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2020 年 11 月

CATTI 二三级笔译冲刺班

公众微信(Brotherfive 教翻译)

武峰 郝运慧 陈茂春(编)

2020 年 11 月 02 日-11 月 11 日

微博: Brotherfive 公众微信: Brotherfive 教翻译

11 月 02 日晚 19:30-21:30 翻译实务英译汉(翻译方法的回顾+英译汉练习一)武哥
11 月 03 日晚 19:30-21:30 翻译实务英译汉(英译汉练习一、二)武哥
11 月 04 日晚 19:30-21:30 翻译实务英译汉(英译汉练习二)武哥
11 月 05 日晚 19:30-21:30 综合能力(阅读理解部分)大春老师
11 月 06 日晚 19:30-21:30 综合能力(选择题部分)郝教授
11 月 07 日晚 19:30-21:30 综合能力(选择题部分)郝教授
11 月 08 日晚 19:30-21:30 翻译实务汉译英(汉译英练习一)武哥
11 月 09 日晚 19:30-21:30 综合能力(完形填空部分)大春老师
11 月 10 日晚 19:30-21:30 翻译实务汉译英(汉译英练习二)武哥
11 月 11 日晚 21:00-22:00 班级内语音直播答疑 武哥

1. 尽量不要迟到,请认真听讲,凡是有不明白的地方,课间可以在公共屏幕上提问,老师
2. 所有实务练习希望大家在课前花三小时做完(单独英译汉不超过两小时,汉译英练习不
3. 本课程的群就是 CCTALK 的课程群,不再会建立别的新群。
4. 本班主要为今年十一月份的二笔和三笔考试服务,当然下半年考 MTI 的同学可以听,为
明年 CATTI 考试打基础的也可以听。若没有上过基础班的同学可以考虑 2021 年寒假到
北京上面授班,2021 年寒假第三期“青年翻译成才计划”即将上线,全新内容,续写
经典… …
5. 本课程所有讲义都会在开课前发放,PPT 的内容放第一节课关于翻译方法的回顾,其他
的段落翻译及综合的练习都在这份 word 文档中,PPT 内会增补内容和答案,请仔细听
课,PPT 不再单独发放。

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第一讲 翻译方法回顾


种类 解决方法




(以下内容在 PPT 中,请仔细查看!!!)

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2019 年 11 月英语三级笔译实务真题
In today’s interconnected world, culture's power to transform societies is clear. Its
diverse manifestations – from our cherished historic monuments and museums to
traditional practices and contemporary art forms – enrich our everyday lives in
countless ways. Heritage constitutes a source of identity and cohesion for
communities disrupted by bewildering change and economic instability. Creativity
contributes to building open, inclusive and pluralistic societies. Both heritage and
creativity lay the foundations for vibrant, innovative and prosperous knowledge

Culture is who we are and what shapes our identity. No development can be
sustainable without including culture. UNESCO ensures that the role of culture is
recognized through a majority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
including those focusing on quality education, sustainable cities, the environment,
economic growth, sustainable consumption and production patterns, peaceful and
inclusive societies, gender equality and food security.

No development can be sustainable without a strong culture component. Indeed

only a human-centered approach to development based on mutual respect and
open dialogue among cultures can lead to lasting, inclusive and equitable results. Yet
until recently, culture has been missing from the development strategy.

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To ensure that culture takes its rightful place in development strategies and
processes, UNESCO has adopted a three-pronged approach: it spearheads worldwide
advocacy for culture and development, while engaging with the international
community to set clear policies and legal frameworks and working on the ground to
support governments and local stakeholders to safeguard heritage, strengthen
creative industries and encourage cultural pluralism.

Today, creativity is emerging as one of the most promising avenues for changing how
we see cities. Whether by revitalizing the local economy, rethinking transport or
housing policies, reclaiming urban spaces, or opening up new horizons for young
people, creativity is one of the driving forces behind urban policies and initiatives.
Cities worldwide are focusing their attention on the cultural and creative industries
as an inspiration for their future.

This vision is promoted by elected representatives and city policy-makers, who see it
as a strategic lever for innovation when it comes to tackling contemporary urban
issues, whether on an economic, social or environmental front. More importantly,
however, it is a vision shared by professionals and citizens, who are taking action in
their own neighborhoods and communities to build more sustainable and more
human cities.

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This vision of creative urban governance is the driving force behind the UNESCO
Creative Cities Programme and Network. Since its creation in 2004, the Network has
established itself as a strategic platform for promoting and sharing this new
approach to sustainable cities. Through its standard-setting and operational actions,
UNESCO has paved the way for demonstrating the essential role of creativity in
urban sustainability, assisting national and local authorities and advocating this
vision at an international level.

Culture and creativity play a key role in sustainable urban development. They
contribute to diversifying the economy and generating jobs, but they also enhance
the quality of life of citizens by participating to a city’s social structure and cultural

第二讲 第三讲 英译汉练习二

2019 年 11 月英语二级笔译实务真题
NASA is going to pretend a deadly asteroid is on its way, to practice for a real one.
The “tabletop exercise” will allow the space agency and the other government
organizations that will be tasked with responding to such an event to simulate their
response, ahead of the possibility of a real example.

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The scenario will see a very realistic but nonetheless fictional disaster, in which an
asteroid will be headed for Earth. The scenario has been developed by one of the
NASA organisations tasked with studying such near-earth objects, or NEOs.

It will bring together not just NASA but other international organisations to test out
their response. Such exercises are used across the disaster response sector to ensure
that the real responses are as fast and effective as possible.

