studies involving 15 participants (17%) included
Location and Context aided AAC input in isolation. As indicated in Table 5, the
The participants in the single-case studies most often multicomponent interventions included various combinations
received intervention at school (n = 48, 55%); fewer were of the following components in addition to aided AAC
seen at home (n = 12, 14%), in the community (n = 6, 7%), input: (a) expectant delay, (b) open-ended questions, (c) con-
or in a clinic setting (n = 8, 9%). The group studies occurred tingent responding, (d) prompting (spoken, gestural, or
primarily in controlled settings (e.g., laboratory, clinic). physical), and (e) expansions or recasts. The greatest

O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input 1755

Table 5. Specific intervention components of included studies in addition to aided AAC input.

Expectant Open-ended Contingent Direct Expansion

Study delay question responding prompting or recast

Acheson (2006)a X X X X
Beck et al. (2009) X X X
Binger & Light (2007) X X
Binger et al. (2008)a X X X
Binger et al. (2010)a X X X X
Binger et al. (2011) X
Dada & Alant (2009)
Dexter (1998) X X
Drager et al. (2006)
Hall (2014) X X
Harris & Reichle (2004)
Ho (2000)
Hughes et al. (2000)a X X X
Iacono & Duncum (1995) X X X
Johnston, McDonnell, et al. (2003)a X X X
Johnston, Nelson, et al. (2003)a X X X
Kasari et al. (2014)a X X X X
Kent-Walsh (2003)a X X X
Kent-Walsh et al. (2010)a X X X
Kent-Walsh, Binger, & Buchanan (2015)a X X X X X
Pitman (2015)a X X X X
Romski et al. (2010)a X
Rosa-Lugo & Kent-Walsh (2008)a X X X
Sennott (2013)a X X
Solomon-Rice & Soto (2014) X X
Tönsing (2016) X X X X
Trembath et al. (2009)a X
Trottier et al. (2011)a X X
Total number of studies (28) 20 13 16 12 6

Note. AAC = augmentative and alternative communication.

The study that included instruction for natural partners to implement aided AAC input.

number of studies included the following components in sessions, which ranged from 5 to 60 min per session. To
addition to aided AAC input: expectant delay (n = 20, calculate the overall time spent in intervention for each
77%), contingent responding (n = 16, 62%), and/or open- participant, the number of sessions per participant was
ended questions (n = 13, 50%). The interventions were also multiplied by the reported length of session. Of the stud-
categorized according to whether or not partner instruction ies that reported time spent in intervention, the greatest
was a component of the intervention. Fourteen single- proportion of participants (n = 24, 32%) spent 1–2 hr in
case studies involving 44 participants included instruction intervention across the length of the study, 31% (n = 23)
for natural partners (e.g., parents, teachers, paraprofessionals) spent 1 hr or less, 22% (n = 16) spent between 2 and 5 hr
to provide aided AAC input (see Table 5); the remain- in intervention, and 15% (n = 11) spent 5 hr or more.
ing studies utilized researchers or other professionals Seven studies (27%) reported data on the frequency of
who had already been instructed in this technique. In the intervention sessions per week, which ranged from one
multicomponent interventions that included partner in- time per week to daily across these studies. The exact
struction (e.g., Binger et al., 2008), partners were often number of aided AAC inputs during intervention sessions
instructed to use several intervention techniques in addi- was provided for eight studies (29%), and it ranged from
tion to aided AAC input. Both group studies included 10 aided AAC models per 15-min session (e.g., Binger
multicomponent interventions and instruction for natural et al., 2011) to 100 per 20-min session (e.g., Solomon-
partners. Rice & Soto, 2014), that is, rates of less than one aided
AAC model per minute to approximately five models per
Intervention Intensity Participants in the Romski et al. (2010) study spent
Studies were also coded for the length, frequency, 12 hr in intervention, whereas participants in the Kasari
and number of intervention sessions as well as the rate et al. (2014) study spent 48 hr in intervention. The Kasari
of aided AAC input within each intervention. Eighty-five et al. study reported that a minimum of 50% of all spoken
percent of the single-case studies involving 74 partici- language was modeled, whereas the Romski et al. study did
pants (84%) reported data on the length of intervention not specify the rate of modeling.

