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Name: Vishal Kushwaha Subject: Retail Banking

Enrollment No: 21BSP1155 Assignment: C4

Section: G

Q1: Write a short note on combining digital / virtual network with 4

quadrants matrix for maximizing growth and profit with customer delight.
A1. The 4 quadrants of maximizing high growth and profit matrix refers to a
highly effective sales strategy that enables firms to generate high revenues
from limited resources. The matrix is based on the total addressable market
and products.

Existing New Customer

New Product
New Product4 Quadrant
Existing Matrix
Customer New Customer
Existing Existing Product

The following quadrants explain the benefits of integrating virtual / digital

networks for maximization of growth and profits, as well as customer
delight respectively:
Quadrant 1 Existing Customer – New Product:
Banks focus on the trends that the market is catching up with on a daily
basis. Through virtual networking, banks generate reports on customer’s
preferences and choices of utilizing their time in e-commerce websites.
Banks work on providing tie-ups with merchants to ensure that customers
are able to buy with convenience and earn rewards as a strategy to retain
Quadrant 2 New Customer – New Product:
Banks have shifted their focus from ‘one size fits all’ to dynamic application
interface-based banking convenience apps to ensure every customer gets
customized services as required. Banks also devise new and improved
categories of savings accounts, current accounts, and card features in
collaboration with companies that cater specific services to the customer –
restaurant, petrol pumps, shopping malls, and others. Through digital
networking banks are successfully able to onboard new clients.
Quadrant 3 Existing Customer – Existing Product:
Customers in this quadrant require their facilities to be continued the way
they are, but at the same time stay abreast with the technological
advancements. Banks tend to work on such models to deliver better
services. In the case of neo banking products such as API based banking
applications, it helps existing customers to perform banking transactions
within seconds. They do not require to visit a physical branch every time a
new transaction is required to be conducted by the customer. Inter-bank
network also eases customer pain point of getting accounts transferred
from one branch to another in case of relocation.
Quadrant 4 New Customer – New Product:
Under this quadrant, banks tend to devise strategy of onboarding new
customers through other market developments taking place.
Demographics, buzz marketing, and other models are used to enter a new
market segment. It is a continuous evolving space and virtual networking
helps them to trace their requirements that may not have been mapped out

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