“These exercises have really helped us in the planetary defense community to

understand what our colleagues on the disaster management side need to know,”
said Lindley Johnson, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer. “This exercise will help us
develop more effective communications with each other and with our

NASA and other organisations have spent more than 20 years scanning the skies for
NEOs, looking for asteroids and comets that come within 30 million miles of Earth s
orbit. Groups such as NASA s Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) as well
as the European Space Agency s Space Situational Awareness-NEO Segment and the
International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) have been working to better
communicate the danger that such objects pose to Earth.

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There is no strict script in such an exercise. Instead, it will be used to test out how
NEO observers, space agency officials, emergency managers, decision makers and
citizens would respond to the threat of an impact. Those taking part will discuss
possible preparations: how they would explore the asteroid, work out the best ways
of deflecting it and dealing with its impact effects.

NASA has already participated in such exercises, working on some with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Those exercises brought representatives
from a variety of different federal agencies, including the departments of Defense
and State.

Previous exercises showed that the focus of emergency management officials was
not on scientific details. Instead, they just want to know when, where and how an
asteroid will hit the Earth, as well as what sort of damage is done, according to FEMA.
NASA continues to work on that science, however, in an attempt to better improve
humanity s ability to predict the exact location and effects of any impact.

“NASA and FEMA will continue to conduct periodic exercises with a continually
widening community of US government agencies and international partners,” said
Leviticus Lewis of the Response Operations Division for FEMA. “They are a great way
for us to learn how to work together and meet each other s needs and the objectives
laid out in the White House National NEO Preparedness Action Plan.”

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第七讲 汉译英练习一
2019 年 11 月英语三级笔译实务真题
作为中国浙江省省会,杭州是中国历史文化名城。距今约 5300 年的“良渚文化”
为闻名中外的旅游胜地。2011 年被正式列入《世界遗产名录》。此外,气势浩荡

杭州拥有丰富的历史文化遗迹。南起杭州、北到北京的京杭大运河始建于 1631
年,全长约 1797 公里,是世界上最长、最古老的人工水道。2014 年 6 月 22 日,
京杭大运河正式列入《世界遗产名录》。在世界,杭州颇具名声。早在 13 世纪,

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杭州曾被美国《纽约时报》评为“2011 年全球最值得去的 41 个地方”,还被联

合国环境规划署评为“国际花园城市”。 杭州还曾在中美建交的过程中扮演过重
要角色。2015 年 1 月,中国提出“旅游外交”政策。杭州作为著名旅游城市,

第九讲 汉译英练习二
2019 年 11 月英语二级笔译实务真题
预计到 2020 年,新中国成立 70 年来,中国的人权事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。
1949 年新中国成立前,中国的人均 GDP 仅达 27 美元,人均预期寿命 35 岁,人
均受教育年限不到一年,约 90%的中国人民是文盲;战乱仍频,人民生活在苦难
35 岁增长到 77 岁。

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中国认真履行国际人权义务,加入了包括 6 项核心人权公约在内的 26 项国际人

权公约。中国广泛开展国际人权交流合作,同 20 多个国家开展人权对话和磋商,

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第五讲 第六讲 综合单选部分讲义

By 郝运慧教授

Section I Vocabulary and Grammar

Part 1 Vocabulary Selection

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4
choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. Choose the word which best
completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer.

1. They fought their enemies with any weapons they could get their hands .

A. on B. to C. for D. at

2. The fact that they reacted so differently was a reflection of their different .

A. preferences B. points C. personalities D. performances

3. In this new world the most dangerous conflicts will not be between social classes
or other economically defined groups, but between peoples belonging to different
cultural _____.

A. parts B. components C. entities D. sects

4. Key _____ has been broadcast live on television and radio to help the city keep
abreast of the proceedings and to show the wheels of justice turning.

A. testimony B. announcement C. indictment D. oath

5. Certain religious and political groups felt novels had the power to make immoral
characters so interesting that younger readers would _____ with them easily.

A. agree B. comply C. identify D. differentiate

6. There seemed to be an extensive _____ on agriculture in Roman times which

maintained a pre-eminent position until comparatively recently.

A. archive B. record C. file D. literature

7. Migrants were among the large mob blamed for numerous sexual assaults on
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women on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, according to an _____ police report leaked to
German media.

A. influential B. internal C. intelligent D. interior

8. Some high-yield crops can be planted in preference to others to food supply.

A. handle B. generate C. enhance D. undertake

9. The TV programs did take the time to viewers on how to donate to the
flood victims via a website.

A. incite B. insist C. indicate D. instruct

10. When people become unemployed, it is _____ which is often worse,

psychologically, than lack of an income.

A. laziness B. desire C. idleness D. temper

11. As a of his pioneering work in the late 1930s, Earl Hines has been called
the father of the modem jazz piano.

A. result B. sign C. token D. mark

12. Our knowledge of dinosaurs is wholly from the bones which have been
found here and there.

A. confirmed B. retained C. acquired D. sought

13. In our school, English and math are compulsory while Western literature and the
second language are______.

A. free B. voluntary C. selective D. optional

14. Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors, such as poor eating habits
which in _______ increase the risk of heart disease.

A. danger B. turn C. secret D. despair

15. This organization is completely of any political association, and it can

conduct its own business with foreign counterparts.

A. inclusive B. indispensable C. indefinite D. independent

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16. A wife likes to help her husband in his career, and she is ____ when not

A. dismayed B. prejudiced C. irritated D. questioned

17. His achievements in poetry and criticism, as well as in historical and other forms
of scholarship, have been ________impressive.

