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We look for heaven up above, where the sun shines and moon lights, never once

looking at the beauty that lay before us. The leaves that reflect off the sunlight
after the soft showers, the river that flows for all, the trunk that stands mighty
high looking down with paternal care, the fruit the wind lands or the unappreciated
fire radiating warmth.
In the words of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, I quote, "Earth's crammed with
heaven... But only he who sees, takes off his shoes."
Good Morning respected teacher and fellow classmates, my topic for speech is,
"Exploitation of Natural Resources"
Along the flow of time nature has grown into something which's essence can not ever
truly be held within the confinements of a mere word or even ten. It is something
so beautifully exceptional, even in wilderness embedded with beauty in every
detail. While god is the giver of life, nature is the nurturer, the one growing us
into who we are now, influencing us in ways one may never even realize. Yet over
the years, lost in hatred and blinded by the need of power we failed to realize how
much harm we inflicted. In the name of creation how we destroyed more than we could
How often the process of construction starts with destruction. We talk of
sustainable development, aiming for a home that has the comfort of nature, yet we
continue to run after the very thing destroying it in the first place.
In the book, The Brothers Karamazov, the protagonist said
"Man, do not pride yourself on your superiority to the animals, for they are
without sin, while you, with all your greatness, you defile the earth wherever you
appear and leave an ignoble trail behind you -- and that is true, alas, for almost
every one of us!" Unquote.
Each day we lose another part of what makes our world beautiful. It's important to
work for a better world, one which is as green as the grass and as beautiful the
flowers that bloom. For one can lose themselves in nature but must never lose
nature to themselves.

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