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Ynedemory - G3-3

Log 23

The Entity’s well-documented name, Ynedemory;
Formerly known, by some in the dimension 294-572, as “The Dark Destruction”

Size: varies*
Offspring of [REDACTED] and Archangel Remiel.
Youngest of the Yne siblings.
Documents** accessible show that the entity has not been in contact with its kin,
since moving unto S53-1, date unknown but speculated to be circa 1880-1910.

G3-3’s powers are not well-documented (fucking idiots) but from my observations;
- The entity seems to absorb and/or/ damage every material which comes in
contact with its mass (Unknown if it is intentional or not)
- Malleable mass suggests shapeshifting abilities (Not confirmed)
- Hypnosis ability connected with movement (?) of eye-like appendages
( Cited in a non-confirmed occult book “The Outside” by Lauren Dawn)

(Dr. Smith thinks that G3-3 is just a four-eyed jelly, even when shown evidence of
destruction of various galaxies in 294-572)

The G3-3 seems to be in a passive state since the destruction of Somewhere Else* 4.
It is unknown the reason why it adopted this state but I theorize it has guilt and/or
Since 294-572 was destroyed by G3-1 (Ynedew), it is rumored G3-3 helped or tried
to stop -1 from destroying that dimension.

Like the rest of its kin, the entity gives patronage to humans. The subject does not
ask for much in return as seen by records of its proteges.

“Master Ynedemory has the kindest eyes I had ever seen. He [They] helped
me write my books! He’s [They’re] very wise and kind. I don’ even remember having
given anything in return! Master will be always in my heart.”
- Anonymous in “[REDACTED]“ by Rowena Torch

But unlike its kin, G3-3 seems to have an aversion to worship and worshipers;
“Miss doesn’t like worshipping *giggles*. I and my theater crew were
searching for a sponsor ‘cause we couldn’t pay our bills anymore, Thomas is versed
in magic n’ shit, so he tried to summon something to help us.
Mister answered, helping us get more plays and contracts, I dunno how
exactly, but they helped. But when we jokingly began to worship them, ah- hmmm…
I don’t really remember what happened, b-but Miss made it clear that we shouldn’t
do that!”
- Claire Fisher, actress circa 1950 from “Cosmic” by Oscar Constantin

Something I took notice in my research with G3-3’s proteges, is that the entity does
not give what these proteges need or want*5 but it helps them to get there.
There are multiples mentions of “little payment/none payment at all” by the proteges.
G3-3 seems to not ask a lot or at all back from its patronages; the reason is

Dr. C. K. Valloriy

*Documents show that the entity can change its mass. The maximum size ever recorded is 150 000
light-years. (Source “Cosmic” by Oscar Constantin )
**Some notes by Lauren “Dawn” and testimony of an occultist of the Eye.
*3 Dimension 294-572
*4 Ynedemory seems to help mortals with needs more than wants. But even if rare there are cases
where the entity patroned wants.

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