1756 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018
Dependent Variables interventions with participants with Down syndrome, cere-
bral palsy, and other diagnoses. Effect sizes were large
Data were extracted for outcomes related to both
to very large across participants with varying levels of lan-
comprehension and expression. In addition, outcomes were
guage skills (range = .68–.92).
classified according to language domain (i.e., pragmatic,
semantic, or morphosyntactic). Outcomes were reported
for expression (n = 110, 90%) much more frequently than Intervention Characteristics
for comprehension (n = 12, 10%). Only four single-case Interventions that investigated aided AAC input
studies (Dada & Alant, 2009; Drager et al., 2006; Harris implemented by partners who were researchers, parents,
& Reichle, 2004; Ho, 2000) reported outcomes related to peers, paraprofessionals, or speech-language pathologists
comprehension. In terms of language domain, outcomes all resulted in very large effect sizes (range = .84–.97). A
related to pragmatics were reported most often (41%; e.g., moderate effect size (.52) resulted for interventions that
number of communicative turns; e.g., Kent-Walsh et al., included multiple communication partners. Outcomes
2010). Fewer participants had outcomes reported related yielded a very large effect size for interventions using SGDs
to semantics (29%; e.g., number of symbols correctly pro- (.88) and a large effect size for interventions using non-
duced; e.g., Drager et al., 2006) or morphosyntax (25%; SGDs (.79). Interventions that included key word aided in-
e.g., percent correct use of target morphemes; e.g., Binger put or full-phase aided input composed of multiple aided
et al., 2011). symbols resulted in very large effect sizes (.84–.91), whereas
Both group studies reported outcomes related to full-phrase input associated with a single symbol resulted in
expression only. The Kasari et al. (2014) study reported a large effect size (.72). Providing aided input simultaneously
outcomes related to both pragmatics (e.g., number of with speech resulted in a large effect size (.77), whereas pro-
utterances) and semantics (e.g., different root words). viding aided input in an asynchronous manner resulted in
The Romski et al. (2010) study reported outcomes primar- a very large effect size (.93). Interventions including one
ily related to semantics (e.g., vocabulary size). or more components in addition to aided AAC input had a
very large effect size (.84), whereas interventions that only
included aided AAC input had a large effect size (.77). With
Effect Size Findings for Single-Case Studies regard to partner instruction, interventions that included
Currently, there are no accepted methods to aggre- partner instruction had a very large effect size (.88), whereas
gate data from group and single-case designs (Schlosser interventions that did not include partner instruction had a
& Wendt, 2008); therefore, effect sizes are presented sepa- large effect size (.78). The amount of time spent in inter-
rately here. vention was associated with very large effects for the fol-
lowing durations: 1 hr or less, and 1–2 and 2–5 hr (range =
.84–.91). A moderate effect (.54) resulted from cases in which
Overall Effects more than 5 hr was spent in intervention.
The mean effect size (Tau-U) aggregated across the
single-case studies was .83 (SD = .24, range = −.18 to 1.0),
Intervention Outcome Characteristics
indicating a very large overall effect (Vannest & Ninci,
Outcomes related to expression resulted in a very
2015) of interventions that included aided AAC input on
large effect size (.84), and outcomes related to compre-
the communication of individuals with developmental dis-
hension resulted in a large effect size (.76). Across the
abilities who used AAC. Table 3 provides the gain scores
language domains of pragmatics, semantics, and morpho-
and Tau-U values for individual participants by study.
syntax, interventions yielded large to very large effect sizes
Table 6 provides the mean Tau-U values and standard devi-
(range = .76–.93).
ations by participant, intervention, and outcome characteris-
tics aggregated across studies when comparing baseline
with intervention phases. It was not possible to calculate Effect Size Findings for Group Studies
effect sizes across maintenance and generalization phases Table 4 lists effect sizes calculated for each of the
because many studies did not include the data required group studies. In the Kasari et al. (2014) study, the effect
to make these calculations. Most aggregated Tau-U scores sizes were medium across the three dependent variables
for participant, intervention, and intervention outcome char- (i.e., spontaneous communicative turns, total number of
acteristics indicated large or very large effect sizes. comments, and total different root words) across the three
measurement occasions at Weeks 12, 24, and 36 (i.e., range
Participant Characteristics d = 0.21–0.62), with an overall trend for higher performance
The interventions including aided AAC input had a in the condition that included aided AAC input in com-
very large effect size for children and adolescents (range = bination with the naturalistic behavioral intervention com-
.83–.90) and a moderate effect size (Tau-U = .37) for adults pared with the group that received the naturalistic behavioral
with developmental disabilities. The aggregated effect intervention in isolation. In the Romski et al. (2010) study,
sizes indicated large effect sizes for interventions across there were medium effect sizes on the first measurement
participants with diagnoses of ASD and intellectual or occasion at Session 18 (i.e., d = 0.71) and the second measure-
developmental disability, with very large effect sizes for ment occasion at Session 24 (i.e., d = 0.52), with participants