A. regularly B. specifically C. extraordinarily D conventionally

18. Computer will become more widespread as more schools add computer
classes to their curriculums.

A. cognition B. message C. deluge D. literacy

19. Bears primarily are _____ creatures, and they will typically ignore humans unless

they are frightened or threatened.

A. selfish B. simple C. solitary D. serene

20. In the face of the sharp drop in sales, the marketing manager passed it with a
shrug, saying that it was _____ but seasonal decline.

A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything

21. I _________ with rage at his offensive remarks, finding it meaningless to argue
with such a rude man.

A. quivered B. quenched C. quipped D. quelled

22. It is imperative that all the accounts of the Property Management Company
should be made _________ to all the owners.

A. transient B. transitive C. transparent D. tranquil

23. After having been trapped underneath the mine for three consecutive days, the
miners became very weak from lack of _________.

A. suspect B. suspense C. suspicion D. sustenance

24. When being blamed for making trouble in class, the student let out a rude sigh
by way of _________.

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A. remark B. retort C. retail D. review

25. _________ assessment is frequently used in teaching to evaluate a student’s

progress throughout a course of study.

A. Continuous B. Contemporary C. Conventional D. Convenient

26. He _________ his small shop into a supermarket empire and became a
celebrated entrepreneur of the world.

A. explored B. excluded C. expanded D. exalted

27. She has lived in a _________ for more than 20 years since her husband was killed
in an air crash.

A. vase B. vacuum C. vacation D. vapor

28. Emma used to be a very shy girl, but two years of living abroad has completely
_________ her.

A. reformed B. informed C. transformed D. deformed

29. United States citizens are now enjoying better dental health, as shown by the
declining _________ of tooth decay.

A. accidents B. incidence C. prominence D. consequence

30. However much the directors disagree with each other, they always present a
_________ front to the other companies.

A. unified B. tactful C. bureaucratic D. confrontational

31. It might be a good idea if educators could make knowledge about environmental
protection an important part of the ______ school curricula.

A. regular B. necessary C. intensive D. systematic

32. As hard as it is to have an honest dialogue about business decisions, it is even

harder to give individuals honest ______. This is true for both employees and

A. elaboration B. feedback C. repetition D. conclusion

33. Hoping to ______ the dispute, negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt
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would be acceptable to both labor and management.

A. resolve B. reverse C. remove D. resist

34. The linguist discovered striking similarities between a nearly ______ language
spoken in central Siberia and various languages spoken by native Americans.

A. extinct B. ethnic C. exotic D. erratic

35. John Smith hoped that the committee would not recommend a course of action
that would ______ an already bad situation in the workplace.

A. compromise B. exacerbate C. negotiate D. formulate

36. To win an election, a candidate needs to tour at least a third of the 600 villages
that make up an average parliamentary _________.

A. citizenry B. population C. community D. constituency

37. Some entrepreneurs perceive themselves possessed of an _________ power to

choose safe partners in their “going global” projects.

A. inviolable B. untaught C. intuitive D. uneducated

38. Winston Churchill found _________ in painting in 1921 when the death of his
mother was followed by the loss of his beloved three-year-old daughter.

A. solemnity B. solace C. sojourn D. solitude

39. When living in England, people should be aware that English people are, by
temperament, often _________ and may be unwilling to start a conversation.

A. observed B. preserved C. conserved D. reserved

40. According to the latest survey, the majority of people who keep _________ to
New Scientist are mainly young men who are ready to keep abreast of advances in
science and technology.

A. prescribing B. describing C. ascribing D. subscribing

Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement

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This part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them one word is underlined, and
below each sentence, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D
respectively. Choose the word that can replace the underlined part without causing
any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence.

1. Some experts think it is rather pernicious to inculcate into a child a view of the
world which includes supernaturalism.

A. joyful B. vague C. harmful D. moral

2. A certain amount of unemployment lubricates labor markets, maintaining a

ready supply of workers for expanding businesses.

A. obscures B. benefits C. hinders D. modifies

3. Address forms, as a susceptible linguistic phenomenon, have always been the

object of sociolinguistic researches.

A. sensitive B. universal C. puzzling D. controversial

4. It is precisely her perceived cynicism and duplicity as a politician that drive her
unfavorable rating.

A. satire B. hypocrisy C. contempt D. deception

5. Their success is a result of the fortuitous combination of circumstances.

A. instinctive B. prompt C. unexpected D. accessible

6. The expense of moving a family to the frontier was too difficult for many, and
the cost of tools, a wagon, a well, fencing, and of building the simplest house, might
come to US$1,000 - a formidable barrier.

A. miserable B. difficult C. probable D. forcible

7. Because the droplets or ice crystals in clouds are exceedingly small, the effect of
gravity on them is minute.

A. second B. mere C. tiny D. quick

8. A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.

A. direction B. guidance C. requirement D. method

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9. This century, the work of cognitive psychologists has illuminated the subtle
forms of daily learning on which intellectual progress depends.

A. implied B. ascribed C. denoted D. clarified

10. There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of
statistical methods.

A. different B. distinctive C. disagreeable D. dispensable

11. There are still serious constitutional impediments to the prosecution of senior
officials. That is why no politician has ever been convicted of corruption.

A. restrictions B. taboos C. imbalances D. obstacles

12. This book comes as a revelation to one who sought to understand the works of
the famous Chinese writer Lao She.

A. reminder B. link C. trace D. disclosure

13. When the attack began, the loud noise of explosions made people scurry to seek

A. stumble B. rush C. flee D. cobble

14. After the devastating disaster, some people started to spend prodigiously on
entertainment, which was considered a typical response to traumatic experiences.

