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March 11th This is a 4 hour exam. Starting at 2h30min pm on March 11, 2022, and ending at 6h30min pm on March 11, 2022. All questions must be clearly marked and sectioned, if we can’t read it we will not mark it. All answers must be written in English 1 Spin Orbit Hint: ‘This problem should wot be addiewed by brute foros. It is yury useful to tal lato aeeount aple rotation Invariance. 1a parti hen combining two a havin of eigenvectors of J? and J think how (7? is tolated to the sealar pp describe yy angular momenta Jy wad F3, ZT = Ti+ Fa by tho total angular mo h Figure 4: Seteup consisting of four spine§ particles Consider 4 qubit set-up consisting of four spin- 2 particles in a square arrangement (sw figure 3). We work it units with A= 1 ‘The Harailton to systems is a) where denotes the three components of the quanutuin mechanical spin operator of particle j(j = the dot *' denotes the sealar product over these components. The coupling coustants Ji, can have tbe val Ja or Jur according to the figure. Consider fi caso (1,1 point) Determine th ‘Tho nystet fo prepared at t = 08 a state coraating of all wpe oriented in the x disection, AL the nase Aine a timgntic field, deveribed try the Hniailtotlan ty = Bost. 6) a is applied in the 2 direction. (2, 1 point) Haw lang toes it take for the aster to go back to the stato with all apie oriented in the x lisection? (3, 2 polat) Determise the time dependence of the magnetiiation AP ln the x dimetlats, where M" = (Sia) Sty 23 sare @) ‘und tho expectation value (..) i taken with respect to the abovementioned tineclependent state, Wo now igo back to the Hasutltoninn equation (1) (Without magnotle Meld (equation (3)) (4,1 poiat) For the case Jia = Jan determine all eigenvalues of Fs well as (heir degoneracien, (6, 2 point) Consicler naw the caso AJ = Jy ~ da 20, but A xtnall enough (We always AJ salt ceiough such Unt there ate neither level cromings sar aceldental degeneracies), Determinw agatn all cigecvaluce of equation (1) na well na their degeneracies, From now an we consider tho case Ja >0,Jy > 0 and AJ #0 (6,1 point) Consider again the action of ‘n magnetle Bold, oquation (8). Determlse the magnutle muaceptibility a XE Maso 6) ‘where the expectation valno In equation (4) is carried out with respoct to the ground sate of H + Hy. (7,2 palit) Consider now AJ > 0 and a aingnotlc Meld applied to the frit spls oily, decribed by the Hamiltonian Hise = =0Sj © Determine the local susceptibility: ae ® he where m* = (St) ® ‘and the expectation value li ovmluated with mapeet to tho ground wtato of H+ His (not y!) 2 Quantum Optics ‘The quantum belaviour of light ean he olverved in extreruely shuiple optics experlusents, with tirabally’ thie simplat being a single dearsplitter. An important comonience of the quantization of light i that single quanta of light ~ photons - cau not seaply bo split in half io 0 tinewr bearaplitier. Quantum mechanierw Instead describes the probabilities of ech individual photon emerging from one o (the beatasplitter outpmts, This te ised already lowly to observable results revealing the quantum stathstler of photons and allows wx 1o uindertand tho clmaieal Mach-Zehnder interferometer in tert af xinge photons. Exercise 11 Tho classical boamsplitter A boamsplitter is simply a partially reflective mir Tor, where ench of the two input ports is broken into & ‘s ranamitted andl » reflected part, as sbenwn in she a figure. We consider a lossless beamsplitter w ith: clestoal inputs £ and fy. The outputs are then E Ey given by 1 By = REL 4 TBs, B= TEV + RE, (I) put and out put light Bells, Energy conservatlon to (quiron that [Bi[?-+ [Ea]? = | Bal? + JEP. Note, that here we consider the intensities, whi le the reflection and transmission coctlicients are defined relative to the fled aniplivuden. 