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Introduction to the
Philosophy of the
Human Person
Quarter 1- Module 4
The Meaning and
Method of Doing



4 The Human Person their

John Donne: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
continent, a part of the main.”

This means that as human person, it is our responsibility to treat a person with
respect not only our fellow humans but also everything in this world. Humankind is a
part of the world, and we significantly affect our environment in the same manner of
what that changes in our environment affect us.


Most Essential Learning

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. notice disorder in the environment;
2. notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an
aesthetic way;
3. show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being and
sustainable development; and
4. demonstrate the virtues of prudence and thriftiness towards the
Environmental philosophy is the discipline that studies the moral relationships of
human beings with the environment and its non-human contents. Philosophers
believe that the human person has the ability to change the environment to suit his
purposes. It will enable them to become aware of their relationship and its related
issues in our society and their impact on the lives of human persons.

“What is the world made of?” “How did the world come into being?” and “How
can we explain the process of change?” were philosophical questions already
brought up approximately 600 B.C.E. (before the common era) in the Western lonian
seaport town of Miletus across the Aegean Sea from Athens, Greece.
The speculation of the pre-Socratic philosophers represents a paradigm
shift- a change from mythical explanation of the origins of the cosmos to a more
rational explanation.
Eastern sages probed nature’s depths intuitively through the eyes of spiritual
sages which Greek thinkers viewed nature through cognitive and scientific eyes
(Price 2000). These thinkers were looking for the underlying laws of nature. They
wanted to understand the processes of nature by studying nature itself, not by
listening to the stories about the gods.
According to Payne (2010) there are two frameworks where humans can be
1. Anthropocentric Model. Based on the anthropocentric model, humans are
superior and central to the universe, thus, it is human centered. man-person-in-theenvironment
2. Ecocentric Model.
It is the ecological or relational integrity of the humans that provides
meaning of our morals and values and it is nature centered.
Devoted to preserving the totality of Earth’s
biodiversity and the functioning of its life –supporting system Global Warming -techniques-help-reveal- high-rate-of-soil-erosion-in-benin n-perso n-in-th e -

environmen t

Ecocentric Model

Econcentric model, the ecological or relational integrity of the humans

provides meaning of our morals and values and it is nature centered.
Devoted to preserving the totality of Earth’s biodiversity and the functioning of
it’s life supporting system.

• Nature • Wild
• Holism
• Body
What I can do?

• Relational
• Earth/Wisdom • Ecology over / against human

ACTIVITY 4.0: Human Person in their

ACTIVITY 4.1 Notice disorder in the universe

DIRECTIONS: Interactive work: Write your answer in

your notebook.
1. In your opinion, how can we protect, conserve and restore our environment?
You can further assess your answer by planning a nature walk or gardening.
a. How can you promote the human person in the environment through
nature walk or gardening?
b. Design: Conceptualize your designs if you will choose gardening. If you
choose nature walk, your teacher must suggest safe place such as La
Mesa Dam, etc.
2. Based on the previous images, what could be improper? Are you happy with
what you see or experience in nature? How will you organize or improve the
environment or world that you belong to?
Lesson 4.2. Notice things that are not in their proper
place and organize them in an aesthetic way

A. Ancient Thinkers

Anaximandera pre-Socratic philosopher and scientist said

about the creation
-Destruction. According to him, the sketch
of the genesis of the world (cosmology), the evolution of the
world begins with the generation of oppos
ites in certain region
Nature. Nature is indeterminate
-boundless in the sense that
no boundaries between the warm and or the moist and dry
regions are originally present within.
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said about the power of humans over nature, while George Herbert Mead tackled about


ACTIVITY 4.3. Show that care for the environment contributes to health,
well-being and
sustainable development

DIRECTIONS: Three minutes’ essay: Write your thoughts

regarding these passages of this section. For each
passage below you are given three minutes to complete
the task.
a. The controlling attitude of humankind is
extended to nature, when in fact, humanity is
part of nature.
b. Destroying nature is a reflection wherein few
B. Modern Thinker people overpower others while exploiting the
environment for profit or self-interest.
c. Fromm argues that as humans, it is also inherent in us to escape the


Directions: Read carefully and write the letter of your answer on your
1. What is the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason?
a. Transcendence
b. Frugality
n/ Herbert Marcuse
c. Aesthetics
d. prudence
2. What is the act of using or other resources wisely and practically?
a. Aesthetics
b. Prudence
c. Frugality
d. Economics
3. What may be a sign of an environmental disorder?
a. Lack of material things
b. Lack of resources
c. Lack of friends
d. Lack of space
4. Which among the following options is a disorder in the environment?
a. A basket of unwashed dirty clothes
b. A house with no single plant
c. A garden with dying plants
d. A library with a small number of books
5. In what way can the environment contribute to health and well-being?
a. It can be available anywhere.
b. It is the source of life.
c. It an produce products that provide medicinal value.
d. It is made up of consumers and producers.
6. In which of the following scenarios is prudence demonstrated?
a. Ordering food that you can consume
b. Searching assignment answers over the internet
c. Keeping the lights on all day
d. Being friendly to neighbors
7. Lila wants to buy an expensive phone using the money she has been saving
since last year. She asked for her friends’ opinions in making her decision.
Which among her friends is frugal?
a. Jen suggested that she should spend the money for travel abroad.
b. Marco advised her to spend the money on the expensive phone.
c. Aiza said that the she should go on a shopping spree using the money.
d. Jack suggested that she should keep the money for future,
1. and frugality can only be applied in one environment.
2. more important uses.
2 Which of the given statements is true?
1. Prudence Looking at aesthetics is a way of determining disorder.
e. both statements 1 and 2 c. statement 1
f. neither statement 1 nor 2 d. statement 2
8. what is the role of the environment in achieving sustainable development?
1. It can reproduce resources.
2. It is the venue for producer-consumer relationships.
a. Statement 1
b. Statement 2
c. Neither statement 1 nor 2
d. Both statements 1 and 2
9. Which of the given statements is true about frugality? 1. It is only limited to
tangible or solid materials 2. It applies to a select few. a. Statement 1
b. Both statement 1 and 2
c. Statement 2

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