A. sensibly B. lavishly C. audaciously D. cautiously

15. Experts are debating whether these happenings were really harbingers of an
imminent disaster, or simply enigmatic tales from the locals who have rarely
experienced an earthquake.

A. signs B. forecasts C. results D. traces

16. The disclosure of sensitive information related to national security was

reportedly inadvertent.

A. reluctant B. irrational C. consequently D. unintentional

17. Perhaps what enchants most fans of all ages and from all regions about cartoons
is their adolescent exuberance, their unique glorification of the dreams and their
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imagery of the youth.

A. entices B. entrances C. entertains D. enlivens

18. The protesters oppose building a high-rise in their neighborhood, stating that it
will stand too close to their apartments, obscure the sunlight and severely diminish
their living standards.

A. offset B. limit C. reduce D. lower

19. Profits have burgeoned for the Internet-based retail business, driving many
family-owned stores out of business.

A. grown B. bubbled C. skyrocketed D. inflated

20. When the policemen started to throw tear gas cans in an effort to disperse the
crowds, some of the demonstrators retaliated by throwing rocks.

A. reacted B. responded C. rejected D. resorted

21. Most surprising is that she was such a prolific writer even at an early age.

A. naive B. saturated C. traumatic D. productive

22. The managers got in quite a brawl over the decision for a new branch office.

A. fight B. game C. parade D. riot

23. Pollutants weaken our normal defense system so that we are more prone to

attacks from viruses.

A. suspicious B. susceptible C. superfluous D. suppressible

24. The general manager demanded the job be accomplished before the National


A. completed B. halted C. quitted D. depleted

25. The students will be notified regarding the date of the entrance examinations.

A. instructed B. introduced C. involved D. informed

26. The secretary is very competent, and she can finish writing all these letters

within one hour.

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A. careful B. clumsy C. clever D. capable

27. He claims that advertising today tends to portray women in traditional roles

such as cooking or taking care of the baby.

A. depict B. define C. deliberate D. delegate

28. I can't understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to

denounce him.

A. confront B. criticize C. control D. challenge

29. We have done all we could, and our cherished project is at the mercy of our new


A. desired B. planned C. anticipated D. envisaged

30. Financial consultants acknowledge that the value of common stock is inherently


A. relatively B. intrinsically C. consequently D. accordingly

31. The merit of a sales tax is that it decreases government reliance on income


A. supply B. balance C. outcome D. benefit

32. Scientists do not know why this animal became extinct. But some theories

postulate that changes in geography, climate and sea levels were held responsible.

A. promise B. predict C. pretend D. presume

33. Whether the giant panda belongs to the bear or raccoon families was a matter of

zoological contention for years.

A. concession B. confusion C. controversy D. conviction

34. The undulating waves of the sea are generated by three natural causes: wind,
earth tremors, and the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.

A. tumors B. particles C. vibrations D. bounces

35. There is only one difference between a young man and an old one: the young

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man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind
him, and maybe that is where the difference lies.

A. quintessence B. hinge C. prerequisite D. distinction

36. Their belief in redistribution and central planning reveals a strong urge to stifle
opportunities and a mistrust of individual empowerment.

A. suppress B. surrender C. support D. summon

37. Because the progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is
becoming more and more manifest, the idea of progress prevails in the modern

A. abstains B. sweeps C. heightens D. bewilders

38. A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion
that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies

A. arouses B. inflames C. refreshes D. ferments

39. Our knowledge of the oceans a hundred years ago was confined to the
two-dimensional shape of the sea surface and the hazards of navigation in depth of
the shallow water close to the land.

A. insulated B. imprisoned C. secluded D. restricted

40. Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and
regard it as a slur against their own things, and are foolish enough to let the
adolescents see that they are annoyed.

A. slaughter B. slap C. stigma D. sting

Part 3 Error Correction

In each of them there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error, and
below each, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. Choose
the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is correct.

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41. Chinese people lived together in places of foreign countries developed into China

A. having lived B. being lived C. having been lived D. living

42. It is a market which sales value might be more than 10 billion RMB yuan a year.

A. with a sales value which might be B. which might be sales value

C. with sales might be a value D. with sales value might be

43. My teacher recommended me a dictionary, and yesterday I bought a copy in


A. to me a dictionary B. a dictionary to me

C. me to a dictionary D. dictionary to me

44. Even though we had been to her house several times before, we still did not
remember what street it was.

A. what street was it on B. what street it was on

C. what it was the street D. what street was it

45. We had been in Athens for not more than two days that it became obvious that
we needed a guide.

A. until B. as C. before D. since

46. Hiram Revels, the first black member of the U.S. Senate, served as senator from
Mississippi, an office where he was elected in 1870.

A. on which B. at which C. to which D. for which

47. Man has used metals for centuries in gradual increasing quantities, but it was not
until the Industrial Revolution that they came to be employed in vast quantities.

A. gradually increasing quantities B. increased quantities gradually

C. gradual increased quantities D. increasingly gradual quantities

48. A crowd of curious onlookers gathered on the scene of the accident until the
police ordered that they dispersed.

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A. had dispersed B. would disperse C. will disperse D. disperse

49. As much as we wish him prosperous, we have objections to his ways of obtaining

A. Much as B. As much C. More as D. As more

50. It was sold to an Arizona entrepreneur, London Bridge was then rebuilt as part of
a tourist attraction.

A. To sell B. Sold C. Having sold D. Selling

51. The president’s tone of voice was so much that the students knew that the
university authorities took the incident seriously.

A. such as B. so that C. as such D. such that

52. The mountains surrounding Los Angeles effectively shield the city from the hot,
dry winds of the Mojave Desert, also preventing the circulation of air.

