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He is seen as lucky … in fact his life has been a disaster.

In fact  “al contrario”

He thought everything was going well, when in fact catastrophe was

in fact 

Both mushrooms look innocuous, but are in fact deadly.

They think it's an easy job, when in fact, it's a lot of hard work.
In fact  infatti/

It was terribly cold weather, a blizzard in fact.

The idea has its basis in fact.  “nei fatti”

He looked honest, but in fact he was a career criminal.

 “in realtà”

Everyone thought he was French, but in fact he was English.

 “in traltà”

The painting looked modern. In fact it was painted in 1770.

 “al contrario”
Quella ragazza ha delle gambe perfette e infatti è stata eletta miss gambe.

Mi piacciono da impazzire i pomodori secchi, infatti ne mangerei due chilogrammi al

giorno. I love dried tomatoes, I would..
”infatti” qui non si traduce

Fu una sconfitta preannunciata ed infatti la squadra perse per tre a zero.

”infatti” qui non si traduce

Non bisogna considerare gli anni dell'età anagrafica. Infatti, io mi sento giovane

anche se ho 60 anni.
”infatti” qui non si traduce

Indeed, as a matter of fact, therefore

Spesso “infatti” come rafforzativo non si traduce, come contrastivo invece sì

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