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Nama : Anggi Ginastian (2108942)

Kelas : TE 02
MatKul : B.Inggris

Make a review about the movie and the lessons that we can learn from the movie. Minimum
of 150 words. Wrote on Microsoft word, arial or times new roman 12, space 1.5. You can see
the internet for your reference, but you have to write everything by yourself or you will not be
Movie Title : The Pursuit of Happyness

After I watch the movie, I get more lesson for my life. Such how you chase dream that
and make dream that become reality. In the movie “The Pursuit happyness” principal Chris
have character tenacious, want to learn, and always search happiness even though it’s small.
Happiness from the movie, I see if you have dream you can do it and each procces can be
enjoyed and made small happiness. Each procces always exist much people don’t like what
you doing. But it’s procces can makes you better.
This movie also shows that the circumstance that occur make everthing out of control.
From home life, unaccompanied children are free to watch while in day care. The emergence
of financial problem that are getting bigger and make the relationship become disconnected.
And last loss of happiness that was previously obtained. In building his reputation, what Chris
did was not share his life problem with other.
He always lokk fine, and tried ti find a solution myself. In time 6 month, He was also
required to complete his task quickly so that he could line in the homeless house he got in the
fist place he could live in that place. Chris is required to be a super disciplined person. He can
find as many relationships as possible because he is always grateful to him for something he
gets, even if it small. He also does not hesitate to apologize when he feel guilty to anyone to
improve his reputation.
But, this film also has some flaw that should be corrected in real life. Like, a lack of
patience in carrying out their activities and a lack of humanity when looking at social
conditions. Too focused on the desire goal makes oneself turn a blind eye to all circumstance
that exist or are happening, that is also a bad thing for everyone.

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