A. and also prevent B. and also preventing

C. they also prevent D. but they also prevent

53. The woman over there is not one but Julia and Mary's mother.

A. nobody for B. nobody but C. none other than D. none other for

54. The salads were prepared carelessly, without enough vegetable in it.

A. without enough vegetables in them B. with not enough vegetable in them

C. and not enough vegetables in them D. not enough vegetables in them

55. The SAT Writing Test has the effect to make students think more about the need
to write effectively.

A. in making B. by making C. of making D. to making

56. Andy told the interviewer that she couldn’t hardly remember a time when she
didn't want to be a reporter.

A. she couldn't remember B. she could hardly be remembering

C. that she couldn't be remembering D. that she could hardly remember

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57. A teacher's job is to set a good example for children as well as teaching them the
material they need to learn.

A. and teach them as well B. to teach them as well

C. and to teach them as well D. as well as to teach them

58. During February, the number of students being absent from school was
incredibly high.

A. that absent B. absent C. becoming absent D. who absent

59. After studying math all night, receiving an F on the test was shocking to Jimmy.

A. the F on the test was shocking to Jimmy

B. Jimmy was shocked to receive an F on the test

C. Jimmy's receiving an F on the test was shocking

D. shocking to Jimmy was the F that he had received

60. After finishing the marathon in record-breaking time, he was awarded the
Citizen's Outstanding Medal by the city.

A. Finished B. After finished C. Having finished D. To have finished

61. Some people find extremely difficult to get up early in the morning and do not
seem able to get going very well until afternoon.

A. find extremely difficult getting up early

B. find to get up early is extremely difficult

C. find it extremely difficult getting up early

D. find it extremely difficult to get up early

62. The name of a book can not be shown by double quotes. But should use italics.

A. name of a book should use italics rather than double quotes

B. title of a book should not be double quotes. Instead, we should use

C. title of a book should not be in quotation marks. Rather, it should be in

D. name of a book cannot be enclosed with double quotes. But should use
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63. Since the IQ test was created from the point of view of Europeans, people of
other races sometimes scored comparatively higher.

A. Whereas B. Nevertheless C. Though D. Whatever

64. Scientists claim that in 50 years’ time, there will be computers that are likely be
even more intelligent than human beings.

A. what are likely be B. what are likely being

C. that are like being D. that are likely to be

65. My assistant has not returned my paper yet, but she promised me to ready it by
next Monday.

A. it was ready for me B. to have it ready for me

C. me it was ready for me D. for me to have it ready

66. Due to depute manager Lu Wei has retired, so we need to vote a new powerful
deputy manager.

A. Since Lu Wei has retired, we need to find

B. For deputy manager Lu Wei has retired, we need to select

C. The depute manager Lu Wei has retired, so we need to elect

D. Because depute manager Lu Wei has retired we need to ballot

67. The traffic police stopped three trucks heavily loading with merchandise that
looked as grain bags.

A. filled with B. loaded with C. loaded by D. be loaded with

68. Except his broken leg in the earlier part of the season, he might have been in the
England team to play Poland yesterday.

A. Except for B. But for C. Besides D. If only

69. Completed his examination of the woman patient, the doctor offered his
judgment of her condition.

A. Have completed B. So completing C. Upon completing D. As completing

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70. An “epigram” is usually defined to be bright or witty thought that is tersely and
ingeniously expressed.

A. defined as B. defined being C. defined to being D. defined for being

71. Many periods happened in history when remarkable progress was made within a
relatively short span of time.

A. Periods have been B. Many periods were

C. There have been periods D. Throughout periods there were

72. The term “culture shock” was introduced for the first time in 1958 to describe
the anxiety to produce when a person moves to a completely new environment.

A. the anxiety producing B. the anxiety produced

C. the producing anxiety D. producing the anxiety

73. I like singing. Yes! I sing whenever possible, and my two legs danced
unconsciously when listening music.

A. I would dance when listening to

B. I often dance unconsciously when hearing

C. my two legs dance unconsciously when hearing

D. my legs, too, dance unintentionally when I am listening to

74. It is estimated that by 2020 the concentration of carbon dioxide will be nearly
twice and it is now.

A. twice than it is B. that it is twice C. than it is twice D. twice what it is

75. I study attentively. The more I got concentrated on my lessons, the better I can

A. concentrate on my courses B. got concentrated on my classes

C. got concentrating on lessons D. concentrate with my curriculums

76. However know little the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first
entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding

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families that he is considered the rightful property of someone or other of their


A. However little being known B. However little known

C. However little to be known D. However little to have been known

77. According to the latest news, a perfume that creator says was inspired by
Russian President Vladimir Putin has gone on sale in Moscow.

A. which B. whose C. who D. what

78. All of us, myself included, are biased. And thinking that we are objective can
actually make this even worse, creating what call social scientists a “bias blind spot”.

A. which social scientists call B as social scientists call

C. what social scientists call D. whether social scientists call

79. This egg mortality was not due to parental ageing was indicated by the similar
trends taking place in pods laid by old or young adults.

A. For this egg mortality was not B. Why this egg mortality was not

C. That this egg mortality was not D. Which this egg mortality was not

80. The idea that the life cut short unfulfilled illogical because lives are measured by
the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue.

A. is unfulfilled is illogical B. is unfulfilled illogical

C. unfulfilled is illogical D. is illogical unfulfilled

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第四讲 第七讲 综合阅读+完型部分讲义

By 大春老师

2018 年上半年笔译综合能力真题三级 阅读部分

Questions 1—10 are based on the following passage.