O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input 1757

Table 6. Results of single-case studies by participant, intervention, and intervention outcome characteristics.

Measure Number of cases Tau-U Level of effect SD

Participant characteristics
Toddler 6 .90 Very large 0.13
Preschool 47 .83 Very large 0.21
Elementary 58 .87 Very large 0.20
Adolescent 4 .86 Very large 0.15
Adult 7 .37 Moderate 0.28
Autism 34 .74 Large 0.27
Down syndrome 19 .90 Very large 0.12
Cerebral palsy 21 .86 Very large 0.12
Intellectual/developmental disability 20 .75 Large 0.37
Developmental delay 10 .94 Very large 0.11
Childhood apraxia of speech 6 .97 Very large 0.06
Other 11 .88 Very large 0.23
Receptive language skills
Within normal limits 19 .91 Very large 0.15
Delayed or deviant 85 .86 Very large 0.19
Receptive language age
6–24 months 10 .68 Large 0.21
24–36 months 22 .92 Very large 0.14
36–48 months 23 .87 Very large 0.21
> 48 months 10 .89 Very large 0.11
Intervention characteristics
Researcher 47 .84 Very large 0.17
Parent 19 .97 Very large 0.10
Peer 9 .89 Very large 0.14
Paraprofessional 22 .94 Very large 0.22
SLP 3 .90 Very large 0.18
Multiple partners 19 .52 Moderate 0.30
Aided AAC system
SGD 56 .88 Very large 0.23
Non-SGD 66 .79 Large 0.24
Nature of input
Key word 88 .84 Very large 0.24
Full phrase, multiple symbols 9 .91 Very large 0.15
Full phrase, single symbol 13 .72 Large 0.15
Timing of input
Simultaneous 57 .77 Large 0.26
Asynchronous 51 .93 Very large 0.17
Intervention components
Multicomponent 102 .84 Very large 0.26
Isolated 20 .77 Large 0.13
Partner instruction
Yes 60 .88 Very large 0.22
No 62 .78 Large 0.24
Time spent in intervention
1 hr or less 32 .91 Very large 0.20
1–2 hr 37 .88 Very large 0.19
2–5 hr 19 .87 Very large 0.10
> 5 hr 15 .54 Moderate 0.31
Outcome characteristics
Nature of outcome measure
Expression 96 .84 Very large 0.25
Comprehension 12 .76 Large 0.10
Language domain
Pragmatic 57 .76 Large 0.31
Semantic 35 .85 Very large 0.15
Morphosyntactic 30 .93 Very large 0.11

Note. The number of cases does not always equal the number of participants included because of the variability across studies in the number
of dependent variables reported. AAC = augmentative and alternative communication; non-SGD = non–speech-generating device; SLP =
speech-language pathologist.

