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Section: ARCH5B_A2 Date Submitted: Sept 29, 2022

Exercise 1
It emphasizes the Conflict theory asserts The aim of Symbolic
interconnectedness of that social problem occur Interactionist
Definition society by focusing on when dominant groups Perspective is to
how each part mistreat subordinate understand human
influences and is groups and thus behavior by analyzing
influence by other parts. advocates for a balance the critical role of
Functionalist perspective of power between symbols in human
sees society as a complex genders. interaction which is
system whose parts work relevant to the
together to promote discussion of
solidarity and stability. masculinity and
This approach looks at femininity.
society through a macro
level orientation and
broadly focuses on the
social structures that
shape society as a whole.
Functionalists argue Society is a struggle for The meanings
that gender dominance among social attached to symbols are
Views on Gender roles were established groups (like women vs. socially created and not
well before the pre- men)that compete for natural, and fluid, not
industrial era when men scarce resources. When fixed, we act and react to
typically took care of the sociologists examine symbols based on the
responsibilities outside of gender from this current assigned
the home such as perspective, we can view meaning. Symbolic
hunting and woman men as dominant group interactionism suggests
typically took care of the and women as the that our identity or
domestic responsibilities subordinate group. It is sense of self is shaped
in or around home. difficult for women to by social interaction. We
These functions are rise above men, as develop our self-concept
considered functional dominant group by observing how others
because women were members create the interact with us a label
often limited by the rules for success and us. By observing others
physical restraints of opportunity in society view us, we see a
pregnancy and nursing (Farrington and reflection ourselves that
and unable to leave Chertok1993). Cooley calls the
home for long periods of “looking glass self.”
time. .
Family provides a context Friedrich Engels The word gay, for
for reproducing, compared the family example, once meant
Examples nurturing and socializing structure to the “cheerful” but by
children; relationship between the 1960s it is carried
bourgeoisie and the primary meaning of
Education offers a way to proletariat suggesting “Homosexual.” In
transmit a society’s skills, that women had less transition, it was even
knowledge and culture to power than men in the known to mean
its youth; household because they “careless” or “bright and
were dependent on them showing”(Oxford
Politics provides a means for wages. Conflict American
of governing members of between the two groups Dictionary 2010).
society; caused thing like the When people perform
Women’s Suffrage tasks, or possess
Economics provides for Movement and was characteristics based
the production, responsible for social on the gender role
distribution and change. assigned to them,
consumption of goods & they are said to be doing
services. gender.

Religion provides moral

guidance and an outlet
for worship of a higher
Direction: Create an outline showing the differences of the three major theoretical perspectives.

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