Those who fight against alcohol sales say the extra tax comes at a cost. Lee Miller, a
leader of Angelina Citizens for a Better Community, the group vowing to defeat the
measure, points to data from the State of Texas showing that for every US$1 in
revenue the state received from alcohol, US$9 is paid out for expenses like
treatment for alcohol abuse, law enforcement services and motor vehicle crashes.
“This will not benefit us as a community,”

Mr. Miller said. “It costs us more money in expenses and in the lives of our children.”
Mr. Miller, who does not drink, says he is concerned that if the vote passes, his
12-year-old daughter and 14-year old son will have easier access to alcohol.

David Hatch, the political strategist of Angelina County Citizens for Responsible
Business (ACCRB), argues that Mr. Miller’s cost revenue figures paint an inaccurate
picture because they do not consider the additional sales taxes from alcohol
purchases, only revenue from alcohol excise taxes, the bulk of which flow to the

Oscar Dillahunty, a 69-year-old, one-time beer distributor who hired Mr. Hatch and
started ACCRB, has estimated that the county could rack up at least US$15 million in
annual beer sales alone, which would translate into US$225,000 in sales tax revenue
for Lufkin and USS75,000 for the county. He says his estimate is based on sales in a
similar county in Mississippi, where he previously owned a beer distributor.

Many officials in towns and counties that recently went wet say they have not seen
an increase in reported crime or drunken driving. Steven Cagle, the city manager in

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Duncanille, said the town had not devolved into “Drunkenville,” as church groups
claimed it would.

Three police chiefs—David Walker of Fort Payne, Tex, Benny Womack of Albertville,
Ala., and Eddie Phillips of East Ridge, Tenn.—all say they have not seen any increase
in law enforcement problems since alcohol sales began in 2004.

But just as the feared public mayhem wrought by alcohol abuse often fails to
materialize, the economic prosperity is often absent, too. In Albertville, Ala, the Rev.
Willis Kelly, who preaches at Douglas First Baptist Church, says he is still waiting for
the town's financial boom. “The folks that wanted it to go wet campaigned on the
idea that it would bring in money to build a new school,” Mr. Kelly said.“ Last year,
they collected only a little over US$ 100,000 in extra taxes. That wouldn’t even buy
toilet paper.”

Mr. Kelly says that since the vote in June, no new restaurants have opened in
Albertville, a town of 18,000 people 65 miles from Birmingham, and only one of the
two grocery stores in town opted to sell beer and wine.

Jon Howard, director of finance for Albertville, would not confirm Mr. Kelly’s tax
numbers, and Mayor Carl Pruett declined to comment on the town’s economy.

In Lufkin, where in recent years the economy has been surging without the help of
alcohol sales, some citizens just want their town to be a bit more like the rest of the
country and a little less Bible Belt. “This is the 21st century,” said Emnest Rowe, a
70-year-old retired forest worker. “I just want to be able to buy my case of Coors
Light, come home and pop open a cold one.”

1. According to Lee Miller, alcohol sales fails to increase ___________.

A. extra tax revenue B. motor vehicle accidents

C. law enforcement services D. behavior problems for kids

2. The word “measure” underlined in Paragraph 1 means ___________.

A. alcohol sales B. extra tax

C. treatment for alcohol abuse D. Angelina Citizens for a Better Community

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3. The __________ is the collector of alcohol excise taxes.

A. state treasury B. township council

C. county government D. federal government

4. Mr. Hatch shares the opinions of ___________.

A. Carl Pruett B. Ernest Rowe C. Benny Womack D. Oscar


5. The phrase “public mayhem” underlined in Paragraph 7 refers to ___________.

A. alcohol abuse B. drunken driving C. public disorder D. economic


6. The last sentence of Paragraph 7 uses a metaphorical device termed


A. allusion B. metaphor C. simile D. hyperbole

7. Mr. Carl Pruett appears in the same stand as ___________.

A. Jon Howard B. Willis Kelly C. Emnest Rowe D. Lee Miller

8. The “Bible Belt” underlined in the last paragraph refers to an area where

A. no alcohol sales are allowed

B. locals seldom discuss tax revenue

C. townships look like the rest of the US

D. people spend their leisure time reading the Bible

9. The Rev. Willis Klelly ___________.

A. expects a financial boom in the town

B. advocates that a new school be set up

C. doesn’t see much growth in Albertville

D. hopes that townsfolk can buy their drinks

10. The passage is a/an ___________.

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A. news report B. literary narrative C. opinion exposition D. essay


Questions 11—20 are based on the following passage.

It has become fashionable to issue dire projections of declining prosperity based on

demographic aging. But is that really such a problem?

There is no doubt that all countries of the world are getting older, but they are at
very different stages of the process. The median age in the United States—with half
the population older and half younger—is currently 36. In Ethiopia, it’s 18, owing to
a higher birthrate and a lower life expectancy. In other African countries, it's even
lower. The world’s. oldest country is Germany, where the median age is 45.

The pattern is very clear: The young countries are poor, and the old countries are
rich. So why do people fear population aging? I see two reasons. The first is
psychological: The analogy to individual aging suggests that as populations get older,
they grow frail and lose mental acuity. The second comes from economists and an
indicator called the dependency ratio, which assumes that every adult below age 65
contributes to society, and everybody above 65 is a burden. And the proportion of
people older than 65 is bound to increase.

Yet we also know that the productivity of some individuals is much higher than that
of others, independent of age. Nothing is inherently special about the age of 65.
Many people live longer and do so mostly in good health. The saying “seventy is the
new 60” has a sound scientific basis. Meanwhile, education has been shown to be a
key determinant of better health, longer life and higher productivity (not to mention
open-mindedness). The active aging of better- educated populations can be an asset
rather than a problem.

