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Hi Brenda

Hi Emerson
How are you?
I'm fine, just a little tired
I imagine and how are you doing in university?
I'm doing well, I just have a lot of homework every week and I get very little sleep
How many hours do you sleep?
I do not have an exact number of hours to sleep, I sleep after finishing my tasks, sometimes
I sleep at midnight and other times at 10 or 11 at night.
That is very little time, on weekends do you sleep more???
Yes, on weekends I sleep more to recover energy for the following week
Have you been going to a gym? because you look good physically
Yes, I go to the gym three times a week and I accompany it with healthy food
What gym do you to?
I go to the Smart Fit gym that is inside the Real Plaza, my best friends always accompany
me. After the gym we are going to eat together.
And do you practice any sport?
No, I like watching sports more than practicing any
What sports do you like watching?
I like to watch almost all sports, but I watch soccer and volleyball more often. I like the
Spanish soccer league a lot because I am a fan of Real Madrid.

but now tell me about yourself, are you also in university?

Yes, I am studying civil engineering at the National University of Trujillo.
And how are you doing in university?
Just like you, with many jobs and I sleep few hours each day
What time did you go to bed?
I usually go to bed at 12:00, but as I told you before, it depends on how many jobs the
university leaves me with.
Right, they told me you know how to cook, is that true?
Yes, I cook the basics, I'm not very good
For example, what did you cook yesterday?
For lunch I cooked aji de gallina with strawberry juice, and for the evening I just made
also yesterday I was able to see a movie that I want to recommend
What film did you see?
Yesterday I saw Vertigo because I like suspense movies, the drama was very interesting,
highly recommended.
Well it was a nice talk, but it's late, we'll talk tomorrow
Ok see you tomorrow

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