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Câu hỏi phỏng vấn

Emirates Airlines & Qatar Airways

1. Nhóm câu hỏi giới thiệu bản thân

1.1 Introduce yourself
1.2 Why do you want to be a cabin crew?
1.3 Tell me about your current job? What responsibilities do you have?
1.4 Big change of your life?
1.5 Why do you want to join Emirates Airline?
1.6 Tell me what you know about Dubai
1.7 What did you learn form your job?
1.8 From all of your previous jobs which one was the most challenging and why?

2. Nhóm câu hỏi tình huống phục vụ

2.1 Have you ever had disagreement with a customer? What happened?
2.2 Did you had any difficult situation with a customer? What was the outcome?
2.3 Is there a time where you have dealt with a difficult customer and how did you manage it?
2.4 How you deal with angry customer?
2.5 What is the difficult case with guest?

3. Nhóm câu hỏi nhận thức văn hoá

3.1 What do you learn from cultural diversity?
3.2 How do you adapt yourself to new environment?
3.3 Tell me about a time when you have been culturally sensitive towards a customer or colleagues
3.4 Have you had to show understanding towards a different culture and nationality?
3.5 When you have had to deal with a difficult culture and what did you do?
3.6 Have you traveled? to where? Tell me a difference and compare the culture with yours.

4. Nhóm câu hỏi quản lý công việc hiệu quả

4.1 Tell me about a time that your day hadn’t gone as planned. How did you manage this?
4.2 Have you ever had a deadline at a job that you had to meet, and how did you go about getting it done on
4.3 Tell me a time you had difficulty at work and how did you manage it?
4.4 Tell me a time when you had to make a difficult decision?
4.5 Would you say that you can easily deal with high pressure situation?
4.6 Give an example of a time when you coped with a stressful situation. How did it make you feel and how did
you deal with it?
4.7 Tell me when you have disappointed thing in life that could not fix and how you handle it?

Địa chỉ lớp học: Tư vấn tuyển sinh

159/17 Hoàng Văn Thụ Thầy Quân 0989 23 24 85
Phường 8, Quận Phú Nhuận Trang 57
Câu hỏi phỏng vấn
Emirates Airlines & Qatar Airways

5. Nhóm câu hỏi teamwork

5.1 Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a co-worker who wasn’t doing his/her fair share of work?
What did you do and what was the outcome?
5.2 Tell me about a time you resolved a conflict
5.3 Have you ever had an issue with another employee were you disagreed on something and how did you
handle the situation?
5.4 Give a situation when you and your workmates did not agree on your ideas to solve the specific problem?
What was the resolution?
5.5 Give me example when you give feedback to your colleagues/ A time when you correct a co-worker?
5.6 Have you ever gone into an argument with your boss because they were not right? What happened and how
did you deal with it?
5.7 Tell us about a time when you received a constructive criticism feed back from your boss in one of your
previous job
5.8 Tell us the time when you step out of your zone of responsibility to help your colleagues?
5.9 What is the usually thing that you do for your colleagues which is not your task?
5.10 Describe a time when you have gone above and beyond for a colleague or team member. Why?

6. Nhóm câu hỏi teamleader – teamwork

6.1 Give a situation when you had to take the lead role and what was the outcome?
6.2 Tell us a time where someone with more experience at work had to listen to you?
6.3 Tell me about a challenge at work you faced and overcome recently
6.4 Tell me a time where you had to make a decision for your colleagues at work

7. Nhóm teamwork với người lạ

7.1 Tell us a time you were asking for help from someone?
7.2 What do you feel when someone is asking for you help?
7.3 Give a situation when you helped a stranger
7.4 Give an example when you went out of your way to help someone?

Địa chỉ lớp học: Tư vấn tuyển sinh

159/17 Hoàng Văn Thụ Thầy Quân 0989 23 24 85
Phường 8, Quận Phú Nhuận Trang 58
Câu hỏi phỏng vấn
Emirates Airlines & Qatar Airways

8. Nhóm câu hỏi phản ứng với khách hàng

8.1 Have you ever had disagreement with a customer? What happened?
8.2 Did you had any difficult situation with a customer? What was the outcome?
8.3 Is there a time where you have dealt with a difficult customer and how did you manage it?
8.4 How you dealt with angry customer?
8.5 What is the difficult case with guest?
8.6 What is the nicest thing that you do for the guest?
8.7 Tell us the time when you go extra mile to help customers or others.
8.8 Describe a time when you have gone above and beyond for a customer. Why?

9. Nhóm câu hỏi kỹ năng ra quyết định

9.1 What is the flexible things that you do for the guest?
9.2 Is there a time that you had to bend to rules? Did you get into trouble for this?
9.3 Name a time you had to adjust to the rules/ way of doing things at a job to accommodate a customer’s need.
9.4 Tell me about a time when you have bent the rules for a customer. Why?

10. Nhóm câu hỏi phản xạ sáng tạo

10.1 Have you ever pay attention to the details and why pay attention to details is very important for your work?
And do you have any example? Tell me?
10.2 Any strict rules at work or something that you don’t like at work?
10.3 Give an example of something that you improve at work
10.4 Give an example of a time when you had a good idea/ give new idea in your work?

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các câu hỏi phỏng vấn Qatar Airways và Emirates Airlines

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Địa chỉ lớp học: Tư vấn tuyển sinh

159/17 Hoàng Văn Thụ Thầy Quân 0989 23 24 85
Phường 8, Quận Phú Nhuận Trang 59

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