To appreciate how projections based on the simplistic dependency ratio can be

misleading, consider the two population billionaires, China and India. In 2050 China’s
population will be older than India's because of its more rapid fertility decline. But so

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what? China's population is much better educated and therefore much more
productive. Furthermore, only a minority of Chinese will retire at age 65. We can
expect most Chinese to make meaningful contributions through work as long as they
are in good health, particularly if they find their jobs interesting and satisfying. Again,
this is largely a question of education. In India today, one out of three adults has
never seen a school from the inside. In China only 8 percent, mostly elderly, have no
schooling. In India, 50 percent of young women have less than a junior secondary
education; in China, the figure is only 15 percent. Knowing how important education
is to economic performance, who would seriously claim that India’s future is brighter
than China’s owing to slower aging?

Population aging is not irrelevant, but it should be seen in conjunction with other
dimensions of human capital, especially. education and health. Here the prospects
are good. In most countries of the world—with the notable exception of the United
States — the young are clearly better educated than the old and may thus
compensate for their smaller numbers through higher productivity.

Viewing the quality of human capital as resting on a collection of elements, many of

them manageable, is something that the private sector has been doing for a long
time. Every sizable business pays attention to human resource management. For
governments, the equivalent would be a. form of national human resource
management that considers education, migration, family, labor, health, and
retirement as components that interact richly — and together drive the richness of
the future.

11. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A. Ethiopian women are allowed to produce more babies.

B. German people have higher life expectancy.

D. Aging population causes economic recession.

D. Median age refers to the phase of aging.

12. Paragraph 3 mainly discusses ___________.

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A. mental and economic factors of population aging

B. real reasons for the prosperity of the old countries

C. the reasons of people’s fear of the aging process

D. common patterns of demographic aging

13. The word “acuity” underlined in Paragraph 3 means ___________.

A. evolution B. sharpness C. status D. process

14. What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A. Education largely determines people's productivity.

B. Aging has something to do with mental acuity.

C. Good health leads to higher life expectancy.

D. The process of aging has a scientific basis.

15. In the sentence “seventy is the new 60” underlined in Paragraph 4, the author
uses a metaphorical device termed___________.

A. simile B. pun C. irony D. analogy

16. The old countries are booming because the elderly people___________.

A. serve as a valuable asset B. have strong personality

C. are increasing considerably D. are in good health

17. What is true of the following statements when China is compared with India?

A. Indians will have more interesting jobs.

B. Retiring age in China will be 65.

C. More people in China continue to work after reaching 65.

D. More Indian women will be well-educated.

18. The author mentions China and India to ___________.

A. provide examples of aging population

B. predict the future trend of development

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C. explain the reasons for high productivity

D. refute the view about dependency ratio

19. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Healthier people can enhance productivity.

B. Elderly people are the majority group in most countries.

C. Human capital contains many manageable components.

D. Private businesses focus more on the aging problem.

20. The author believes that ___________.

A. aging population is closely related to economic decline

B. aging population can still make contributions to society

C. governments should pay more attention to aging population

D. further education is key to the productivity of aging population

2017 年下半年笔译综合能力真题二级 阅读部分

Questions 21—30 are based on the following passage.

The economy may be troubled, but one area is thriving: social media. They begin
with Facebook and extend through a dizzying array of companies that barely existed
five years ago: Twitter, LinkedIn, Groupon, Yammer — and the list goes on. These
companies are mostly private, but have attracted the ardent attention of Wall Street
and investors, with Facebook now worth purportedly US$75 billion and Groupon
valued at close to US$25 billion.

There can be little doubt that these companies enrich their founders as well as some
investors. But do they add anything to overall economic activity? While jobs in social
media are growing fast, there were only about 21,000 listings last spring, a tiny
fraction of the 150 million-member U.S. workforce. So do social-media tools enhance
productivity or help us bridge the wealth divide? Or are they simply entertaining
socially, and diverting us when it comes to national economic health?
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The answers are vital, because billions of dollars in investment capital are being
spent on these ventures, and if we are to have a productive future economy, that
capital needs to grow the economic pie — and not just among the elite of Silicon
Valley and Wall Street.

The problem is that these tools are so new that it is extremely difficult to answer the
questions definitively. Flash back nearly 20 years and the same question was being
asked about the first Internet wave. Were Netscape and the Web enhancing our
economy, or were people just spending more time at work checking out
Official statistics weren’t designed to capture the benefits, and didn’t capture them
until statistics experts at the Federal Reserve, urged on by Alan Greenspan, refined
the way they measured productivity. As a result of these somewhat controversial
innovations, the late 1990s became a period of substantial technology-driven gains.

It is possible that the same gap exists today, that social-media tools are indeed laying
the groundwork for new industries and jobs, but aren't yet registering on the
statistical radar. Many companies believe social media make them more competitive.
Ford and Zappos, for instance, use Twitter to market their products and address
consumer complaints.

One big question is what proportion of that benefit will be captured economically by
consumers vs. corporations. Sure, social media allow people to compare prices and
quality and assess which companies are good to work for and where jobs might be.
They also may enhance education and idea sharing, but the caveat is that the people
who use these tools are the ones with higher education and income to spend on
technology, not the tens of millions whose position in today’s world has eroded so
sharply. According to a recent Pew Foundation study, only 45 percent of adults
making less than US$30,000 have access to broadband,which is an essential
component of using content-rich social media effectively.

