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Topic 3: One of your perfect days

Everyone’s definition of a perfect day is different . Some might fell it was a perfect
day for them when they helped someone who was need . For someone reaching on
time to the workplace can make his or her day perfect . And me a perfect day was last
Sunday . One that day I didn’t have to go to work . My perfect day start by me waking
early – 6:00 am is early , for me – felling refreshed and relaxed . My morning routine
is very workable , with a glass of orange juice and a sandwich followed breakfast at
the table . and then I started jogging on the street near my house . After that I went
home to rest and started cleaning the garden and planting flowers around house . In
the afternoon I join volunteer activities with the club at an orphanage . We teach and
organize fun games for them . In the evening I spend time with family . We watch tv
together and tell funny stories after dinner . That’s one of my perfect day .

Topic 9: Your study at the present.

I am student in ( chỗ này viết tên trường m thích viết vào nha…). It’s a kind of college
where I can learn practical skill to get one specific kind of job . I’m studying to
become a doctor . I like it but it’s hard work , because I have to study many subject
different and there’s a lot of work for each one , so I don’t have much free time .
However there are many subject quite interesting . For example : (kể mấy môn m học
ra nha ). I need to juggle my studies alongside socializing , a part-time , activities like
join clubs , activities of school , entertainment … . I likely be covering a lot of
material in class and moving through the material quite quickly or remember very
much knowledge . I found this difficult at first , but gradually I find effective way to
study and now I don’t fell everything too hard during the learning process . Having
exam to prepare for give me the motivation to study more than I would otherwise . It’s
my study at present.

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