19) (1 poinl) Show that energy cosservatlon forthe ease a only cme It light eld (Le. [B2| =O) los to We? +17 =. b) (1 point) Stow that the case of equal fleld strengths on both inputs le. Ey = By condition RT* + TH" = 0, 1b) (1 point) Show that the above condition leads to an additional phase abift of +/2 betwoon the folds af tho tranunitted and reflected composcnta, where £, are the (oorplex) amplitudes af the (n- of E) leads to tho Exorcle 2: Tho QM beamsplitter tn bea/kel notation the beamsplitter ase single photons. ‘Two photon nouzce, A and B, emit photons inte the rempective luput modes of the beamsplitter, aud two detectors, C and D ileteet photons in the respective output smal © modes. Sinee the photons are non-interacting ancl spain Independent of och otker, we tool 10 aaalgn each a ee photon J am invididual state vector jr), wherw thoi or ena ep F state ¢ expres the mole X it ix located ia soto tena The wverall state for ry incoming phototm in made itn A weld thuy be woof wie) = a) Pdp fa w while @ state with photen 1 in mode A and! photon 2 lev made BS woud too Wo now consider the caso where the input. into ¥ounuce [Sauce 4] Je) = lo) Hebe @) which 4 not Kléntienl to photon Liv made B and photon 2 In mode A Tw) = 10), fod, @ ‘The beam splitter wither transmits or rellecta wach single photon, with the reflection and transnisaion conflictonts froin the previous exereise determining the probability of wach outcome.For the case 0 fa lose fee 60/50 bicam splitter the output for alugle photons emitted in modes A anal 1, elescribed by jo) and |b) Paice t [De ee 8 No. comesdines counts i 10 min 8 Deter D t . Y = =, Poon of beam sp ir cof the Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment. Rigs E pr irst obnerv of the Hg Ow-Mowid dp (CK Hong 2 (Ou, and L. Mandel, Phys. Rev. . 58, 244, 1987). respectively, is i lo ge Gl +t, “) 1 ap Gyo +). © The factors of ¢= y=T originates from the phase shift induced on reflected photons which you prowd in ‘he last exercise. fa) (2 porta) For the following input states, calculate the output state and the probalilities of specific detection events: (a) A semi ot il A: (0) = fo) Wha Un prio deertng i poten om cama CP And tb) ren 19) = fs laa, ib the erty af detecting hh pBetane on counter C? On counter 1D? What is the probability of detecting ane photo 2 on each counter? ints) Consider the following input states with one photon in each input mode: (0) two distinguishable photons j2) =o), (bl, (}) tn indistinguishable bosonic plaotorss [¢") = Jo(|a) by + Ib) la)sde (6) a siperpanito of to ferent potone’ |g} = yl [Bla — Wh loa) Calcilate the output state far each inpiit state and determine the probabilities af detecting both pihatous ‘on detector C, both on detectar D, and ane photan on each detectar. Exetelse 3: Hang-Ou-Mandel experiment The experiment you disciumed in the previous excreise was first performed by Hang. Ota and Mandel in 1987. As shown in the figure, they let two photons, abe En each input mode. on tle beamsplit ter. The experiment hha an additional parnunecter, namely the distance between source A and the beamsplitter. This alkrwed to change the relative arrival time of the two photons on the beamsplitter. In th eir data original plot, shown {in the figure, this corresponds to what is shown on the xaxxis. A beumsplitter ponition of slighty more than Byam nicaut that the photaus arrived exactly at the samme time, while a chaayge of this pasition made the ie seen As ni oe hh Si sar ey it ms the probability to detect a coincidence between the detectors as a function of the delay length (equivalent to delay titne). Cofachlence means that one photon each is detected an each detector simultancorly, ‘As you cats see in the figure the results of this photon coincidence Slice be Ag det the photons arrive within a certain time window. ‘This ix now known as the Hong-Ou-Mande! dip. a) (1 point) Consider the experimental result shown in the figure. What does the observed dip in the coincidences tall about the quantum statistics of photous when you compare it to your results from cexereises 1b) sand 2b)? 