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Scale Raw Score Sten Score Interpretation

Originality 1-5 Implements ideas and changes

Rule Consciousness 1-5 Keeps to rules, reduces risks
Openness to Change 1-5 Practical, grounded, task-oriented
Assertiveness 1-5 Holds back ideas, gives way to others
Social Confidence 1-5 Less comfortable in social situations
Empathy 1-5 Individualistic, self-reliant
Communicativeness 1-5 Reserved, quiet, distant from people
Independence 1-5 Sociable, group oriented
Rationality 1-5 Intuitive, spontaneous
Competitiveness 1-5 Accommodating, less committed to
Conscientiousness 1-5 Radical, challenging, expedient
Perfectionism 1-5 Less methodological, less detail
Decisiveness 1-5 Cautious, slower to take initiative
Apprehension 1-5 Calm, relaxed

Scale Raw Score Sten Score Interpretation

Originality 6-10 Originates action, invents things
Rule Consciousness 6-10 Challenges assumptions, takes risks
Openness to Change 6-10 Imaginative, change oriented,
Assertiveness 6-10 Assertive, persuasive, convincing
Social Confidence 6-10 Fits in quickly, interacts effectively
Empathy 6-10 Supportive, sensitive, considerate
Communicativeness 6-10 Communicative, open, expressive
Independence 6-10 Self-contained, works well alone
Rationality 6-10 Logical, reflective, systematic
Competitiveness 6-10 Committed to career, contesting
Conscientiousness 6-10 Conscientious, persevering
Perfectionism 6-10 Quality driven, detail oriented,
Decisiveness 6-10 Decisive, controlling
Apprehension 6-10 Apprehensive, worried


Scale Raw Score Sten Score Interpretation

Creativity 1-5 Adaptive, pragmatic, implementation
Agreeableness 1-5 Individualistic, self-reliant,
Achievement 1-5 Accommodating, expedient
Extroversion 1-5 Reserved, socially inhibited, introvert
Resilience 1-5 Apprehensive, worried, anxious

Scale Raw Score Sten Score Interpretation

Creativity 6-10 Innovative, change oriented,
Agreeableness 6-10 Participative, rational, team player
Achievement 6-10 Quality driven, achieving,
Extroversion 6-10 Communicative, outgoing, extrovert
Resilience 6-10 Calm, stable, decisive

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