1758 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018
in the augmented communication input group producing allowed learners more time to process the input (Smith,
more spoken words than those in the group receiving only 2015). Positive gains noted in expressive outcomes (e.g.,
spoken communication input. Outcomes comparing the communicative turns, multisymbol messages) suggest that
overall number of symbols (spoken and graphic) produced aided AAC input was also effective to model expressive
could not be calculated based on the data included in the output. Partners provided a model of how the system could
published study. be used and for what purposes (Sevcik et al., 1995).
Despite the positive gains noted in interventions that
targeted both comprehension and expression, very few
Quality of Evidence
studies examined outcomes related to comprehension, and
The quality of each study was also evaluated to deter- these studies were limited to receptive vocabulary without
mine the level of certainty that the intervention implemented considering comprehension of morphosyntax (Dada &
in the study resulted in a change in the dependent variable Alant, 2009; Drager et al., 2006; Harris & Reichle, 2004;
(see Tables 3 and 4). Of the 28 included studies, 15 studies Ho, 2000). There are several possible reasons for the cur-
met the highest standards and were rated conclusive. An rent lack of investigations in this area. First, the focus
additional five studies presented preponderant evidence, in- of intervention for individuals who require AAC typically
dicating that there were minor methodological issues, but centers on language expression rather than comprehension
outcomes were more likely to have occurred because of the (Light, 1997; Romski & Sevcik, 1993). This places out-
AAC intervention than not. The remaining eight studies comes related to expression in the forefront to the neglect
had significant limitations in the methods that precluded of outcomes related to comprehension. Second, standardized
determination of the effectiveness of the intervention. These measures of early comprehension development are often
limitations typically related to flaws in design (e.g., failure unsuitable for individuals with complex communication
to establish stable baseline, lack of systematic replication needs (Light, 1997). Informal assessment procedures may
of the independent variable) or missing or inadequate pro- be required making it more difficult to measure compre-
cedural integrity or reliability. hension gains. Third, comprehension is difficult to assess
because it “takes place in the mind of the listener” (Miller
& Paul, 1995, p. 7). Unlike expression that results in an
Discussion observable behavior (e.g., spoken word, activating graphic
The results of this systematic review provide evidence symbol on an SGD), comprehension must be inferred from
that individuals with developmental disabilities and com- a behavioral response. However, this review demonstrates
plex communication needs associated with various diagnoses, that comprehension can be reliably assessed within AAC
ages, and language skills can derive benefits in communica- interventions, (e.g., Dada & Alant, 2009; Drager et al., 2006;
tion as a result of interventions that include aided AAC Harris & Reichle, 2004), and it is a critical area that deserves
input. The average Tau-U score of .83 for single-case stud- attention.
ies and the medium effects resulting from group studies
indicate that these interventions had generally positive and
Effects by Participant, Intervention,
large effects on the communicative outcomes measured.
The remainder of the discussion will be organized by the and Outcome Characteristics
aims of the study outlined in the introduction. Effects by Participant Characteristics
It is encouraging that the effects of interventions
involving aided AAC input were strong across a range of
Effects of Aided AAC Input on
ages, diagnoses, and language levels. However, the effects
Comprehension and Expression were not as strong for adults (i.e., individuals over the age
The findings of this review suggest that aided AAC of 22 years) or for those at the earliest stages of lan-
input may serve as a mechanism to support comprehen- guage development (i.e., receptive language age of less than
sion (e.g., Drager et al., 2006; Harris & Reichle, 2004) and 24 months). There may be a number of hypotheses related
model expressive output (e.g., Binger et al., 2010; Kent- to the interventions and/or the participants to explain these
Walsh et al., 2010) for individuals who require AAC, much results. For instance, the interventions were very short,
like spoken language models serve as a mechanism for lan- and the aided AAC input was diffuse. Adults with complex
guage acquisition in children developing typically (Hoff, communication needs may have a history of failure or
2006). Partners in the included studies provided linguistic learned helplessness that may require longer interventions
input using both speech and aided AAC. Pairing the spoken to learn new skills. Children who are early language learners
word with the aided symbol may have served to rebalance may also require longer interventions that provide more
input–output asymmetries and improve comprehension time to acquire new language skills. In addition, it is possi-
of the partner’s message (Romski & Sevcik, 1993; Smith ble that interventions using aided graphic symbols may
& Grove, 2003). The spoken input provided by partners not be developmentally appropriate for individuals at the
was often simplified and likely delivered at a slow rate be- earliest stages of communication development (e.g., indi-
cause of the effort required to locate symbols on the aided viduals who are preintentional). Caution should be used in
displays, which may have promoted comprehension and interpreting these results given the small number of adults