And that is the rub. Like so many things these days, social media contribute to
economic bifurcation. Dynamic companies are benefiting from these tools, even if
the gains are tough to nail down in specific figures. Many individuals are benefiting
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too, using LinkedIn to find jobs and Groupon to find deals. But now, the irony is that
social media widen the social divide, making it even harder for the have-nots to
navigate. They allow those with jobs to do them more effectively and companies
that are profiting to profit more. But so far, they have done little to aid those who
are being left behind. They are, in short, business as usual.

21. Which of the following statements about social-media companies is NOT true?

A. Most of them are private.

B. Their value is increasing fast.

C. They are receiving huge sums of investment.

D. They contribute greatly to the labor market.

22. It is critical to know social media’s contribution to national economic health in

that ___________.

A. it makes Silicon Valley more competitive

B. investors from the Wall Street need to know it

C. it is crucial for the future economy of the U.S.

D. it guarantees the benefits of social-media founders

23. It is difficult to clarify social media's contribution to national economic health


A. investment returns are uncertain B. the industry is new

C. it is not environmentally friendly D. it is Internet-driven

24. The phrase “the same gap” underlined in Paragraph 5 refers to___________.

A. the existence of social media and the registration of statistical radar

B. the establishment of new companies and the measurement of productivity

C. substantial economic gains and the development of new technologies

D. economic benefits from social media and lack of official statistics

25. Ford and Zappos are cited as examples to show that___________.

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A. Twitter is the best social-media tool for companies

B. social media have changed the way the younger generations communicate

C. companies can get economic benefits by using social-media tools

D. big companies are playing a leading role in using social-media tools

26. Who are most unlikely to benefit from social media?

A. The unemployed. B. Wall Street investors.

C. Profitable companies. D. The well-educated.

27. The advantage of social media is that it helps___________.

A. people get career opportunities and incomes

B. consumers buy their own goods ,

C. people consciously manage information about their self-image

D. social-media platforms improve students' education

28. What is the author’s attitude toward social media’s contribution to national
economic health?

A. Indifferent. B. Doubtful. C. Positive. D. Neutral.

29. It can be inferred from the passage that___________.

A. social media help create services that turn into jobs, growth, and prosperity

B. many corporations make it possible for employees to communicate across

divisions and regions

C. social media are viewed as today’s version of the telephone

D. social media do only marginal good to national economic health

30. Which of the following titles is proper for the passage?

A. Can Social Media Help the Economy?

B. Do Social Media Benefit Most Big Companies?

C. Do Social Media Tools Influence Cultural Values?

D. Who Could Become the Next Twitter?

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2018 年上半年笔译综合能力真题三级 完形填空部分

Starting a conversation is as easy for some people as eating and breathing. However,
if you suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD), a room full of strangers can be as
frightening as moving to a foreign country. If the stranger that you are looking to
start a conversation with is an authority figure, this just adds to your anxiety. Here
are helpful tips when trying to start a conversation.

Often the person you are trying to start a conversation______(1) will have some
item of jewelry, an unusual shirt or maybe even a tattoo; something distinctive that
tells a story about the______(2). Items like this give you a starting ______(3) for

After you receive a ______(4), the key is to have something else to say that will give
you a ______(5) platform on which to build a conversation and a relationship. You
need to think of a follow-up ______(6) before you start. This is the key to building a
conversation. Follow up with something personal that______ (7) to the other person
and that tells them something interesting about you.

Try the old standby, “Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?” ______(8) the right
circumstances, this conversation starter can work. If you ______(9) to someone,
“You seem really familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?”, it makes it very easy to
start a conversation.

All these help ______(10) you to the person and keep the conversation moving:
What high school did you ______(11)? Did you play an instrument? Where do you
work? I’ve been to that Starbucks.

As you go through the details of the other person's life story, you should feel______
(12) to change subject. Remember, you don't really want to find out if you’ve met
before; you want to get to______(13) each other. One of the best ways to start a
conversation is to make a funny______ (14) about your surroundings. “Hey, doesn't
our instructor look like Harry Potter?” or, “Is the guy in the front row asleep?” The

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goal is not to be mean-spirited or judgmental, so be sure to ______(15) your

comments light-hearted.

Try to invite the other person in on the joke. “Where do you think he keeps his magic
wand, in his briefcase?” or “Do you think he's going to sleep through the whole
class?” This ______(16) of starting a conversation can be risky. Humor is difficult
with an audience whom you don’t know well. However, if you find______ (17) that
shares your sense of humor, chances are that it will be the start of a great friendship.

Remember that any of these tricks is______(18) to fail some of the time. If you don’t
get a positive response from somebody, there are always other people that you can
approach. If you are_____(19), you will find that over time it will get easier to speak
with strangers. As you become more______(20) and at ease you won’t need to rely
on tricks to start conversations.

1.A. in B. on C. from D. with

2. A. person B. group C. staff D. team

3. A. part B. pace C. place D. point

4. A. letter B. call C. response D. topic

5. A. joint B. mutual C. common D. rare

6. A. visit B. reply C. story D. check

7. A. relates B. comes C. goes D. points

8. A. Considered B. Taken C. Supposed D. Given

9. A. say B. refer C. tum D. converse

10. A. command B. conduct C. contact D. connect

11. A. leave B. reach C. attend D. admit

12. A. free B. cordial C. nice D. good

13. A. know B. meet C. introduce D. understand

14. A. review B. comment C. survey D. say

15. A. keep B. take C. maintain D. remain

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16. A. skill B. way C. process D. tip .

17. A. somehow B. someone C. somewhat D. something

18. A. likely B. possible C. creditable D. acceptable

19. A. lively B. energetic C. persistent D. kind

20. A. lyrical B. confident C. brave D. enthusiastic


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