4 Polymers and Rubbers In the following exercise, we will introduce the statistical physics of polymer molecules and use it to enake ons for the forrextension relation for a rubber band. A polymer molecule is a linear chsin of mmoncmmers, Rubber is a material where « large number of polymers are chemically cramlinked into ane large taoleeule, Exereise 1 Pulling a single polymer molecule We can model a polymer mokenle as a rancor walk consisting of V steye cach of length b, Lets say one cad of the polyimer starts at the otigit of out coordinate system, then the probability for Biwiig the ote nd of the polymer at T= (x, 9,2) b given by the Gaussian distibation Few) wg29) at (san) °(- 1. Detive for the ID asd 3D meat-squere extension, Le. the momenta(e?) and (IP) = tree) 2 Calculate the average spatial size (the rot-mean-square eud-to-end distance) aad compare it to the coutour leet of the polymer L = LN. The latter is the ssaximnal length we eam pull the polymer. For Polyisoprene (ryathetic rubleer) typical numbers are = 20000 and b= 8A. Imagine we perform an AFM experiment, where we have fixed one end of cur polymer on a substrate and the ather end of the polymer om the APM cantilever, such that wr coatrol the end-to-end wetor RL Simutaneennly, we ean reusute the force F(R) ike polymer generates on the cantilever. In a statistically physdeal seme the macrostate is defined by R. while the number of corresponding micrestates i (2(R) P(a,9,2). Bocaue the probability (up to 4 normalization) is the munber of states, that exactly has the epocified end-to-end distance. 3. Derive an exppreion for the (Hetmbolt2) free energy A(R). Negleet the intemal energy U, as well as. all terms independent of R. Finally, show the polymer farce i entropic and. is given by 3aT, F(R) = - TGR Exercise 2 Deformation free energy density We meme the crow-linking proces takes place in the undeformed state. To model it, we aawnme all the strands in the network are formed with end-to-end distances RL = }) sampled from the Gaussian distribution Pt ), bere for simplicity we assurpe all strands in the network has the number of step x. When we subsequently deform the material, we assume each strand experience a homogeneous affine each tint the ceded eect (f.52) be rer to (Aaa), Bat he ered tuonomiers in the polywer remulns frve to move. Furthermore, slsce 1s incompressible all deformations occur at constant voluine. ‘ung ray pullin etn tention a sivwn by Ay = Ayand Ay = 3a = AF 1. Calculate the mean-square end-to-end distance of a deformed strand (A227 + My? + A222) using the results of the previous exercise. (Hint: averages in the deformed state are taken with respect to the probability. P(z,y,2:.N,), because we eromfinked the network in the undeformed state) 2. Use the results of exercise 1 to calculate the average free energy (A(A)) of a single deformed strand, and show that the Helmboltz free energy density change Aa(A) relative to the tndeformed state ix Riven bry eter Aa(a) = p, (AQ) = (ACD) = (+248 = 3), ia Rc cli lt Sct ie ar mh is defined mG pba®l. 3. Calculate the strand timber demity p, and the shear modulus Far poly-boprene: bill: density 0.530g/e1n?, the mos af a single stop Aly = 1139/mol, and each strand consists of N, = 44 steps, We assime the material bs at room temperature, Exercise 3 Force-extension for a rubber band ‘The force F(A) we requlred to pill the rubber hand to taalntale » longth Le(A) oF eqaivalontly extenston 2 is ‘d(V Ant whore V denotes the volume af the rubber band, ate the length is La(A) uF external fore is equal and apposite to the force generated by the muterial, hence the nign in thin exprewaion. 1, Make w larch af tho force-extension (144(4),F(A)) relation for a mubleer band of uadeforted dimensions Lai, Lepi; Lag = Wem, dem, Qslem. Use the value for the shear modulus tn the preceeding exercise, or falling that tse tho entimnte G = 0.5M Pa, 2. Derive approximate expressions for forco-extotision relationship valid in the smal} and lange deformation Uinta, rexpoctively, (NB, The strain « is defined ax A= fe and we swum ¢ <1 iy the stall dloforsintion list) 3. Assume wo sunpend a mus m = Hy from the onl of the suber hand. What it the corresponding equilihriam length Ze? (NB, axume we are in the large defortuation timit,) Now imagine that you inxtantancously heat the rubber band to, 7 = SOOK by running the flaano of a lighter along It. What 4h the correxponuling equilibeiues length? 4. 