O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input 1759

(n = 7) and individuals in the 0- to 24-month language age in a telegraphic spoken model, whereas asynchronous
(n = 8). input may be more facilitative of a grammatical spoken
It is also important to note that the effects were strong model. In addition, simultaneous input may require di-
for individuals with ASD, with a Tau-U of .74 indicating a vided attention by the individual using AAC to attend
large overall effect. Despite previous research that indi- to both the partner and the AAC system simultaneously,
cates that individuals with ASD may only attend to input which could increase cognitive load compared with asyn-
from one sensory modality (i.e., auditory or visual; e.g., chronous input.
Carr et al., 1978) or may have difficulty with imitation (e.g., Aided AAC input seems to be effective when used
Toth et al., 2006), it appears that the participants with ASD in isolation or in combination with other intervention com-
included within this review derived benefits from aided ponents. A post hoc analysis of effect sizes by intervention
AAC input that included simultaneous auditory and visual component revealed that, when outcomes were aggregated
input. across studies including each particular component (e.g.,
expectant delay, contingent responding), the resulting effect
Effects by Intervention Characteristics sizes were similar (range = .81–.84). For example, the
Interventions that included SGDs resulted in a slightly aggregated effect size for all studies that included an ex-
higher effect size than interventions that included non-SGDs. pectant delay was .84, and the aggregated effect size for
Aided AAC input provided with a non-SGD generally in- studies that included contingent responding was .83. One
cludes two sources of input: (a) the spoken input from the exception was that the effect size for studies that included
partner and (b) the indicated AAC symbols. When aided expansion was slightly larger (Tau-U = .91). However,
input is provided with an SGD, the voice output serves as a only six studies involving 16 participants (18%) included
third source of auditory input. Previous work has suggested this component. Use of expansions and recasts may be
that the auditory input from an SGD may be an integral a critical element within interventions that include aided
part of AAC interventions because it may support compre- AAC input. Evidence shows that recasts and expansions
hension and help to reconfigure the input–output asymmetry facilitate language expression for children learning spoken
in interactions involving individuals who use AAC and language by allowing children to compare their utterance
their partners who use natural speech (Sevcik & Romski, with the adult standard. Because recasts and expansions
2002; Smith & Grove, 2003). The findings of this review share words with the child’s original utterance, cognitive
may lend some support to this assertion. However, interven- and working memory demands are decreased, allowing chil-
tions with both SGDs and non-SGDs resulted in very dren to focus on linguistic content (e.g., Proctor-Williams,
