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Literatuuropdrachten 5 HAVO The weight of a Thousand Feathers.

1. Drama: With your group write a script of a part from the book. Perform the
scene with your group. Explain why you chose this scene and its relevanvce to
the greater story.

2. Music. A lot of music is mentioned in this book. Select a song and analyse its
lyrics. Read them out loud, or better yet, sing them to the class, then explain
your choice. How is the song relevant for the story? Maybe add some
background information about the artist and his / her work.

3. Use Freytag’s Pyramid to illustrate the 5 Stages of the plot.

4. Draw a sociogram, or use a template, you can find a lot of them online. Put
Bobby in the middle. Explain her connections with other people in the book.

5. Be creative. If none of the above appeals to you, you are free to create your
very own presentation. Find a topic, find a medium to present, Powerpoint,
Prezi, write a poem, make a movie. Pretty much anything goes, but do ask me
before you really dive into the subject.

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