16 wo pull a rubber based tao mul it snaps. ‘The end-to-end distance of a polymer (strand) ents not ‘exeord the contour length of the polymer (wean), riace wo would have pulled it 10a straight ln, Use the results of the prnceeding exercise to extiate the breaking point Ay where the (root ean square) end-to-pnd distance match 50% of the contour length of a strand, (NB. assume we are in the large deformation limit). Tho shout modulus ix proportional to temperaturr becrmw rubber elasticity iy an entropic effect, which takes rubber materials very differest from mont other materialy, This was otwervd by Jamen Gough in 1802 and was Later studied by Joule. The effect is now known as the Joule-Gough effect, 5 Higgs mechanism A long range foree tike the cloctromagnetic force ix mediated by mambo gauge honeme A force like the weak force is abort range und i strength decrvases exponentially with the distance. ‘Tho médlath ng gauge owns are muoaive. While the electromagnet force ix connected to the Caulom) potential, the weak force ‘can bre derive from the Yukawa potential er yn) = a where AM is tho mam of the mediating gutge boson. ‘The Yukawa potential bs the solution of the Kleim-Gonton ‘qatian (or a scalar potential with a pointlike xource at the origin, ‘The Higgs enechaniam allows to kntrodice maser for gasige booms without destroying the underlying, oui mya not ry. “The mechani enn be illustrated by ooking at the exaenple of a miperconductor, An sleetromngnetic field catering « superconductor ix exponentially supprowed. ‘This effoct is the so-called Moitiner-O chaenfold fet. ‘The relation betwen a magnetic Held J and the mperconducting curmwat density J, is given by the anus equations: — (20) ne vahe ed whero ne = 4n is tho number density of the Cooper pairs, nx the mumber domdty of tbe electrons associated to the muperconductivity, The mw of a Cooper pale is denoted ly my = in « ane my by the tn of the dleotron, a) Assume a ntatie case with (ay iE = =0 a nu use the Maxwell equations (in St unit) to derive 2, tae Tha+ — Ba 7 where A bs the penetration depth, 1B) Asstine a maxtictic fled in z-itrection with ita absolute valve depending on x, A = B(2)é, nnd fad ‘solution to the differential equation resulting from Eq, (4) w ith tho boundary condithon that HF ie vunlahing for x + 20, ©) Compare the given Vukawn pertential abd the found sobition for the J file and gue w relation between the penetration longth § and the mass Af, 1) Show that the vector potential A with = 0 x A in Coulomb gauge (V > A= 0) tulle PA = inde (oy Now, tudng the knowledge from before show that the thueindependont Proca equation for a muaive vwoetor fill, [-¥7+(§)] Aso, ( I fallitted assuming an appropriate gauge (specify what. you choowe). Roark: This procedate ean alvo be doiw for the time-opendent ense where Ube wetor potential Kills the Inhomogeneous wave equation mM 1s + [sar 4 = Kel. swblel conenipiiide 12 taddig Ue miiface cient lito accolint, mind thi ihe ants’ teavonliag ne tor thet time-independent. case, one can derive the Proca equation [bye P tm (Gay ] =o, ® which cormeponda to the photons having mam, 6 Radical Pair Consider 2 “radical pair” which consist of two unpaired electronic spins, where one of the electrons ix eotspleel to a spin-1/2 nucleus thraugh one hyperfine internction tensor A. The radical pair ix subject to an external magnetic field #. The overall spin state of the twa unpaired olectronic spins casi be either singlet (S) or triplet (T).The Hamiltonian for the spxtem is given by A = png B-S,) + ung B- $4) + wal Ss - AF) (ay when the possible dipole-dipole and exchange intoractions in the spin-system are neglected. F'= (12, fy, 12), is the spin aperstar of tho nucleons, Si = (Sr, Sy,Sz) are the electron spin operntor and A iy the hyperfine interaction tensor. (QI) (1 poinds) What are the posible values of the total spin? (Q2:) (2 points) Define all possible bits wavefunctions 1, total spin, tor dascritwe the quaatum states af the. radical pair. (Q3:) (2 pants) State tho conditions at which a transition botween 9 singlet and triplet state af the radical pair is possible. (Q4:) (1 points) Check numerically if this condition is satisfied. for the anisotropic hyperfine temsar, whore the A. = 16 G is the only non-zero component. The external magnetic fie Id strength to be 0.5 C. (Q5:) (1 peste) Now consider the radical pair “prepared” initially in the singlet state, estimate the cluracteristic time nended for it to be converted into ane af the triplet states, 2,8 that are eigenfunctions of the

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