large or large effect sizes, suggesting that aided AAC in- Fey, & Loeb, 2001). This may be especially important for
put with or without the inclusion of voice output can sup- individuals with disabilities who require AAC as they may
port improved communicative outcomes. Regardless of the experience vulnerabilities in working memory (Thistle &
type of AAC, partners generally provided both spoken and Wilkinson, 2013).
graphic (i.e., symbol) inputs for the individual who used Interventions including partner instruction for natu-
AAC. Therefore, the individual using AAC continued to ral communication partners to provide aided AAC input
receive speech input in conjunction with aided symbols, yielded a very large effect size. This coincides with find-
which may be a critical component of interventions that ings from the recent meta-analysis by Kent-Walsh, Murza,
include aided AAC input. Malani, and Binger (2015), which found that partner in-
Full-phrase multisymbol input, in which each sym- struction interventions have positive effects on communica-
bol corresponded with one spoken word or morpheme, ap- tion performance of individuals using AAC.
peared to result in the most positive outcomes. However, Finally, there are a few considerations regarding the
caution should be used in interpreting these results because intensity of intervention. The effects were very large for
a limited number of participants (n = 9) received this type interventions less than 5 hr in total time (range = .84–.91).
of input. It could be that grammatical input provided in Therefore, interventions that include aided AAC input have
well-formed sentences is more facilitative of communica- the potential to result in positive outcomes over a short
tion outcomes compared with telegraphic aided input (i.e., period, at least for some participants. It should be noted
key word input) or full-phrase single-symbol input. Fey, that, within the single-case intervention studies evaluated,
Long, and Finestack (2003) identified the use of grammati- intervention was typically terminated once participants
cal models as an important practice for children with spe- attained criterion. Therefore, intervention times are neces-
cific language impairment. The same may apply in regard sarily shorter for those participants who benefited the most,
to aided input for individuals who use AAC. which could inflate the effect size for shorter intervention
Also interesting to note was that interventions that periods. One area of concern is that the effect for partici-
included asynchronous aided input (i.e., aided input pro- pants who spent the most time in intervention (> 5 hr) was
vided before or after spoken input) yielded a higher effect only moderate. There are several possible reasons for this
size than interventions that included simultaneous spoken finding. First, it included only a limited number of partici-
and aided input. It is possible that simultaneous spoken pants (n = 15), of whom nine were from studies that presented
and aided input may cause partners to change their spoken inconclusive evidence (i.e., Beck et al., 2009; Hall, 2014),
input to accommodate the aided AAC system, resulting lending caution to this interpretation. Second, it included

