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H: Hi Lan, Hello Hiên, Hello Hiền…

Lan: Hello.
Hiên: Hello.
Hiền: What do you call us for?
Hương: Did you guys get your Speaking English homework notice?
Lan: I received it, I just read it but don’t know how to do it.
Hiên: I received it, but I have very little knowledge on that topic.
Hiền: I have not received it. Where do you see it?
Hương: The teacher posts homework on Google Class.
Hiền: I see. Homework is what do you notice about someone you meet for the
first time?
Hiên: That’s right.
Lan: Can we discuss it now?
Hương: Yes. Of course.
Hiền: The first, I think it's the clothes the person has worn. It will tell me the
type of personality of the person, his/her age, what he/she likes and dislikes,
what are his/her hobbies and how we are going to get along. The clothes they
wear sometimes help me see them as a self-care person and it is also possible to
express their own individuality through the way they dress. But as always, first
impressions are not necessarily last impressions... Sometimes the true color of a
person comes by knowing them deeply.
Hiên: well, I think I will notice their smile. What makes a guy handsome and a girl
attractive is their smile. I think a smile can be the lasting impression they have on
me. A simple smile to a stranger will let them know that you’re friendly. Smiling is
a universal sign of friendliness, and wearing one makes you immediately more
approachable. Think about it. If you need to ask someone a question or are looking
for someone to talk to – would you approach a person who’s smiling or one who’s
Lan :…
Hiên: In addition, a smile can make my day better. When I would get a smile from
that special someone, it would make me better. I would have a big smile on my
face for the rest of the day and even when I slept. I believe that smiling is better
than saying hello, a smile is worth a thousand words. But as always, first
impressions are not necessarily last impressions... Sometimes the true color of a
person comes by knowing them deeply
Hương: I notice their eyes. It is said that the eyes are the windows to your soul.
Usually, eyes tell us a lot about a person. I always look at a person's eye when
meeting them, it can tell a lot about a person and if they're paying attention to what
you're saying or if they're just staring off into space or interested in something
other than you. I think the eyes get my attention because I always look people in
their eyes while I’m talking to them and while they're talking to me because I think
I can tell what they're really feeling or whether they're telling me the truth, the eyes
don't lie.
+ Lan: For me, I think I will notice body language first. Every nuance in the
body language is an indicator of the person’s intentions and character. The use
of gestures also shows the confidence or lack of confidence of the person
performing it. In specific situations, gestures have certain meanings. It makes
an important contribution to successful communication. Words and gestures
combined with each other will have a more effective impact on the opposite
communicator. When you understand body language, you can sometimes see
the other person's non-verbal behavior before they speak. In such times, it is
possible to change the situation in time. In addition, in delicate cases, gestures
can substitute for difficult words.

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