1760 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 61 • 1743–1765 • July 2018
participants with the lowest receptive language age (e.g., A second limitation is that all of the studies included
Drager et al., 2006). were short term (e.g., 3–28 weeks) and targeted specific
Very few studies included information regarding the communication skills that often fell into one language
frequency of intervention sessions and the rate of aided domain and focused on either comprehension or expres-
AAC input during intervention sessions. Rate of aided sion. Very little is known about the effects of aided AAC
AAC input (i.e., number of aided inputs divided by length input on language development more generally. In addi-
of session in minutes) could only be calculated for six tion, aided AAC input typically occurred in specific activi-
single-case studies involving 19 participants (21%). A ties or times of the day, rather than throughout the day
post hoc analysis of these studies indicated a larger effect as in typical language development. Little is known about
size for studies that included aided input at a rate of one uptake of the strategy by natural communication partners
or more per minute (Tau-U = .87) compared with studies as well as long-term use in the natural environment.
that included aided input at a rate of less than one per minute Another important consideration is the actual behav-
(Tau-U = .71). This suggests that a higher rate of aided iors of partners who are using aided AAC. The partners
input will result in more positive results; however, this in the studies generally selected key AAC symbols in tele-
interpretation is based on a limited number of studies/ graphic form (i.e., key word aided input), rather than pro-
participants for whom these data were available. When viding full models of AAC use. These telegraphic models
reported, rates of aided input were generally low (i.e., may guide the production of specific target behaviors but
about two per minute). The low rates observed could be may potentially limit development of comprehension and
related to the increased motor, cognitive, linguistic, and advanced expressive skills for individuals who use AAC
visual demands placed on partners who provide aided (Fey, 2008). Fey (2008) recommended that spoken models
input. should include complete syntax, but he noted that aided
models “cannot correspond one-to-one with target gram-
Effects by Outcome Characteristics mar” (Fey, 2008, p. 48). Overall, it seems that grammar fa-
Interventions including aided AAC input had positive cilitation for individuals with complex communication
effects across the domains of pragmatics, semantics, and needs is a complex process that may not be fully supported
morphosyntax. Studies examining semantics evaluated both using only aided AAC input. This may be related to vari-
expressive vocabulary (e.g., number of different concepts ous reasons such as the system missing necessary function
expressed; Kent-Walsh et al., 2010) and receptive vocabu- words and morphemes as well as the time and effort re-
lary (e.g., number of symbols understood; Drager et al., quired to model full syntax using aided AAC systems (Sut-
2006). Studies examining outcomes related to morphosyn- ton, Soto, & Blockberger, 2002).
tax evaluated only expressive morphosyntax (e.g., frequency In addition, it is plausible that partners will only pro-
of multisymbol messages; Binger et al., 2010), whereas vide aided input using symbols that the partner has already
no studies evaluated receptive morphosyntax. acquired or only those symbols already available on the
display. This could result in impoverished language input
and may limit the individual who uses AAC from learn-
Limitations of the Evidence ing new concepts that would enhance the form and content
Several limitations of the existing evidence warrant of his or her language. Existing investigations have pro-
consideration. A primary limitation is the amount of varia- vided little guidance regarding the symbols that should
tion overall in the goals and delivery of aided AAC input be modeled and how they relate to the learner’s existing
across studies (e.g., rate, timing, relation to spoken input, repertoire.
inclusion of other intervention components) and the resulting Two final limitations of the existing evidence warrant
difficulty specifying best practices for specific participants/ consideration. One is that there were only two comparison
circumstances (Allen et al., 2017). Given the consistent and studies. These two group studies provided preliminary
strong effects across participants, partners, and contexts evidence of the relative effectiveness of interventions that
noted within interventions that included aided AAC input included aided AAC input compared with those that do
(alone or in isolation), it seems likely that this intervention not include this strategy; however, a definitive conclusion
strategy does have a positive effect on communicative cannot be reached. Second, the success of interventions that
outcomes for individuals who use AAC; however, the evi- included aided AAC input relies largely on visual attention
dence cannot be considered conclusive until specific imple- to the aided AAC system by the individual with complex
mentation factors associated with aided AAC input (e.g., communication needs (Rose, Trembath, & Bloomberg,
language and cognitive skills of participants, intensity of 2016). None of the studies in the current review evaluated
intervention, inclusion of other intervention components) this important learner variable that could impact the out-
are consistently and thoroughly described and analyzed. comes of the interventions.
For example, it is possible that other strategies used in com-
bination with aided AAC input such as expectant delay,
contingent responding, and/or expansions and recasts resulted Clinical Implications
in positive effects or that these additional intervention com- There are several broad clinical implications that emerge
ponents amplified the effects of aided AAC input. from this systematic review. First, the findings suggest that

O’Neill et al.: Effects of Aided AAC Input 1761

there is evidence to support the use of partner aided AAC limited, and additional research is needed to confirm or
input to enhance a wide range of communication out- refute the results of the current review. These areas include
comes for individuals who use AAC of various ages, diag- (a) investigation of the effects of aided AAC input on adults
noses, and language abilities. Second, these interventions and individuals with the lowest receptive language age; (b)
can be effective when implemented by everyday commu- investigation of the effects of aided AAC input as the sole
nication partners in naturally occurring environments over independent variable, rather than as part of a multicompo-
relatively short periods. Instruction for parents, school nent intervention; and (c) investigation of the effects of
employees, and other communication partners should aided AAC input on comprehension, particularly compre-
result in improved outcomes for individuals who use AAC. hension of morphosyntax. In addition, there are several
Finally, the review demonstrated that aided AAC input areas in which there is virtually no existing evidence, mak-
can be effective by itself or in combination with other key ing them high priorities for future research, including (a) in-
intervention components. Therefore, clinicians can cus- vestigation of strategies to reduce the demands on partners
tomize interventions to best meet the needs of individuals implementing aided AAC input, (b) investigation of the
who require AAC within the demands of busy real-world mechanisms by which aided AAC input impacts compre-
environments. hension and expression to advance theory, and (c) investi-
Given the variation in the implementation of aided gation of the effects of partner use of AAC (aided and
AAC input across studies and the limited research to date, unaided) on long-term language development (i.e., compre-
it is difficult to provide specific recommendations regard- hension and expression across all domains including prag-
ing the provision of aided AAC input (Allen et al., 2017). matics, semantics, and syntax). To begin to investigate
Although future research is necessary to provide conclusive these areas, it is critical that future studies include a thor-
recommendations regarding how partners should provide ough description of implementation factors associated
aided AAC input, this review lends support to a few spe- with aided AAC input (e.g., relationship between spoken
cific behaviors that may be effective. First, partners should and aided input, timing of input, type of AAC). Specifi-
provide aided AAC input by selecting AAC symbol(s) in cally, future studies should include specific information re-
conjunction with grammatically correct spoken phrases/ garding intervention intensity (number and frequency of
sentences. The aided input may include either one or two sessions), as well as frequency of aided AAC input (num-
key words, or full phrases. It may be beneficial to provide ber of aided inputs per session), to allow for replicability
aided AAC input at a rate of more than one time per min- and to provide guidance for clinical practice (Allen et al.,
ute. It may also be beneficial for partners to utilize other 2017). Studies should also include a thorough description of
interaction strategies in combination with aided input (e.g., the cognitive–linguistic skills of participants and make ef-
expectant delay, expansions, or recasts). forts to evaluate the effects of aided AAC input on the gen-
eralization and maintenance of communication outcomes.
Limitations of This Systematic Review
One limitation of this review is that, for single-case
studies, this review only compared baseline phase mea- Since Goossens (1989) first recommended the use of
surements with intervention phase measurements, which aided language stimulation nearly two decades ago, aided
limits an evaluation of the effects of the interventions in AAC input has become a widely recommended component
the context of generalization or maintenance phases. Sec- of AAC interventions, both clinically and in research
ond, it was not possible to aggregate results across the studies. This review provides empirical support for the
single-case and group-design studies, limiting the synthesis use of this intervention strategy by a variety of partners
of results and conclusions. Third, this review considered to improve communicative outcomes for a wide range of
only AAC interventions that included aided AAC input, individuals with developmental disabilities who use AAC.
whereas studies related to unaided AAC input were ex- Ultimately, aided AAC input may reduce input–output
cluded. Finally, although an attempt was made to identify asymmetry and improve expressive and receptive language
all studies that used aided AAC input, it is possible that for individuals who use AAC, thus enhancing their com-
some have been left out. This review only included studies munication skills and their overall quality of life.
that were published or approved as dissertations or theses;
therefore, the data set may have been influenced by pub-
lication bias (Rothstein et al., 2005). Acknowledgment
This project was conducted in partial fulfillment of the first
author’s doctoral training. It was supported, in part, by funding
Future Research from the (a) Penn State AAC Leadership Project, a doctoral training
grant funded by U.S. Department of Education Grant H325D110008
This systematic review suggests the potential posi- (awarded to Tara O’Neill, principal investigator: Janice Light), and
tive benefits of interventions that include aided AAC input; (b) Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative
however, future research is required to advance under- and Alternative Communication, funded by Grant 90RE5017
standing and improve outcomes for individuals who use AAC. from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and
There are several areas in which the existing evidence is Rehabilitation within the Administration for Community Living of

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